Description overdue on 09/12/2014
- Latin name: Phenibut
- ATC code: N05BX
- Active substance: Aminofenilmaslyanaya acid (Acidum aminophenylbutyricum)
- Manufacturer: JSC "Organics", LLC "Ozone", JSC "Obninsk chemical and pharmaceutical company", Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Endocrine Plant" Russian Federation; JSC "Olainfarm", Latvia
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications Phenibut
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use Phenibut: method and dosage
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Synonyms
- Phenibut children
- With alcohol
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
INN: γ-amino-β-phenylbutyric acid hydrochloride (Gamma-amino-beta-phenylbutirate hydrochloridum).
One tablet contains Phenibut 0, 25 g phenibut as the active substance. Also, the preparation includes a number of auxiliary components:
- microcrystalline cellulose (Cellulosum microcrystallicum);
- colloidal silica (Colloidal anhydrous Silica);
- sodium starch glycolate (Sodium starch glycolate);
- Calcium stearate (Calcium stearate).
Product form
The drug is available in the form of tablets spigot whose color can vary from white to slightly yellowish. Each tablet has a risk and chamfer.
Pharmacological action
The drug belongs to the group psychoactive and nootropnyh drugs.
Pharmacological action exerted Phenibut:
- nootropic ;
- anxiolytic .
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
What Phenibut?
Wikipedia states that Phenibut its structure represents a phenyl derivative gamma-aminobutyric acid - Substances in the human body performing a function of the CNS inhibitory neurotransmitter. Phenibutum also be regarded as a derivative phenethylamine .
The substance is a white powder having a crystalline structure and a sour taste. The powder is highly soluble in water and alcohol. Hydrogen index (pH) phenibut aqueous solution ranges from 2 to 3 2 7.
Acting as nootrop , Phenibut has a positive effect on the higher integrative activity of the human brain. It stimulates mental activity, cognitive function, memory function, as well as contributes to the stability of the brain to the damaging effects of various factors, including including extreme stress and lack of oxygen.
Phenibut reduces the severity of the consequences of the serious diseases associated with brain injuries . stroke , Spinal cord injury, cerebral intoxication etc ..
In patients with severe traumatic brain injury , While taking the drug increased the number of mitochondria in perifocal changes and improves the dynamics occurring in the brain of energy processes, the processes of tissue respiration, utilization Glucose brain, as well as blood supply.
In addition, the drug promotes cortico-subcortical connections That is, in other words, relations between the cerebral cortex and its subcortical regions.
Pharmacological activity Phenibut expressed in the ability to:
- to provide a corrective effect on the disturbed due to local brain lesions of higher cortical functions;
- improve the critical opportunities and to raise the level of judgment;
- enhance cortical activity control subcortical regions ;
- influence the processes associated with memory function (storage and a memory, learning ability);
- raise the level of wakefulness, affect the condition of the oppressed or dizziness, increasing its clarity;
- raise the total resistance to the effects of stress factors;
- render antiastenicheskoe action Which is reflected in a reduction of weakness, elimination of symptoms psychic and Physical fatigue , Lethargy and reduction, etc .;
- stimulate mental activity (the drug reduces the severity of mental retardation increases volitional activity, stimulates motor and speech activity, etc.);
- render antidepressant action ;
- render sedative and tranquilizing effect Reducing irritability and emotional excitability.
The stimulating effect Phenibut not accompanied by an increase of speech or motor drive, the depletion of functional reserves of the organism to the drug addiction and the development of dependence on him.
Like other nootropics, characterized by means low toxicity , Good compatibility with other drugs ATC groups, and the lack of serious side effects and complications.
The therapeutic effect of taking Phenibutum develops gradually over a period, usually a few weeks. For this reason, it is recommended to take the preparation course duration.
Anxiolytic effects the drug is realized by reducing the excitability of the subcortical brain structures (including structures limbic complex . thalamus and hypothalamus ) Responsible for emotion, inhibition of their interaction with the cerebral cortex, as well as suppression spinal reflex activity (in particular, it inhibits the polysynaptic spinal reflexes ).
Providing a direct effect on the receptors of γ-aminobutyric acid, Phenibut facilitates GABA-mediated neurotransmission in the CNS. The active ingredient of the drug has the ability to improve the functional state of the brain due to the normalization occurring in it metabolic processes and improve cerebral circulation.
This patient has improved performance hemodynamics (in particular the volume and increases the linear flow velocity), reduced vascular resistance performance is improved microcirculation (including eye tissues), and the conditions affecting the spontaneous and induced aggregation Platelet (which in turn reduces the likelihood of blood clots people suffering from circulatory disorders in the brain).
In addition, it has Phenibut antioxidant and anticonvulsant effect .
In drug treatment, elderly patients were observed in the latter function of the central nervous system depression, reduced muscle tone and overall lethargy.
