Saturday, February 10, 2018


January 7, 2012

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 Myopia  Myopia   - It is very common to date eye disease. A more well-known name of the disease - myopia . The disease has been known since ancient times: the first time it was mentioned by the ancient Greeks, Aristotle. So, in his writings, he noted that some people have the need to bring a subject very close to my eyes to see it well, and while they have much squinting.

Causes of myopia

The main cause of symptoms of myopia in humans is a modified form eyeball . Gradually the eyeball from the circle shape is converted into an oval. In view of this change light wring wrong, and its rays pass through the eyeball, and their focus is happening in front of the retina. As a result, one discerns distant objects blurred, because people with normal vision focus light is directly on the retina.

As a result, a person who is diagnosed myopia well distinguish objects up close, but the distance he sees a very bad, which is why it is necessary to use goggles   or contact lenses Which have a negative optical power. Visual acuity in a human patient myopia, it is less than 1, 0

In the past few years, experts fix the marked increase in the number of patients with myopia. So, today glasses or contact lenses in the world are about one billion people. A feature of myopia is that the disease manifests itself in most cases people in a young age.

As one of the factors of this disease, doctors determine the hereditary factor. As a rule, a hereditary myopia most often manifested in the female. This happens with some of the female body changes during puberty. If a family is diagnosed myopia both parents, myopia in children manifests itself in about half of cases. It is believed that hereditary factors identified some defects in the process of protein synthesis Which is required for the formation of the eye sclera . The process also stops the loss of a number of microelements   in humans. However, not always the development of myopia is precisely because of heredity.

Another cause of myopia is considered too much eye strain. Basically myopia begins to emerge in children during their school years, as well as young people in the learning process in higher education. In some cases the factors causing the development of myopia, it is a long eyestrain when properly installed lighting, poor hygienic conditions for intellectual work, long work with computers and overreliance on television viewing.

Also, the development of myopia provokes a weakening of the eye muscles. This issue is subject to correction, if the time to apply a set of physical exercises that are specifically designed to strengthen these muscles.

Myopia can cause spasm accommodation , Reshaping corneal   ( keratoconus ), And the offset lens   due to injury, and sclerosis lens .

The cause of myopia progression may also be wrong vision correction in the case of the first symptoms of myopia. Sometimes in such cases it is shown amblyopia   (the so-called lazy eye syndrome), as well strabismus . Most important is the selection of the correct glasses or contact lenses to work, or may provoke strong muscle tension and, consequently, an increase in the degree of myopia.

Features myopia

 Myopia  Earlier, some experts recommend limiting physical activity, those who suffer from myopia. To date, this approach is no longer practiced. However, too strong exercise is still not recommended for people who have vision problems.

When myopia is very important time to take all measures for the correction of visual impairments, as the result of short-sightedness may be disability and reduced quality of life.

Symptoms of myopia

Usually, the first symptoms of myopia are beginning to have a child between the ages of 7 to 12 years. The disease progresses up to about 20 years in women and 22 years in men. Next sight in most cases is stable, but sometimes negative changes may take in the future. In the development of myopia increased sagittal axis of the eye, retinal cells, which is located in the zone of maximum light sensitivity. This can result in other illnesses that develop on the background of nearsightedness. For people over the age of 55 years, sometimes developing age macular degeneration . However, in case of severe myopia, the disease can occur in young people

Types of myopia

Experts identify three degrees of myopia: weak myopia   - Less than 3 dioptres; average myopia   - Not more than 6 diopters;   High myopia   - 6 diopters. According to clinical features to distinguish between nonprogressive   and progressive   myopia.

In cases of non-progressive disease of myopia is error of refraction. The patient in this case is worse sees objects located far. This ailment corrected, additional treatment is needed. Progressive myopia - a disease in which the degree of myopia during the year increased by one or more diopters. Progressive myopia most often seen in school when the visual load sharply. In addition, there is a growth in the body of the child. Accordingly, the rising and eyes. When progressive myopia should not dramatically lift weights, those engaged in sports in which the body is subjected to sudden shocks (sport associated with jumps, a number of wrestling, boxing and other sports). These classes significantly increase the risk of Retinal detachment and   and even Blindness   in future.

