Friday, February 23, 2018

Man and woman

October 5, 2011

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 Man and woman  Male   and Female Like the two poles of the Earth, the two sides of the compass, often opposed to each other. Often man and woman complement each other, and their relationship seemed filled with an inner light, warmth and intimacy. But quite often the relationship between the sexes become a cause for treatment to a psychologist and the search for answers to the most inaccessible to human perception issues. Remember that in relationships with the opposite sex We often fully open, so often find ourselves so vulnerable. All relationship problems are perceived very painful, and there is a feeling as if even the skin laid bare. However, not only to maintain the relationship with your loved one, but also to bring them to a radically new level, you must analyze the situation and look for the cause of misunderstandings, not only in the behavior of your partner, but also confidence.

How to avoid being alone?

Family happiness   - How much heat inherent in this concept, but many people, despite the lengthy searches and can not find your other half, the only and the most loved in his life, which could be shared and adversity, and happiness. Which is why is this happening and can we avoid such unpleasant developments? For starters, realize for yourself, all the surrounding events are often the only external reflection of our thoughts, so we need to look inside yourself and explore your inner reality.

If you have not met a loved one, consider what prevented you find it, as often causes of loneliness   rooted in the inner world of man. Among such factors impeding personal happiness, we can distinguish unclear purposes, the presence of negative experiences in the past, incompleteness previous relationship, contradictory objectives.

How do these negative factors affect the final result - find a reliable partner with whom you have a full understanding? Unclear objectives, when a person does not know what he wants - a happy marriage or just a romantic relationship leads then to the fact that any of our desire, ultimately loses appeal. Only when we formulate for itself dreams come true at the level of its inner truth, we allow it to their desires come true, and not build socially accepted model of behavior. A very desire can be realized even automatically when the inner world of human integrity is different, and it clearly sees an intended target.

Previous negative experience, a painful breakup last a long time fixed in our subconscious, and because quite often the person has not realized the fear of building new relationships . And in this situation internally at the forefront not desire a simple family happiness and the desire to avoid all of that in the future may bring only pain and disappointment. Try to understand that the new relationship will be significantly different from previous experience that they will be completely different, allow yourself the right to happiness and love and convince your subconscious mind to build a successful relationship with another man. And if you still do not know how to avoid being alone, then certainly not to do the steps that lead to it.

What is the incompleteness of a previous relationship? First of all, the importance of previous experience, especially when after breaking up with someone you love your thoughts directed to the past, you are moved to storage important to you things that you subconsciously associate with him. Forget about the old love and affection for the former already former partner, and do not try to compare more than a new relationship with another person from your past experiences and lost loved ones. After parting with the idea that you will never be able to meet such a man as the one who loved - and on your way you will be the only relationship which subsequently eclipsed all previous experience and help you to forget the previous partner.

Let the past remain only in the past, and do not let memories of past influence your present. Despite the warmth and love, mentally say goodbye to your lost love, release it, and be grateful to such a person for the experience, and let your heart there is room for a new and happy future. If you let the memories constantly arise in relations with new partners, it often leads to sexual dysfunction . dissatisfaction   and low self-esteem .

Contradictory goals is one of the causes of loneliness, and are often interrelated two factors - doing personal happiness   and desire for freedom Which are often in conflict with each other. For young people to think about the long-term relationship with a permanent partner, fear of marriage because of the hypothetical risk of losing freedom, here and there infidelity in marital relationships. Among the beautiful half of conflicting objectives often typical for women raising children on their own. As an unmarried girl, a lady wants to have a foothold in life, to be loved and cherished, to remarry. But she feels a subconscious fear that her new marriage will cause direct or indirect harm to the child or in any way affect her relationship with your own child.

Is there a way out of this situation? Of course, yes, but in such a situation must be timely to understand themselves, to understand what your feelings may conflict, and only after a precise analysis to try to change the current situation for the benefit of themselves. Build a relationship with a new partner, so that in your heart there is a place for love, allow yourself to be happy, but at the same time, save for themselves the right to inner freedom.

And then just to dream about the future, imagine a companion or life partner of your dreams, think about what contribution you want to make into a new relationship, and even in your imagination has no room for solitude. Believe that magic is possible, and our thoughts can materialize. To do this, simply place the mentally get a picture in a bubble, better solar golden brown, then imagine how this ball soars into the sky. And just be prepared that is about to happen unusual meeting, quite by accident, just open a new relationship.

Why become a permanent partner to others?

 Man and woman  Many people, after several years spent in marriage, was surprised to notice changes in your partner I am discovering that a loved one was quite different. Becomes noticeable qualities and patterns of behavior, which we sometimes draw attention, as negative . Recalling the day of the wedding, it begins to seem that you linked your life with a totally different person. But this fact is not difficult to explain, because your loved one is hardly changed so much.

Just at a time when your relationship is in its infancy, and moved into a new stage of development, you idealize their partner, being under the strong influence of his own feelings for him. Therefore, the wedding day you will notice a loved one in only his positive qualities, not giving importance to the rest. Not only oblivious to the negative nature of the partner, as you idealize your relationship, the old trust in painted a beautiful picture. Himself partner, trying to appeal to you to discover at the first stage and trigger retaliatory feelings, too, sought to show itself only with the best hand.

After a few years spent in an official or a civil marriage, the emotional intensity is almost always falls down, but with eyes like a veil falls. Finally, the husband appears in his real form, such as it is, with negative qualities and tough character, bad habits, which every day becomes more and more noticeable. At the same time on the actual fact, almost nothing does not change, just the day before yesterday you saw your favorite unshaven, yesterday - tired, but today - angry.