The drug reduces the inhibitory effect of ethanol on the CNS.
Once in the body, Phenibut well absorbed, and then just as well it is distributed in various tissues. Substance easily passes through the BBB, which is a physiological barrier between the blood vessels and the CNS.
The brain tissue is adjudged to be about 0, 1% of the dose of the drug. Moreover, this figure higher for the young and elderly.
Phenibut is characterized by the ability to evenly distributed in the liver and kidneys. Biotransformation substances carried by 80-95% in the liver. The resulting products metabolism It does not possess pharmacological activity.
Cumulation substance in the body is not observed. Process of elimination from the body Phenibut begins after about three hours. Wherein the concentration of the substance in the brain tissue is not reduced. Detect it in the brain may be a further period of six hours.
Approximately 5% is excreted from the body Phenibut kidney in pure form, partially derived substance with bile.
Indications Phenibut
Indications for use Phenibut are:
- decrease of intellectual activity;
- decrease in emotional activity;
- memory disorders;
- symptoms asthenic syndrome ;
- anxiety disorders ;
- fears, including nightmares ;
- increased anxiety, restlessness;
- decreased concentration;
- dissomnii (insomnia) ;
- alcohol dependence, as well as psychiatric and somatic-vegetative disorders arising as a result alcohol withdrawal (in combination with other therapeutic measures);
- Meniere's syndrome ;
- dizziness Which are caused by vestibular dysfunction caused by diseases of the circulatory system . injury or infectious diseases;
- Prevention of motion sickness caused motion sickness (kinetosis) ;
- osteochondrosis in the cervical and / or thoracic spine and menopausal disorders women (drug is given in combination with other therapeutic measures);
- stuttering . urinary incontinence , Hyperactivity, and tics in children.
Phenibut tablets in combination with other disintoxication agents also used for the treatment of withdrawal from alcohol delirium ( delirious syndrome - Illusory, hallucinatory stupefaction, which is accompanied by disorientation in time, place, and in some cases self) and alcohol predelirioznogo state .
The indication to the drug Phenibut also the prevention of stress, which are often observed in patients prior to surgery and painful diagnostic studies.
Summary lists the following contraindications to Phenibut:
- individual hypersensitivity to Phenibut or some of the excipients included in the formulation;
- pregnancy ;
- lactation ;
- age up to eight years;
- acute renal failure .
Phenibut wary appoint patients with pathologies of the digestive system and erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract . These patients are shown in the lower dose, as the latter is characterized by the ability to irritate the mucous membranes.
Side effects
Generally, the side effects after administration Phenibutum occur only in the initial stages of treatment. Most often, patients increases drowsiness, seizures occur nausea . headache , Celebrated figures jump Blood Pressure .
In certain groups of patients Phenibut provokes the following side effects:
- increased irritability;
- increase the level of anxiety;
- increasing excitation;
- dizziness;
- individual allergic reactions.
Instructions for use Phenibut: method and dosage
Instructions for use tablets Phenibut indicates that the drug is intended for oral administration courses whose duration varies from one to one and a half months.
Adults tablets are advised to take a daily dose of 0, 75-1, 5 g multiplicity of techniques is 3. In those cases where it is appropriate, the daily dose is permitted to increase up to 2, 5 g
The maximum allowable single dose medication for adult patients younger than 60 years is considered to be a dose of 0, 75 g phenibut. Older people should not take more than 0, 5 g phenibut at once.
Tablets Phenibut: Instructions for use and dosage for different diseases
Patients suffering from dizziness due inflammation of the inner ear And people diagnosed with Meniere's syndrome Phenibut appointed as follows: during the exacerbation of the disease, drug taking by 0, 75 g three times a day for five to seven days; with a decrease in symptoms vestibular dysfunction the dose is reduced to 0, 25-0, 5 grams three times a day (this dose take medication for five to seven days); Further treatment continued for five days, taking on 0, 25 g phenibut times per day.
If the disease is relatively mild, Phenibutum recommended to take a daily dose of 0, 5 g, for five-seven days. Dose is divided into two steps. Further treatment continued for one to three weeks, taking once daily at 0, 25 g of the drug.
For the treatment of vertigo provoked by injury or vascular diseases , A drug administered in a daily dose of 0, 75 g phenibut. Share it recommended three reception. The duration of the therapeutic course is usually up to two weeks.
For treatment osteochondrosis cervical and / or thoracic spine and withdrawal symptoms menopausal syndrome women Phenibut appointed in combination with other therapeutic measures.
During the first two weeks of taking the drug should be one tablet three times a day (daily dose of 0, 75 g). Further, the number of receptions is reduced to two, the dose remains the same - one tablet at each meal (daily dose of 0, 5 g).
