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Stroke and diabetes, protects the black tea

January 11, 2013

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 Stroke and diabetes, protects the black tea  Just how useful to the human body with green tea, known to all. But on the positive health effects of black tea, scientists reported much less frequently. However, recently, scientists from Sweden, reported the results of recent studies. It was found that the use of four cups of tonic drink during the day for about one fifth reduces a risk that a human stroke .

Scientists are in the process of studies have examined the composition of black tea and its impact on the appearance of the human body blood clots . It was found that drinking four cups of black tea each day, one at 21% reduces the risk of blood clots. But if you drink a smaller amount of black tea, then such a positive effect is observed.

The study began in 1997. Then in the experiment agreed to participate 74960 women and men. All of them at the beginning of the study had a good feeling. Over the next decade, four thousand participants in the experiment had a stroke, and mainly in patients diagnosed ischemic stroke .

All participants reported to researchers about how much black tea they used to eat every day. In the process of data scientists to rule out other risk factors for stroke (high Blood Pressure Smoking) and concluded that black tea has a positive impact on human health. They explain the content of such an impact in the black tea flavonoids . These compounds are useful for the brain and to the heart.

By the way, a few months earlier, Swiss scientists said that those who consume black tea daily are less at risk of Type II diabetes . Researchers analyzing the extensive data, concluded that the least of all cases of diabetes of the second type is recorded in those countries where historically it has developed the habit of using black tea. In the first place on the use of this drink are residents of Ireland, where every resident is brewing in the year about two kilograms of tea. Also, a lot of black tea consumed in the United Kingdom and Turkey. In these countries least diabetics. But in China, Brazil, South Korea, the black tea consumed very little. Accordingly, type II diabetes is diagnosed more often.

Such exposure of black tea scientists explain the use of the fermentation process in which green tea is converted to black. Thus there is a production of flavonoids, which, as noted above, positively influence the state of the whole organism.

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