Description overdue on 11/18/2014
- Latin name: Derinat
- ATC code: L03A
- Active substance: Deoxyribonucleat sodium (Sodium desoxyribonucleate)
- Manufacturer: JSC "AF" Tehnomedservis "Russia
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Derinat: instructions for use
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Derinat children
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
The structure of one milliliter 0 solution, 25% Applied as local and external means include two 5 mg deoxyribonucleat sodium (Sodium desoxyribonucleate) and 1 mg sodium chloride (Sodium chloride).
In one milliliter solution of 1, 5% for intramuscular injection contains 15mg deoxyribonucleat sodium (Sodium desoxyribonucleate) and 1 mg sodium chloride (Sodium chloride).
Product form
The solution has the form of a clear liquid with no color or impurities.
Formulations Derinat:
- solution for use as an external and local means 0, 25%;
- solution for intramuscular injections of 1, 5%.
Pharmacological action
Derinat - a drug immunomodulatory effects Which accelerates tissue repair and regeneration Removes inflammation Stimulates anti-cancer immunity , Having antiallergic action It stimulates natural detoxification immobilisation and decreased concentration toxins .
Moreover, the drug exhibits lymphotropic . kardioprtektivnye and antiischemic properties; properties antioxidant and Membrane ; It has weakly expressed anticoagulant effect .
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
The action is aimed at Derinat stimulation of cellular and humoral immunity , Which in turn optimizes inflammatory reactions and acquired immunity ( specific immune response ) To foreign substances Bacterial . fungal and Viral origin.
Immunomodulatory effect of the drug is determined by its ability to stimulate Activity T- and B-lymphocytes , Activate cells monocyte-macrophage series .
Derinat induces intracellular energy metabolism . RNA and DNA synthesis . Due to the activation of the cellular immune response increased ability natural killer (NK-cells) act on the affected viruses and bacteria cells .
Against the background of the drug in the body activated reparative and regenerative processes ; normal state of tissues and organs in the degenerative processes Caused by vascular disorders; reduced susceptibility of cells to the damaging effect of chemotherapy and radiation therapy; It increases the body's resistance to various Infections ; stimulated detoxification function of the lymphatic system ; improves contractile function infarction ; prevented the death of heart muscle cells ( cardiomyocytes ); increased physical rabotospsobnost.
Derinat promotes excretion of free radicals , Accelerates wound healing (including inter alia pus and infected wounds ) deep burns (while improving performance indicators regeneration and scarring of tissue epithelialization ) trophic ulcers .
Under the influence of the drug occurs bezrubtsovoe recovery when restoring mucosal ulcers.
Derinat not cause any disturbance of fetal development and morphological abnormalities in the fetus. Also, it does not have a carcinogenic effect.
When used as a topical agent is rapidly absorbed. The main way of transport of the active substance in organs and tissues - endolymphatic. At the stage of intensive arrival deoxyribonucleat sodium in parallel with the circulation metabolism and elimination of redistribution between erythrocytes . leukocytes . Platelet and plasma .
Metabolism occurs in the body. Metabolites displayed partial intestinal contents, and mainly depending on biexponential urine.
As an independent agent solution is shown:
- at ARI ;
- for the prophylaxis and treatment of SARS ;
- treatment inflammatory, chronic inflammatory and degenerative eye diseases ;
- treatment inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth .
In combination with other medications prescribed to treat Derinat:
- occurring in the chronic form inflammatory diseases , and bacterial . fungal and other infections in gynecology ;
- occurring in acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract (eg, rhinitis or sinusitis );
- difficult healing and infected wounds . trophic ulcers (including but not limited unhealed sores at diabetes );
- gangrene ;
- frostbite . burns ;
- Hemorrhoids ;
- necrosis of the skin and mucous Provoked by radiation therapy.
Intramuscularly administered Derinat:
- to stimulate the function of blood ( hematopoiesis );
- in the treatment of radiation injury ;
- in the case of myelodepression (oppression of bone marrow hematopoiesis) and resistance to cytotoxic drugs, manifested in patients with cancer in the background cytostatic and / or radiation antitumor therapy ;
- treatment stomatitis Provoked cytostatic anti-tumor therapy;
- at CHD ;
- at stomach ulcer ;
- at ulcer 12 intestines tiperstnoj ;
- OZNK at stages I and II;
- for the treatment of difficult healing wounds and trophic skin lesions ( burns . ulcers . bedsores etc.);
- treatment odontogenic sepsis Complicated purulent resorptive fever ;
- at rheumatoid arthritis ;
- treatment diseases of the urogenital tract Caused activity chlamydia, mycoplasma . ureaplasmas ;
- at burn disease ;
- at prostatitis ;
- at endometritis ;
- at COPD and pulmonary tuberculosis .
As an independent agent Derinat injections are also used in surgical practice, assigning them patients in pre- and postoperatively.
Injections and drops Derinat have no other contraindications, except for patient intolerance of its constituent components.
Side effects
Application at Derinat sphacelism provokes spontaneous rejection necrotic tissue in the centers of rejection, which is accompanied by reduction skin .