In the case of moderate severity pain at vertebral pathology or menopausal syndrome Phenibutum designate administered in combination with other drugs, one tablet twice a day (0, 5 g per day). The recommended duration of treatment - four weeks.
Like its analogs Phenibutum used prophylactically to prevent the so-called travel sickness or, in other words, sickness syndrome Arising during the trip by plane or sea travel.
For prevention sickness syndrome at seasickness Phenibut take a one-off for about an hour before the planned trip or if the first symptoms kinetosis . The optimum dose of 0, 25-0, 5 g (or one or two tablets). Effect of the drug is dose-dependent.
However, with the appearance of pronounced symptoms of motion sickness (eg, severe vomiting ) Appears inefficient even a dose of 0, 75-1, the
To prevent motion sickness when airsickness Phenibut recommended to take the above-described scheme. That is 1-2 tablets approximately an hour before the planned trip.
Instructions for use for children Phenibut
The drug is not intended for the treatment of children under the age of eight.
Children aged eight to fourteen years Phenibut daily dose of 0, 75 g, that is, three tablets of 0, 25 g per day. Share it should be on three receptions.
In cases where it is necessary to take the drug may be essentially a single dose, which is 0, 3 g
How to take Phenibut while skipping the next dose?
If a patient once or several times missed the reception the next dose, continue treatment in accordance with the previously designated dosing regimen.
Drug overdose accompanied by the following symptoms:
- hypersomnia ;
- reduction Blood Pressure ;
- nausea ;
- vomiting ;
- development renal failure .
Treatment includes gastric lavage, induction of vomiting and the appointment of symptomatic therapy. Specific antidote drug have not.
Since Phenibut is a low-toxic compound, but its long-term use at doses considerably higher than therapeutic (from 7 to 14 grams per day) may trigger the development of hepatotoxic effects .
In particular, the patient is increased beyond the number of physiological norm eosinophils in the peripheral blood, and may also develop steatosis (fatty liver) - A chronic disease caused by the accumulation in the liver of a large number of triglycerides and characterized by steatosis cells of the organ.
With a view to mutual potentiation of pharmacological effects may be combining with other Phenibut psychotropic drugs . This dose Phenibut and match them with drugs should be reduced.
The product is characterized by the ability to enhance and increase the duration of action sleeping pills . narcotic analgesics . neuroleptic and anticonvulsant drugs .
Possibility of extension and enhance the therapeutic effect of the reception antiepileptic drugs does Phenibut drug first line, if necessary, the appointment of nootropic therapy of patients with epilepsy .
It enhances the toxic effects and the effects of alcohol. In addition, there is evidence that his influence is also enhanced and action antiparkinsonian .
Terms of sale
The drug is available without prescription.
Storage conditions
Keep Phenibut be out of reach of children, dry, dark place at temperatures not exceeding 25 ° C.
Shelf life
The product retains its pharmacological properties within 36 months from the date of manufacture. After this period you can not use it.
If long-term treatment Phenibut should monitor changes in functional activity of the liver and peripheral blood characteristics.
Throughout the course of treatment should refrain from performing any work involving a risk to life and health, and jobs that require high concentration and speed of mental and motor responses.
Analogs Phenibut
Analogs Phenibutum - a drugs having similar effect to it, but differing in composition of active substances. These include:
- Pyracetam . Biotropil (active substance - piracetam );
- Aminalon (active substance - gamma-aminobutyric acid );
- Vinpocetine . Vitsebrol . Cavinton . Neyrovin (active substance - vinpocetine );
- Dendriks . Neotsebron . Somakson . Tserakson (active substance - citicoline );
- Memozov (active substance - piracetam . tsinarizin );
- Encephabol (active substance - Pyritinol ).
In Phenibut has several synonyms (generics) with the same trade name but produced by different manufacturers. For this reason, consumers are often the question arises " Which manufacturer better? ".
According to the majority of patients receiving treatment drug is the most effective drug Latvian manufacturer " Olainfarm ".
Synonyms sold under a different name - it Noofen and Noobut IC . Choosing which is better - or Noofen Phenibut, Phenibut or Noobut - it should be remembered that all these drugs contain the same amount phenibut as active ingredient and are interchangeable.
Phenibut children
The drug is recommended for use in children aged eight years.
Phenibut and alcohol
Phenibut widely used narcologists reliever alcohol withdrawal . delirium and predelirioznyh states As well as for the treatment of patients suffering from alcohol addiction .
However, this is not evidence of its compatibility with alcohol. Use of the drug for therapeutic purposes while alcohol dependence is justified and has a positive effect only in those cases when the patient is undergoing treatment in a hospital or a hospital is under constant medical supervision.
Despite the fact that the statement does not explicitly prohibit taking alcohol during treatment Phenibut, doctors refer to such a combination of a negative.
metabolism tranquilizers and and ethanol .
tranquilizer .
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