Thursday, February 1, 2018

Chronic fatigue

January 25, 2012

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 Chronic fatigue  About whether chronic fatigue   illness, or is it just a special condition of the body, which takes place at a certain time, experts argue to this day. However, at present in the world, especially in developed countries, there are many cases fixed manifestations in human chronic fatigue.

This pathology is usually difficult to be diagnosed, and consequently, detected late. As the latest research to effectively treat chronic fatigue condition, it is mandatory to use a comprehensive approach. It is important to simultaneously apply to the use of social and hygienic . clinicodiagnostic . psychological   and therapeutic   therapies.

On the manifestation of a human constant fatigue, accompanied by physical weakness and broken, doctors pointed out at the beginning of the last century. But the modern term " Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ", Which is usually determined this state, the first to use doctors from the United States in 1984.

Symptoms of chronic fatigue

If a patient goes to a doctor complaining of symptoms of fatigue, the person must pay careful attention to the process of diagnosis. It is important to distinguish the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome from normal fatigue. Simple fatigue - it is not a disease, and the usual, expected reaction of the human body on overwork . In this way the body indicates the urgent need for rest and recovery.

In patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, signs of general fatigue, but they arise without proper cause. Fatigue thus very strongly expressed, people feel especially harassed, he can not live and work in a normal rhythm for himself. Signs of fatigue are always very similar to the symptoms of many other illnesses, which is why detection of the disease is quite difficult to pass.

Causes of chronic fatigue

At the moment there is no precise established causes of this condition. However, it is assumed that causes constant fatigue symptoms in humans is adverse environmental conditions, lack of oxygen, abuse stay near the TV or computer, obesity   and a large number stresses Appearing every day. Diseases of mental nature, as a rule, are due to three main reasons: hypodynamia . hyperphagia   and giperpsihii . Physical inactivity - is too low mobility of the person that is the result of a passive lifestyle. Hyperphagia - overeating, owing to which the body receives an excess amount of calories While energy consumption is lowered continuously. Giperpsihiya - is too high demands on the internal reserves of the psyche. Man is constantly in a state of mental overload due to too much information. Chronic fatigue syndrome is often the result of the reasons described above.

The illness is often manifested as a result of the impact on the human environment of the whole complex of conventions, as well as lifestyle.

Symptoms of chronic fatigue

 Chronic fatigue  Accepted provide main   and Small   symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. The main symptoms of this condition we have the following effects. A man suddenly appears a strong debilitating weakness, and after a certain time, he is resting, this condition remains unchanged, besides fatigue progresses. The efficiency of the patient decreases very rapidly and can not be restored after holidays. At the same time no human diseases that could provoke such a state of fatigue.

As a small state of chronic fatigue symptoms of the patient is very long or progressive fatigue, which is expressed especially after a variety of physical activities. Also with chronic fatigue may appear low-temperature fever, sore throat and lymph nodes, migrating joint pain, muscle weakness, and pain in the muscles ( myalgia ). The patient suffers from a variety of sleep disorders - can be as drowsiness or insomnia. Periodically, there are headaches that are unusual in nature, and neurodevelopmental disorders manifest character: high sensitivity to bright light, a manifestation of spots before the eyes, memory loss, inability to concentrate and think just as active as before. It is also possible manifestation depression .

In the process of diagnosis of the disease, doctors pay attention to the duration of the state of constant fatigue. If it lasts more than six months, and there is no connection with other diseases, it is likely that the patient holds it chronic fatigue.

Usually, the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome does not appear suddenly and immediately. In most cases, chronic fatigue manifest symptoms similar to the symptoms of acute respiratory diseases: a human body temperature rises, sore throat and head, increased lymph nodes. Soon the data joins symptoms of weakness in the muscles, sore muscles and joints. The man begins to get tired of the usual for him before strenuous exercise and can not recover from the rest. Further shown and other symptoms described above.

Features of chronic fatigue

It is believed that chronic fatigue more often diagnosed in women. Most patients complaining of this disease are in the age range from twenty-five to forty-five years. But sometimes the disease affects adolescents, and even children. Previously it was thought that chronic fatigue is more common for people-workaholics, but scientists have proved that not less frequently from chronic fatigue syndrome suffer and those who used to be lazy and not peretruzhdaetsya.