Sometimes progressive myopia is stopped after the growth of the human body. In other cases, myopia progressing steadily and eventually the patient manifested high myopia (vision deteriorates to 30-40 diopters). High myopia and myopic disease called. This disease is a very serious disease, it leads to disability That is associated with the pathology of the organ of vision.

Diagnosis of myopia

 Myopia  To determine that a person develops myopia, it is simple enough. The child, who have similar problems with vision, begins to squint, frown when placing a particular subject very close to my eyes brings the book brings the eye to the monitor. If you have these symptoms should contact a doctor for advice.

If a child diagnosed with myopia, it is important to regularly check every year options eyes, in certain cases this should be done more often. It is important to appeal to a specialized clinic or for diagnosis using special equipment.

There are several widely used methods of diagnosis of myopia: Automatic Refractometer . Oftalmometres . preequalization . tonometry   and etc.

If necessary, the ophthalmologist selects the contact lens, provides treatment using suitable methods of individual course of exercises for the eyes.

For information about the development of the disease, it is important to test the condition of the child at home. This information will also provide children's ophthalmologist.

The treatment of myopia

In the pediatric ophthalmology is most commonly used therapeutic treatment of myopia. However, in some cases, surgery is applied.

First of all, the ophthalmologist provides proper vision correction, picking up glasses or contact lenses are optimally suited to the patient.

Under the supervision of a specialist performed muscle training because of stress which increases the degree of myopia. To do this often use laser stimulation, video-computer vision correction, preparations for instillation in the eye, a special gymnastics for the eyes.

In the treatment of myopia not less than once every six months held ophthalmic diagnosis by measuring the longitudinal dimension of the eye by means of ultrasound.

If necessary, in the course of therapy is prescribed drops, relaxing eye muscles ( atropine . tropicamide . mezaton ) And medicines that have a vasodilatory effects ( Cinnarizinum . piracetam ).

It is also in the process of treatment of myopia patients received a series of activities restorative nature: the adoption of a contrast shower, regular swimming, neck massage and other techniques offered by an ophthalmologist.

Is important and a full diet, which takes into account the balance of protein, vitamins, trace elements (zinc, copper, magnesium, etc.).

Correction of myopia

 Myopia  To date, three have successfully used the most common method of correcting myopia. The most widely known method are the glasses. This is a simple, cheap and all available means to improve eyesight. However, the glasses very uncomfortable at home, they impair the quality of everyday life. Besides full correction of using them can not achieve. Points do not allow to fully see the peripheral vision. Improper selection of eye glasses can constantly overwork, and, as a consequence, myopia will progress.

If we compare with the glasses lenses, the latter have a number of distinct advantages. First of all, they do not interfere with an active lifestyle, exercise. But while many people feel uncomfortable with the process of wearing them. Many people at the same time suffer from symptoms of allergic reactions that are associated with a constant red eye. Also, the lens can trigger infectious complications, which in severe cases, total blindness threatened. Contact lenses are forbidden to wear those ill colds.

Another modern method of vision correction for myopia - a laser correction. It can be applied only to those who are 18 years old. Performing such an operation, the patient can return to full-fledged vision due to corneal reshaping. Similar operations are performed on an outpatient basis. However, in this case, first of all, necessary to consult an ophthalmologist.

In addition, in certain cases, for the correction of myopia when held lensektomiya (refractive lens replacement), the implantation of phakic lenses, radial keratotomy, plastic cornea (keratoplasty). If a patient diagnosed with high myopia, the correction methods and treatment the doctor chooses individually.

Prevention of myopia

In order to prevent this disease, you need to constantly adhere to a few rules. First of all, it is important that all eye strain occurred only in high-quality lighting, either at the upper light or table lamp at 60-100 watts. Fluorescent lamps have a negative impact on vision.

It is important to constantly alternate between intense eye strain with the rest and active mobility exercises. It's worth noting here that when more than 3 diopters of myopia to lift weights, and can not jump.

With intense visual activity should take breaks every 30-40 minutes and filling pause gymnastics for the eyes.

It should be very attentive to the protection of the eyes from a variety of injuries and eye foreign objects in some works. Because of injuries can occur defeat of the oculomotor nerve, lens luxation, haemorrhage.

Provided that have started to develop myopia, vision correction with glasses significantly slow down the progression of the disease.

You should regularly take vitamin complexes and to provide a full and varied diet.

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