Do not give up, but just try to build with your partner a new relationship and forget about your invented image. Remember that your favorite - a real live people with their weaknesses, and you after a few years of marriage, and also showed its character and other qualities that the wedding hid from prying eyes, as if a mystery. Of course, trying to normalize relations with the partner will have to work hard, but do not shift responsibility for everything that happens to the spouse, and the result is the construction of a new relationship will entirely depend solely on you.

Remember that one of passion and carnal desire to create long-term relationships is not enough. A happy family can only be built in compliance with the three principles - mutual . cooperation   and forgiveness . In addition, try to take a favorite as it is in reality, with its habits and weaknesses, and not try to idealize themselves - after all, you have a lot of qualities that will come not like your loved one.

You can recommend to start with yourself, examine your character and habits, without forgetting about their own interests, allow yourself to be present without feigned idealism. And then try to understand what contribution in the relationship with the spouse you make it, and experiment, giving his wife a maximum of warmth, love and understanding, and the results will not keep you waiting long.

What to do in case of adultery?

Unfortunately,   adultery in the marital relationship   - Are not uncommon, and decide whether or not to save a marriage, many women become difficult question. Although some women are taking such a decision fairly quickly, choosing one of two options - either immediately leave her husband and file for divorce Or keep the family   We continue to try to not even remember what happened. In fact, quite often very hard to understand what I want to really - to leave or to forgive.

Making an attempt to save the family, some wives can no longer understand how to behave on a spouse who suddenly became so strange?

As a rule, after the betrayal is always Negative precipitate , Resentment and burning pain, coldness and mistrust to one who betrayed you. But remember that cheating robs you of something very important in life, if you put your own happiness dependent on a partner. If you move the focus away from the spouse and associate satisfaction with life with some other sensations not connected with her husband, then change it will experience less of an issue.

Matrimonial relations   - It's not your whole life, but only part of it, so analyze all the other components. How should look like your life to decide for you, so leave it for a hobby for the soul, remember your professions Take the time friends Allow yourself recreation . And then, when you have presented a beautiful picture of a happy life of its own, try to paint the small steps that you will move towards you created the image.

Take a look at the relationship with the spouse differently, and then try to fit your vision in the already painted the picture of a happy life. Rate on what aspects you can influence the reality, though often you will be able to change only what is directly connected with you, not with her husband. And change yourself and everyone around you that you really afford to change. Soon you will begin to notice that is changing rapidly, not only you but also your family relationships.

Deciding to save the marriage in a difficult situation, be sure to find the strength to once again take your partner and sincerely forgive him, as a concealed resentment will affect your marriage like a drop that can erode the stone.

As the fear of new relationships affect the loneliness?

 Man and woman  Do you remember a great relationship with the previous partner, the subsequent break and caustic bitterness of parting, long-term pain of such a bereavement? Do not try to convince yourself that you are a self-sufficient person, you are happy and alone, and your life is full of bright events, or to stick to the most remote little corners of your subconscious pinching loneliness from time to time to remind myself.

Remember that the desire to be loved and to give a loved one a piece of his love, it is necessary for both men and women. Therefore, to break past relationships do not need to eliminate in your heart this need, as she did in the subconscious, without clear identification problems will seriously affect the rest of your future life. Of course, trying to drown out the call of the soul, a woman can change the style of life and all its forces to direct the development of their careers, and the man can change partners, like gloves and either create a noncommittal attitude. But the whole perception of life and happiness that you do not reach as love and the desire to be someone needs to be able to replace any career .

To start analyze how the human mind could change if there were poorly established relationship . The human psyche is peculiar to synthesize many of the concepts, and then to quickly and correctly handle the information, so the negative experiences our subconscious perceives as a firm rule. If you have developed a plant that close relationships can lead to severe pain, you subconsciously will seek to avoid them, as a child, spilling over a cup of hot tea for a long time remember the concept of "hot water". But fear is only in the subconscious, while real, is quite aware of the thoughts will tell you something quite different - a successful career building, about self-sufficiency and exclusiveness.

And why such self-sufficiency in the long run, lead to? Only to the feeling that you are alone and unhappy, so it is recommended how to think about the issue, to look inside your soul and try to figure out whether you want to actually start a family and whether it is you really are. Develop your own answer to this question for a while forgetting about the socially accepted social norms and their own fears. This did not imagine the appearance of the future partner and its status, for example, the oligarch, and themselves relationships with them in the context of what you want to see them.

Think about what you want to build a relationship with a new partner - the adoption and boundless love, warmth and mutual respect? Then decide for yourself on what contribution in the establishment of new relations happy it is you are ready, if you draw your imagination picture will be bright and clear, that you set your own subconscious correct coordinates.

You and without analyzing their thoughts clearly realize that terrified the development of new relations in the power of past experiences? Try to remember that everything is new in every situation is different from the old, and the negative experiences should not determine your further future. Unpleasant experience simply overestimated as an important source of information for you, so you can develop a new quality in the future not to make mistakes before, while retaining the right to be wrong.

Think about what safe for yourself steps you can take to follow to meet his love and make them. If you are not yet decide to have an affair with a man you like, do not deny yourself the pleasure to drink a cup of coffee with him, maybe he is - your one and only.

What to do in case of an argument with a partner?

 Man and woman  Quarrels often poisoned relationships with loved ones, they can be compared with a spoon of tar in a barrel of honey. Therefore, you should learn how to guide for a quarrel had arisen in an acceptable for you way. Although relationship problems   - This is quite normal, do not let them grow into a fight with your partner, show its part responsibility   and prudence . Remember, all your quarrels with her husband are on the stereotypical scenario, and about the steps almost always is permanent, so analyze your past quarrels, like looking at them from the side.

This argument is cyclical, every word you say, cue action will trigger similar action or opposition on the part of the partner, so find the culprit in a quarrel not possible - usually both to blame . , and .

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