Saturday, July 21, 2018

Foodborne diseases

February 8, 2012

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 Foodborne diseases  Food poisoning   This food poisoning which may be caused by not only producing bacteria Toxins But also toxins, if they are contained in the food. Once in the body along with the food consumed, the bacteria "activated" by producing substances harmful to the human body. There are cases when several people got sick if they eat foods, initially containing bacteria and toxins.

That is, if people ate the same food, and their state of health has deteriorated significantly over time, we are talking about group poisoning disease . Since food poisoning similar to other poisoning symptoms and methods of treatment are largely the same. Essentially disease does not have any serious complications except that causes diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration. However, if time does not help someone who was ill, the consequences can be very unpredictable.

The bacteria that cause poisoning

Poisoning may occur for several reasons, chief among them - Exposure to the bacteria that produce toxins. The most common causative agents of food poisoning are:

Aurococcus   - Bacteria, toxin that affects the intestines. Given that this is one of the most common bacteria, then it can be contained in anything, while constantly being in the environment that surrounds us. Most often it is in the products, edible (this medium is most suitable for the bacteria). Thus, food left in the room with room temperature will be virtually the ideal environment in which most staphylococcus predisposed to reproduce.

Bacillus cereus   - It appears mainly in rice undercooked, while, like most bacteria propagated at room temperature. It is one of the most harmful bacteria, because it does not destabilize even when re-boiling.

Symptoms of food poisoning

 Foodborne diseases  Symptoms of food poisoning can manifest itself in different people in a completely different time. This is due to the fact that the immune system of each person is functioning in its own way. Despite this, the period of the incubation period (time during which the bacteria and / or toxins interact with the body) is less than sixteen hours.

The main symptoms include: body temperature rises to 38-39 ° C (but not always) can begin headaches, the patient feels very weak. Despite this, the most obvious signs of bowel will toksikoifektsii diarrhea   and vomiting . Together with vomiting occurs and a strong feeling of nausea, usually after the patient to vomit, it becomes easier. Diarrhea consistency is very watery, there may be more than ten times per day, while the patient is experiencing pain in the navel.

Both symptoms may occur in one and the same time, or displayed independently. It should be noted that the symptoms vary depending on which character are the causative agents of foodborne diseases. If you notice any of these symptoms, the patient needs to be done washing stomach And call an ambulance. If time does not provide medical care, complications can occur, one of which is intestinal dysbiosis .

It should be noted, and such a symptom as dehydration . Dehydration occurs after vomiting and diarrhea. Clear signs obezvozhivaniya- occurrence of dry mouth, descendants excessive thirst , Limb spasms, increased heart rate, and can grow hoarse voice.

Dehydration with food poisoning has several stages, which, in turn, develop as a consequence of vomiting or diarrhea. There are 4 stages of dehydration, but the third and fourth stage does not arise in the poisoning. Most often, the 3rd and 4th stages are shown at cholera .

1st stage   - The body loses one to three percent of the water relative to its mass. Skin and mucous membrane does not lose its moisture. At the same time the moisture in the body must be replenished. Missing one or two glasses of water per hour.

Stage 2   - The body loses between four and six percent moisture. The man thus experiencing very strong thirst. The mucosa of the nose and mouth are dry. The voice may be hoarse, and limbs are experiencing convulsions. The skin becomes less elastic. The required amount of water can restore the water taking orally, but it is only valid if no convulsions. When they occur, immediately call the ambulance.

Preventing food poisoning

 Foodborne diseases  Prevention of food poisoning in the first place is that it is necessary Wash hands before eating . It should also monitor the quality of food that is used. That is, paying attention to the state of the products, their shelf life, without leaving them for a long time in a warm environment, previously covered with nothing.

When traveling to the southern part of the country it is necessary to see which diseases are most common. If some of them are intestinal diseases caused by poisoning and E. coli, it is not recommended to buy fast food from vendors on the street.

As a rule, in the Third World the most common bowel disease is dysentery . In restaurants, it is desirable to refrain from eating salads, cocktails with ice or cold snacks. At the same time drink only boiled water. If you drink tap water, likely to get almost any bowel disease increases significantly. We should not forget that in addition to poisoning the raw water can carry a parasite eggs, which is why the water you drink should be boiled.

Treatment of food poisoning

Treatment of food poisoning in the following manner. It is necessary to produce a gastric lavage and make up the moisture in the body. However, after diarrhea and vomiting is required to fill not only the moisture, but also vitamins, the number of which in the body is markedly reduced.

As for moisture, while the 1st and 2nd stages of dehydration you should drink at least a liter of water for an hour. The volume of renewable water depends on the degree of dehydration. If dehydration - the first stage, the amount of renewable water should be 30-50 ml per kilogram of body weight.

If dehydration 2nd stage intake moisture should be from 40 to 80 ml per kilogram of body weight. Consume orally moisture should be only in small sips. However, if the patient's sick, the water should pour a tablespoon of using every few minutes. Thus it is possible that due to nausea will be possible to drink. In this case, you want to immediately seek medical help. Since dehydration with food poisoning can only develop up to two stages, if the time to provide the necessary assistance and to replenish the moisture in your body, no complications should not be.

During the poisoning of any nature to the patient must be taken sorbents This will help bring the body of toxins. For this fit Activated carbon And a number of sorbent products such as Polyphepanum   or smectite . Sorbent drugs usually taken three times a day. Treatment of food poisoning, as well as the appointment of drugs should be carried out by doctors, otherwise there is a chance to make the situation worse.

If there is pain in the stomach, you can take pain medication tableted 3 times a day (no more pills at a time). It should be noted that while food poisoning are contraindicated to the use of antibiotic drugs character (antibiotics), as agents, are included in its composition, not only do not help, but may aggravate the situation, preventing toxins from the body.

Diet for food poisoning

 Foodborne diseases  Diet for food poisoning is a necessary measure. In the first place it is necessary to exclude from the diseased fatty foods, foods with a high content of fats and carbohydrates, are also products that can cause flatulence (generally harmful food possesses all the above properties).

You can eat cereal, boiled meat, boiled eggs, crackers, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat soups, cooked vegetables (in the case of adding them to the soup). Recommended products are also rice, semolina, buckwheat porridge, cooked in water. In no case should not eat fried foods (fried potatoes, chicken grills, burgers, steak, fried eggs), flour food (fresh bread, pasta, spaghetti, bread), legumes (beans, peas), sweet (candy, cookies chocolate, condensed milk). Exclude need to be coffee, soda, cold drinks. Diet for food poisoning should be administered or a doctor, or nutritionist .

If the prevention of food poisoning observed and constantly take the necessary measures, likely to get reduced to almost zero. However, the possible consequences of its non-compliance can be very dangerous. Sometimes for ordinary poisoning can take and serious illness, the consequences of such errors can be irreversible, it is possible that they will lead to even death. Many diseases of the esophagus arise because of unhealthy diet or eating low-quality products.

In this connection, it is strongly recommended to carefully choose the foods and check their expiration date. Since the symptoms of food poisoning is essentially similar to the symptoms so many other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is still recommended to seek medical advice.

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