The disease can last different time periods: some patients feel healthy after a few months, others similar condition can last several years. Often the disease is certain cycles: can occur exacerbation and subsequent remission.

If a person feels the manifestation does not disappear after rest or sleep fatigue, which can not be explained, it would in any case should not self-medicate, and should refer to specialists.

Treatment of chronic fatigue

Therapy of chronic fatigue syndrome - this is a very serious and difficult task. However, to get rid of the disease - it is quite feasible task. The main principle of providing care to patients with a similar disease is the use of complex symptomatic treatment. For example, commonly used medication drugs - mostly specially balanced vitamin complexes. Specialist with the patient tries to make adjustments to their way of life of the patient.

If the treatment is carried out the initial stage of chronic fatigue syndrome, in this case, is sufficient to ensure a normal sleep, complete rest, change the mode of the day and to minimize the number of stresses.

However, if this state has continued for a sufficiently long period and is characterized by having distinct symptoms, treatment of the disease should be prescribed only psychotherapist .

Prevention of chronic fatigue

 Chronic fatigue  In order to prevent the symptoms of persistent fatigue, you should follow some rules of prevention developed by modern psychology. Thus, in permanent employment work (regardless of whether it is a mental work or physical) should be every half hour to do a little break (to rest enough to spend five or ten minutes). Ideally, mental activity and physical activity should alternate. Therefore, ideally, between work on the computer, you must do some physical exercises, and in the pause between the stages of physical labor - browse a book or newspaper. If the work seems very monotonous, it should be a little refreshing to listen to music.

To pastime was more diverse, it is necessary from time to time to change the situation - for example, to leave the city. Positively affect the condition of the body and the appearance in the zone of constant visibility of green plants, an aquarium with fish.

In the case of constant fatigue symptoms should first make sure whether you really are sick. Therefore, we must urgently give yourself a day off and sleep well. If fatigue persists after a day full of sleep and rest, you need to seek help from professionals.

Another tip from modern psychology - as far as possible to engage in the work that brings pleasure. As a last resort, try to have a hobby and to give him time on a regular basis. It is important that the person had a permanent source, giving him positive emotions. Classes that person like help qualitatively to recover from the state of fatigue.

It is equally important to conduct a correct way of life and give due attention to body care. The adoption of a contrast shower every day, constant load of a physical nature, daily walks in the fresh air helps restore vitality and strength.

According to experts, no less important is the human ability to properly relax. So, if you have sleep problems do not need to drink as soon as sleeping pills, it is better to try to do extra physical work or a walk on the street. Rest should not only be a passive activity contributes to the tidal forces.

Care should be taken to properly allocate their time, do not be shy to ask for help from family, friends, colleagues. It is important to learn to relax, be sure to cut out at least a few minutes a day to do nothing and relax completely.

Eye fatigue

 Chronic fatigue  In today's world no less serious problem for a person becomes eye fatigue . This phenomenon provokes a number of factors: environmental problems, too frequent "communication" person with a computer, a TV and other modern appliances.

The symptoms of eye strain may be a manifestation lacrimation Sudden pain in the eyes, inflammation of the eyeballs. Typically, eye fatigue manifests itself after several hours of careful reading of the book, continuous operation of the computer, high stress, a permanent job with an improperly installed lighting, shortage of vitamins and some trace elements in the body, wearing incorrect glasses.

There are two different types of eye fatigue. The first type of fatigue occurs due to fatigue of the ciliary muscle of the eye. This muscle directly affect the function of the lens. The second type of fatigue manifests itself because of waning domestic direct eye muscles. But both types of eye strain may eventually trigger the development of other eye diseases. So, as a result of the state is often described astigmatism . Problems with ocular vessels . myopia .

Independently eye fatigue can also adversely affect the quality of life. Due to constant lachrymation dulled visual acuity worse than working people, can not concentrate.

Correction of eye fatigue produced using several different methods. It is important to reduce the strain on your eyes, every day to perform exercises specifically designed for the eye to take a course Multivitamins   to fill in the body of necessary substances. To view the functions were normal, the body must do a sufficient number of beta-carotene Which is converted in the body Vitamin A . vitamin C Positively affect vision, Vitamin E Which prevents Cataract . All the above methods can prevent the manifestation of fatigue of eyes.

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