Patients with open wounds and burns, use of the drug makes it possible to reduce some of the pain intensity.
The rapid introduction of the solution into the muscle provokes mild soreness at the injection site (such a reaction does not require the appointment of a special treatment).
In some cases, several hours after injection, the temperature may briefly rise to 38 ° C. To reduce its prescribed symptomatic agents, for example, analgene . diphenhydramine etc..
Patients with diabetes can manifest hypoglycemic effect drug. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the performance of the concentration of sugar in the blood.
Derinat: instructions for use
The solution was used as the local and external means used in the form of eye drops, nose drops, gargles, micro enema, irrigation applications.
The drug is designed to treat children (and children it can be administered on the first day of life) and adult patients.
Treatment derinatom can be combined with other medications in the form of tablets, ointments, solutions for injections.
Instructions for use Derinat as a rinse, applications, irrigations and mikroklizm
Diseases of the oral mucosa rinses treated with Derinat (one vial of solution is enough for one or two rinsing). The multiplicity of procedures - from 4 to 6 times a day. Do they need to be for 5-10 days.
For treatment of chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases in gynecology appointed by the intravaginal administration of the drug with irrigation cervix or intravaginal administration of tampons soaked in a solution with the drug.
To perform a procedure requires 5 ml Derinat. The multiplicity of procedures - 1-2 day course of treatment is 10 to 14 days.
With hemorrhoids shown in microclysters rectum . For one procedure takes from 15 to 40 ml. Duration of treatment - from 4 to 10 days.
With ophthalmic diseases Accompanied by inflammatory and degenerative processes , Derinat prescribed instilled into the eye during 14-15 days 2 or 3 times a day, one or two drops.
With necrosis of the skin and mucous membranes Provoked by exposure at difficult healing wounds . trophic ulcers of different origin, frostbite . burns . gangrene the affected areas should apply a sterile dressing out the application (using the folded in two layers of gauze) coated with a solution.
Applications do 3-4 times a day. It is also allowed to handle defeat with Derinat in the form of a spray. The preparation is sprayed four or five times a day. Variuretsya single dose in the range of 10 to 40 ml. The duration of treatment ranged from 1 to 3 months.
The drops in the nose Derinat: instructions for use
To prevention of respiratory viral infections Derinat nose drops instilled into each nostril two with a multiplicity of applications from 2 to 4 times a day. Duration of treatment from one to two weeks.
When cold symptoms the first day is recommended to bury two or three drops in each nostril every hour and a half. Next, the treatment continues, digging for a month for two or three drops in each nostril. The multiplicity instillation - 3-4 times a day.
Treatment of paranasal sinuses inflammatory diseases and nasal involves the introduction of over one to two weeks, 4-6 times a day for three to five drops in each nostril.
With OZNK in six months it is recommended to dig 6 times a day, one or two drops in each nostril.
Injections Derinat: instructions for use
Derinat average single dose for an adult is 5 ml 1, 5% (equivalent to 75 mg). To reduce the pain medication is recommended to inject into the muscle for one to two minutes, keeping intervals between injections of 24-72 hours.
Frequency of administration and the interval between injections depend on the patient's diagnosis. Thus, when coronary artery disease 10 injections administered once every 2 or 3 days (48-72 hours). Patients with stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer 5 shows injections with an interval of 48 hours.
Cancer patients - from 3 to 10 injections at an interval of 1-3 days .. The Andrology (for example, when prostatitis ) And in gynecology (for fibroids . salpingitis etc.) - 10 injections at an interval of 1-3 days .. Patients with Tuberculosis - 10-15 injections with an interval of 1-2 days ..
With acute inflammatory diseases occurring recommended to 3 to 5 injections with an interval of 1-3 days .. When inflammatory diseases Occurring in the chronic form of make 5 injections every 24 hours, then - another 5 injections every 72 hours.
The instructions for use Derinat children indicated that the multiplicity of intramuscular injection of a solution for the child is the same as for adult patients.
For children under the age of two years, the average single dose of a solution of 1, 5 mL of 0.5% (equivalent to 7, 5 mg). Children 2 to 10 years, the single dose is determined based on a solution of 0.5 ml each year of life.
Inhalation Derinat
The inhaled drug is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system: tonsillitis . asthma . hay fever . adenoids . allergies . For inhalation solution in ampoules were mixed with saline in the ratio 1: 4 (or 1 ml Derinat 4 ml of saline).
A full course of treatment is 10 procedures for a duration of 5 minutes each. Spending treatment should be 2 times a day.
Cases of drug overdose has not been fixed.
When topically applied drug is not compatible with hydrogen peroxide and ointments created on fat basis.
Use of the drug in combination with a basic therapy enhances the therapeutic effect and reduce the treatment duration. It also gives an opportunity to reduce the dose antibiotics and antiviral drugs .
