Description overdue on 09/13/2014
- Latin name: Zyllt
- ATC code: B01AC04
- Active substance: Clopidogrel (Clopidogrel)
- Manufacturer: "Company" Krka-RUS "(Russia)
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications Zilta
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Tablets Zilt, instructions for use (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Babies
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
As part of a tablet formulation Zilt 97 is present, eight milligrams clopidogrel hydrogen sulfate . When calculating in the clopidogrel (Clopidogrel) one tablet of this medication contains 75 milligrams of active drug compound.
Besides Zilt comprises auxiliary components such as: Hydrogenated castor oil (4 mg.) pregelatinized starch (12 mg.) Anhydrous lactose (108, 1 mg.), microcrystalline cellulose (30 mg.) And Macrogol 6000 (8 mg.).
The composition of the film coating the tableted medicament contains the following elements: propylene glycol (0, 4 mg.) Valium (5, 6 mg.) red iron oxide (0, 04 mg.) titanium dioxide (1, 46 mg.) And talc (0, 5 mg.).
Product form
Tablets having the rounded shape of biconvex, pink film coated liner which is packaged in blisters to 7 pieces in each was then placed in a cardboard box 2, 4 or 12 blisters. When cross-sectional pills Zilta can see a rough mass of white coated.
Pharmacological action
Zilt apply to medicines that have on the human body antiagregatine impact .
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
The so-called prodrug clopidogrel in its chemical structure refers to the active metabolite It is an inhibitor of platelet aggregation . Drug compound It inhibits in selective mode binding adenosine diphosphate (abbreviated ADP . ie free nucleotides In the chemical composition of which includes phosphoric acid, ribose, and adenine ) from platelet P2Y12 receptor .
In addition to the drug affects the mediated ADP activation of the GPIIb / IIIa (glycoprotein complex) , thereby inhibiting platelet aggregation . It is noteworthy that the process platelet aggregation irreversible and is not suspended during their life cycle, which normally lasts from 7 to 10 days. This means that recovery functionality Platelet It occurs simultaneously with updating them.
Since under the influence ADP blockade enhanced platelet activation . aggregation Platelet may also occur, provided they inducing other than ADP agonist . Upon receiving a given drug falls the effectiveness of ADP Which is produced in each active platelet. Noticeable inhibition of platelet aggregation It can be observed in the first day dosing at a dose of 75 mg.
After five days after the last dose platelet aggregation As well as the duration of bleeding is restored to its previous level. The drug helps to prevent the development of complications atherothrombotic nature in patients who suffer from atherosclerosis . Especially effective in lesions Zilt peripheral, cerebral, and coronary artery .
A single daily dose Zilt (75 mg.) Is rapidly absorbed. Maximum concentration in the blood clopidogrel achieved after 45 minutes. Kidneys output half of the drug from the organism, intestines - His other half.
Indications Zilta
Indications for use Zilta are the following cases:
- prevention complications atherothrombotic type in patients who have recently had myocardial infarction And after stroke ;
- arterial disease ;
- sharp Coronary Syndrome .
It should be noted that the drug used in the treatment of the two groups of patients with coronary syndrome:
- when lifting ST segment Ie in the case of the so-called acute myocardial ;
- in unstable angina And when Q-wave myocardial infarction without When there is no lifting segment ST.
Furthermore, Zilt used in combination with acetylsalicylic acid at tromboliticescom therapeutic treatment of patients.
Zilt is contraindicated in:
- at hypersensitivity ;
- acute forms bleeding eg, intracranial hemorrhage;
- at abnormal liver function;
- at lactose intolerance ;
- at lactase deficiency ;
- during pregnancy and between breast-feeding ;
- patients under 18 years.
Precautions should be taking the drug in the first days after the heart attack . Since actively operating components that make up the Zilta reinforce bleeding it should not be given to patients after an surgery . severe injury or other pathological conditions . The same rule is followed with respect to patients with impaired renal function, ulcer And when liver failure.
