Description overdue on 06/27/2014
- Latin name: Cardiket
- ATC code: C01DA08
- Active substance: Isosorbide dinitrate (Isosorbide dinitrate)
- Manufacturer: Schwarz Pharma AG, Germany
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications kardiket
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use kardiket (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Analogs
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
One tablet Kardiket Retard 20, 40 and 60 contain isosorbide dinitrate 20, 40 and 60 mg, respectively. Also includes additional substances ( talc, polyvinyl acetate, monohydrate lactose, potato starch, magnesium stearate ).
isosorbide dinitrate .
Product form
The drug release in the form of white round tablets. Depending on the dosage, on the one flat side is pushed risk engraved and IR 20, 40, or IR 60 IR. On the other hand more convex - inscription SCHWARZ PHARMA.
The blisters 10 pcs, are cartons 1 or 5, that is, 20 or 50 tablets prolonged action in each package.
Pharmacological action
Vasodilating .
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
The active substance leads to relaxation smooth muscle of the vessel walls Thus, expanding peripheral veins and artery and producing vasodilator effect . Diastolic blood pressure is lowered, a reverse return of venous blood into the ventricle decreases as its volume content.
After taking the pill, its effect occurs rapidly (within 15 minutes). Bioavailability - 22%, protein binding - 30%. Main metabolites Produced in the liver: isosorbide-2-mononitrate . isosorbitol-5-mononitrate Their output is through the kidneys. Completely out of the day.
From what is prescribed the pill?
anginal attacks . myocardial infarction . coronary heart disease .
It is also an indication for use is kardiket heart failure (chronic), in combination with other drugs.
- drug allergy ;
- vascular collapse and shock ;
- much lower blood pressure ;
- diseases and conditions associated with increased intracranial or intraocular pressure ( glaucoma );
- and hemorrhagic stroke ;
- stenosis ;
- head trauma;
- a decrease in blood volume;
- mix with inhibitors of phosphodiesterase type 5 ( tadalafil, sildenafil, vardenafil ).
Use of the drug is not recommended, or must take place under the supervision of a physician
- children up to 18 years;
- at cardiac tamponade;
- pronounced anemia ;
- toxic pulmonary edema ;
- hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy ;
- at constrictive pericarditis ;
- chronically low BP ;
- hyperthyroidism ;
- severe kidney and liver.
Side effects
- BP . angina and bradycardia , headache;
- slowness of response, drowsiness . ischemia ;
- dryness of the mouth, belching, nausea, stomach pain;
- facial flushing, allergic rashes skin, nitrate tolerance to other drugs.
Instructions for use kardiket (method and dosage)
The dosage and mode of reception Kardiket Retard should appoint an expert. Tablets do not chew, wash down with water.
According to the instructions for use kardiket, the daily dose can be from 60 to 80 mg, is distributed to 1-3 administration. At a dosage of 20 mg, appoint 1 table. Two times a day. Generally, treatment is initiated with smaller doses, and it is gradually increased. We do not recommend sharp throwing the reception means.
Loss of consciousness, collapse , Nausea, diarrhea . . coma . respiration , Redness of the skin. Treatment: enter 1% intravenously, 2 mg per kg body weight of the victim.
With combined with caution and Vardenafil .
When used with simpatomimetikami and Alpha-blockers Directly affect the efficiency of drug preparations enveloping stomach as reduce the permeation rate of active ingredient into the systemic circulation from the stomach.
Atropine and others M-holinoblokatory may increase the risk of rising intraocular pressure.
Kardiket could and should be combined with nifedipine . Pananginum . amiodarone . Riboxinum and propranolol .
Terms of sale
Storage conditions
In a dark, cool place, out of reach of children.
Shelf life
5 years.
Analogs kardiket
Fort sustaka
The closest: dikor Long nitrosorbid, Izodinit, izoket, iso-mic .
Other analogues kardiket: mononitrosid, nitro, nitrogranulong, nitro-mic, nitrosprey, Erin monokontin odes monosan, nitroglycerin, nitrokontin, Nitromintum, Olikard retard Efoksa Long .
Reviews kardiket
It is often prescribed for people with diseases and disorders of the heart. Because of the side effects most commonly occur headaches, and there are reports of very severe headaches. In any case, the drug effectively adjusts the heart muscle, regardless of the specific reaction of the organism as a side effect.
Price kardiket where to buy
The cost of 20 tablets of 20 mg about 65 rubles. Price Kardiket 20 mg 50 tablets - about 137 rubles.
Purchase Kardiket Retard 40 mg may be for 104 rubles - 20 pieces, 209 rubles - 50 pieces.
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