Saturday, July 7, 2018


Description overdue on 12-12-2011

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 Vidisik  The composition of the drug Vidisik   (ocular gel) as the active substance included Carbomer As other ingredients - sorbitol . cetrimide Sodium hydroxide and water. Vidisik is an ophthalmic vehicle, preparation of artificial tears . After instillation into the eye, it forms a protective film on the cornea, which has moisturizing properties. The gel may be used for replacing the aqueous phase of the tear fluid, while it creates a simulation mucin layer , Creates the effect of moisture for the conjunctiva and cornea. Vidisik prevents the formation of epithelial damage and accelerates the regeneration of the epithelium. This tool does not accumulate in the body tissues and does not penetrate into the eye. On the surface of the eye means may be no more than 90 minutes.

Indications and methods of use of the drug:

Vidisik drug is prescribed for patients with insufficient production of tear fluid, as well as those who have been dry eye syndrome . The drug must drop in each eye one drop, the lower drip need conjunctival sac . Apply Vidisik can be three to five times a day. The number of applications per day to be determined, guided by the severity of the complaints and their severity. Before bedtime medication should be used for thirty minutes. Treatment may continue for a long period. People with complaints of sicca use Vidisik long period, due to the general state of the patient should periodically monitor specialist, adjusting the dose.

Contraindications and side effects:

Do not use the drug Vidisik people who have been highly sensitive to its components. Very carefully, you need to use the drug to pregnant women and nursing mothers.

As the side-effects of this drug may occur a number of allergic reactions. Because content preservative cetrimide   sometimes seen burning sensation and irritation in the eyes, foreign body sensation in the eye. Also, it may be transient blurred vision. About overdosing Vidisik no data.

Specific recommendations:

During treatment with the drug is not recommended soft contact lenses . Those who wear contact lenses, it is recommended to remove them before applying eye gel. Set lens can only fifteen minutes after instillation of the drug. After each use, the gel must be sure to close the tube. We can not allow the pipette tip to touch the surface of the eye. During therapy with this drug should not engage in activities that require concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

During pregnancy and lactation the use of the drug is allowed, but it should be used only after consultation with a specialist, which must carefully weigh the need for its use and potential risks.

If the patient receives the treatment in parallel via further local therapy, should adhere to at least a five-minute interval between application Vidisik and other means. This Vidisik applied last.

Storage preparation is carried out according to the rules applicable to the list B. In this temperature range should be between 2 ° to 30 ° C. Shelf life Vidisik - three years. After the tube is opened with the drug, it should be used for six weeks. Pharmacies Vidisik drug sold without prescription.

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