Side effects
In applying the drug may rarely occur such general and specific side effects nervous, respiratory, muscular, cardiovascular and autonomic system, and of the blood, gastrointestinal tract and feelings as:
- chest pain;
- hernia;
- dizziness;
- syncope;
- hypersensitivity;
- heart failure;
- paresthesia;
- headache;
- peripheral edema;
- dispersion;
- vomiting;
- gastritis or ulcer;
- hepatitis;
- diarrhea;
- anemia;
- agranulocytosis;
- neutropenia;
- taste disturbance;
- Purpura;
- epistaxis;
- stomach bleeding;
- intracranial hemorrhage;
- hemothorax;
- arthralgia;
- arthritis;
- shortness of breath;
- pneumonia;
- rhinitis;
- sinusitis;
- arthritis;
- cystitis;
- cataracts;
- hives;
- conjunctivitis;
- dermatitis;
- eczema;
- a rash on the skin;
- Bleeding in the urinary tract;
- bronchitis and cough.
In addition, while taking the drug Zilt identified isolated cases of such side effects as: membranous nephropathy, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, uremic syndrome , and bronchospasm .
Tablets Zilt, instructions for use (method and dosage)
In accordance with the instructions for use Zilta take medicine without food at the dosage depends on the severity of the disease, the health status of the patient and the doctor's recommendations.
In the treatment of the consequences heart attacks and strokes Zilt take one tablet (75 mg.) Once a day. At angina, coronary syndrome without lift ST segment a and Q-wave myocardial infarction without treatment begins with a single drug administration in a so-called loading dose that is equal to 300 mg. Subsequently, the patient receives 75 mg. medicament. The course of treatment can be up to 12 months, with a positive effect was observed for the third month of receiving Zilta.
Patients with heart attack when lifting Of ST It is also recommended at the beginning of the treatment to take a loading dose in combination with acetylsalicylic acid And then taking 75 mg. the drug daily. It should be emphasized that the treatment of patients over 75 years initial loading dose is not applicable.
Repeated excess dosage of the drug may show symptoms of hemorrhagic complications.
Zilt is not recommended in conjunction with thrombolytic agents, and Warfarin and heparin As part of the drug clopidogrel increases the risk of bleeding . The drug affects the efficiency acetylsalicylic acid .
For this reason, co-continuous treatment with two drugs listed above should be carried out within a maximum of 12 months. The risk of developing ulcerative diseases increases at a joint reception and Zilta anti-inflammatory drugs Which do not contain in its composition Steroids .
Before the drug with Tolbutaminom and phenytoin possible increase in blood levels CY2C9 (cytochrome P450 enzyme) besides Zilt inhibits Activity of enzyme .
Terms of sale
Purchase of medicines in pharmacies by prescription only.
Storage conditions
Temperature range of storage - 25 ° C. Keep out of reach of children.
Shelf life
3 years
The drug increases the duration bleeding , So it should be used with extreme caution in patients who have a risk of bleeding, for example, after operations, traumas and other pathological conditions. During treatment with Zilta should exercise control over such indicators hemostasis the activity and the number of Platelet .
The drug has no effect on the ability to drive and does not reduce the reaction when working with potentially dangerous machines or devices.
Analogs Zilta
Aspirin Cardio
The main counterparts of the drug Zilt include the following drugs:
- Agregal;
- Detromb;
- Kardutol;
- Klopideks;
- Klopilet;
- Listab 75;
- Deplatt-75;
- Kardogrel;
- Klopigrant;
- Clopidogrel;
- Lirta;
- Plavix;
- Targetek;
- Lopirel;
- Plagril;
- Egitromb;
- Trocken;
- Plogrel;
- Trombeks.
It is also noteworthy that the price of analogues Zilta sometimes several times higher, or vice versa lower than the cost of the original drug.
Zilt or Plavix is better?
Often the question is raised on the forums about the effectiveness of both drugs. Some patients and doctors are of the opinion that Zilt at least 10% less effective than Plavix. Others argue that both drugs are equally affected, since they have an identical chemical composition, only Plavix It stands almost twice larger than the analogue competes with them.
Not recommended for use in patients under 18 years.
During pregnancy (and lactation)
The drug is to prevent negative consequences for the health of the mother and the child's development should not be used in the treatment of pregnant women. Since clopidogrel can pass into breast milk during lactation should not take Zilt.
Reviews Zilte
The bulk of the patients leave positive feedback Zilte, noting the effectiveness of the drug and its affordable price. However, many faced with the side effects of the drug, which, by the way, in most cases go away a short time after starting the drug, when the body adapts to the therapy.
Price Zilta where to buy
The cost of the drug depends on the region, but the average price Zilta (75 mg. Tablets 14 pcs.) Is in the range of 550-600 rubles.
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