Thursday, July 5, 2018

Vaccine for Children

September 25, 2011

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 Vaccine for Children  Vaccine   - One of the main methods for the prevention of complex diseases of epidemic character. With such an opportunity to avoid the prevention of many diseases that threaten human life.

In our country acts immunization schedule . It is much like a vaccination calendars, which are in most civilized countries. This document intervals between doses are adjusted so that the immune system of children developed and strengthened as much as possible. Vaccinations can be divided into three categories: mandatory . preventive   and voluntary .

There are also several types of vaccines:

The first type - live vaccines . This vaccine for children that contain attenuated live microorganisms. These include BCG   and vaccination Polio .

The second type - inactivated vaccines . They operate on the basis of killed microorganisms. This vaccination pertussis . Hepatitis A   and polio.

The third kind - Chemical vaccine . They contain only a portion of the pathogen. This vaccination meningococcal infection . Haemophilus influenzae . pertussis .

The Fourth Kind - toxoids . Their action is based on the poison produced by the bacteria, which has lost its toxic properties, but is capable of inducing immunity. Thus prevention is carried out Tetanus   and Diphtheria .

The fifth type - Associated vaccine . They consist of components of different types. Examples include vaccine DTP   and MMP II .

The important question of Use combined vaccine . They allow you to reduce the cost of immunization and increase vaccination coverage of residents. Immunization with these vaccines against both Mumps . Measles   and Rubella   held for all children.

Terms of vaccine prophylaxis in children

 Vaccine for Children  It is a mistake to believe that all vaccinations are carried out under the same conditions. On the contrary, the development of immunity to the disease of each individual requires a special approach. Below are some of the rules that relate to the most common in our country vaccinations.

1. Vaccinations against tuberculosis   carried out on different days with other vaccines. Revaccination against TB   (BCG) is children aged 7 - 15 years, in which the result Mantoux   negative.

2. Hepatitis B vaccination   carried all newborns, it can be carried vaccine In Enzheriks .

3. The interval between the first three DTP   It is 30 days and between the third and the next should be at least a year. For the prevention of diseases such as whooping cough, tetanus, polio, diphtheria, hepatitis B combination vaccines are used with different combinations of antigens.

4. IPV or inactivated vaccine   commonly used in the first two vaccinations, but in case of contraindications can be used for subsequent vaccinations against polio.

5. Prophylaxis against Hib-infection   It implemented both mono- and often combined vaccines. For initial vaccination is recommended to use combination vaccines that have Hib-component .

6. rubella, measles and mumps grafted combined vaccine   (CCP) in 12 months. Revaccination is carried out in 6 years. Children who, for whatever reason, have not been vaccinated against mumps, measles and rubella at 12 months and 6 years, vaccinate up to 18 years. 15-year-old children who are not vaccinated against rubella and mumps, are vaccinated against mumps (for boys) or rubella (for girls). All unvaccinated children older than 18 years vaccinated with a single dose of up to 30 years.

Vaccines for children

 Vaccine for Children  The first vaccination is being done every newborn in the maternity hospital - a vaccination against hepatitis B. This vaccination is especially important for those children whose mother she is a carrier Antigen . In this case, the child shall receive the first dose no more than 12 hours after birth, and then - in 1, 2 and 12 months. Children, mothers that do not carry the virus, vaccinated general scheme recorded in the vaccination schedule: the first day of life, 1 month and 6 months. These children vaccinated against hepatitis B is usually combined with vaccines against other diseases.

BCG vaccine protects the child from tuberculosis. It is imperative that such protection was in children from birth.

DTP vaccine protects children against diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus. These diseases are very difficult to proceed just in newborns. That is why the DTP has been held since 3 months and then at 4 months and 5 months, and revaccination is carried out in 18 months.

Today, there were the so-called acellular vaccines . They benefit greatly before the whole-cell DTP vaccine. They are less likely to cause adverse reactions after vaccination and have a long-term immunity.

Vaccination against polio in two vaccine - IPV and OPV. Inactivated more effective because it is injected intramuscularly and allows precise dosing. She and more secure when it comes to adverse reactions to the vaccine, as the disease-it is already dead, and OPV - alive.

In many countries prevent children from Haemophilus influenzae . The most dangerous type of infectious bacteria is Hib. It can cause serious diseases such as the meningitis , Pneumonia, respiratory diseases, osteomyelitis , Septic arthritis Sepsis. As the immature child's organism without vaccination can not adequately resist the disease, occur frequently fatal. Hib infection is a major cause of death of young children.

Today vaccine against Hib infection is used in the schedule of preventive vaccinations in most countries. Through its use, virtually eliminated one of the most dangerous forms - purulent meningitis . Thanks to vaccination annually saved about 3 million children's lives.

Mumps, measles and rubella are often sick children, these diseases can lead to complications such as loss of hearing and vision, encephalitis Defeat genitals. Vaccination should be carried out only in designated offices for preventive vaccination, which should have everything for first aid. Before the implementation of vaccination medical professional should carefully verify that the signature on the packaging of the vaccine for children and on the vial, and their integrity. If the leak is broken, there is no marking on the label information or violated the conditions of storage and shelf life - a vaccine drug use is prohibited.

The vials of vaccine can only be opened immediately prior to its application, the content used without delay. Unencumbered balances of vaccines destroyed by boiling or maceration in disinfection solutions .

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