Against the background of Derinat increases the effectiveness of therapy antitumour antibiotics anthracyclines and n itostaticheskimi drugs ; potentiated the effect of basic therapy, administered to patients with ulcer ; reduced iatrogenic drugs prescribed for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (up to 50-70%, which is also accompanied by an improvement in a number of complex indicators of disease activity).
In cases where surgical infection provokes sepsis Introduction Derinat in the combined therapy allows you to:
- reduce the level of intoxication;
- increase the activity of the immune system;
- normalize the function of hematopoiesis;
- improve the performance of the agencies involved in the excretion of toxins.
Terms of sale
Solution for local application refers to a category of drugs without prescription. The solution for injection is released from pharmacies by prescription.
Storage conditions
The drug should be stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 4 ° to 20 ° C. The contents of opened vials should be used within two weeks. Keep away from children.
Shelf life
5 years
Before you make an injection Derinat, vial should be warmed in the hand to body temperature. To injection was less painful solution administered slowly (over one or two minutes).
Analogs Derinat
Structural analogues Derinat - a drug Panagia . Dezoksinat . Sodium deoxyribonucleat .
On the market there are a huge number of drugs with similar action with Derinat: Grippferon . Anaferon . Viferon . Orvirem . Oscillococcinum etc..
Derinat or Grippferon - which is better?
This question often arises from the many mothers who are trying to protect the child from Flu and SARS . Preparations are incomplete analogy, but it is very similar in therapeutic effect and indications.
In terms of composition and origin of products are very different, however, immunomodulatory . antiviral and anti-inflammatory and in Grippferon And providing derinatom biologically active proteins .
Some tend to believe Derinat somewhat more effective medicine than Grippferon It is more potent immunomodulator and characterized by a broad spectrum of activity. This explains the presence of Derinat dosage form for intramuscular injection ( Grippferon produced only in the form of drops or nasal spray).
It should be remembered, however, that when it comes to health, self unacceptable, and the final decision on the appointment of a drug takes the doctor, because the same product to different patients can act differently.
Derinat children
The action is aimed at improving drug activity immune cells . For this reason, it is often prescribed for children, subject to frequent colds .
Research and reviews of Derinat drops for children and a solution for injection Derinat indicate that both of these formulations are well tolerated by children, have virtually no contraindications and rarely cause undesirable side reactions.
This allows you to use the drug for the treatment of children of different ages, including newborns from the first days of life.
For treatment upper respiratory tract infections children prescribed inhalation Derinat. Nose drops for children are shown as therapeutic and prophylactic agent for rhinitis . sinusitis . SARS . Flu etc..
Typically, as a preventive measure instill 1-3 drops in each nostril. If the drug is used to treat a child, the dose was increased to 3-5 drops. The frequency of administration can be every hour and a half.
If you have problems with adenoids At rhinitis or sinusitis the most effective treatment Derinat plugging of the nasal passages is dipped in a solution with a cotton swab with a multiplicity of procedures, 6 times a day.
If a child is exposed conjunctivitis and other pyoinflammatory ophthalmic diseases , User is recommended to bury solution conjunctival sac 1-2 affected eye drops three times per day.
Cropped inflammation of the oral mucosa or gum You can rinses with Derinat. If the child is too small and can not rinse your mouth, mucous treated several times a day with gauze soaked in the solution.
In the treatment solution is often prescribed for the treatment of vulvovaginitis girls, accompanied by perianal itching and intestinal disorders helminthiasis . Wounds . burns and frostbite .
Derinat during pregnancy and lactation
Injections and drops when Derinat pregnancy and breastfeeding appoint vital signs, and only in those cases when you can not find a specific alternative methods of treatment of the disease.
Reviews Derinat
Reviews of preparation (and, in particular, opinions about Derinat for children) are contradictory: some praised it, noting the high performance and ease of use, somebody calls it quite expensive "empty shell."
Restorative immunity means - is a complex topic. On the one hand, the pharmaceutical market is sufficiently representative of a large number of immunomodulators , Differing both in strength and in the ways of influence on the organism.
On the other hand, when trying to assess the real effectiveness of these drugs, a number of difficulties, since it is impossible to know how the body would react to this or that disease without stimulation own immunity .
The main advantages of the drug - its naturalness, security and ease of use, so it is prescribed, even for infants. However, some doctors in a review about the drug warns that its security today is still not fully understood.
Reviews injections Derinat and reviews of Derinat drops, leaves the patient more optimistic: the vast majority of patients say that the use of drops and injections, and makes it quite quickly remove the symptoms of the disease and reduce the likelihood of its recurrence.
In gynecology shots often included in the treatment regimen at inflammatory diseases and tumor processes . And doctors and patients suggest that, in some cases as a result of therapy, tumors begin to decrease after one or two injections.
Studies have shown efficacy in the treatment of inflammation and pseudo cervix . In addition, Derinat exhibits properties at Universal immunocorrector hormone-dependent endometrial hyperplasia .
The treatment allows them to obtain a sufficiently high percentage of recovery from . . . Chlamydia and Endometriosis .
immune system
. rhinitis . sinusitis . . asthma and
Flu and SARS .
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