Description overdue on 10/23/2014
- Latin name: Thymalin
- ATC code: L03AX
- Active substance: Thymus extract (Thymus extract)
- Manufacturer: Samson-Med, Russia
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Timalin, instructions for use (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Analogs
- With alcohol
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
The basis of this drug is Extract tismusa Obtained by extracting the substance from the thymus or thymus large animals.
Product form
Timalin produced as a sterile lyophilized powder packed in bottles of 10 mg.
Pharmacological action
Timalin has immunostimulatory activity .
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
This drug is designed to restore the immunological reactivity - reactions to various pathogenic stimuli, usually accompanied by the formation of the protective qualities of the body. Also noting the regulation number and the ratio of T and B lymphocytes, which are formed elements of blood responsible for the formation of both cellular and tissue protective forces of the human body, their subpopulations. Furthermore, increases cell stimulation reactions immunity , Enhanced phagocytosis, the process of regeneration of hematopoiesis and in cases of depression, improves metabolic processes at the cellular level.
This drug is prescribed for adults and children when:
- need immunomodulators or bio-stimulants to enhance the body's defenses and Metabolism Which acts as a stimulant during their conditions and diseases associated with a decrease immunity For example, during the period of acute or chronic disease gnoynovospalitelnyh soft tissue and bone;
- chronic and acute viral or bacterial infections;
- asthma;
- occlusive disease;
- rheumatoid arthritis;
- conditions associated with hypothymism , Suppression of the immune defense and as a result of hematopoiesis radiation or Chemotherapy in cancer and other diseases;
- violation of regenerative processes associated with fractures, burns, frostbite, slow healing of skin lesions and so on.
In addition, the drug can be used to prevent complications of infectious and other diseases, radiotherapy or chemotherapy, a large number of reception antibiotics In post-traumatic and post-operative period.
The main contraindication to the use of timalin is the presence of an individual hypersensitivity .
Side effects
In the treatment with this drug may cause allergic reactions .
Timalin, instructions for use (method and dosage)
Before use, the powder must be dissolved in an isotonic sodium chloride solution. Ready solution designed for daily intramuscular injection. At the same instructions for use timalin recommends the following dosage: for adults - 5-20 mg or 30-100mg in the therapeutic course. Babies under one year appoint 1mg; 1-3 years 1-2mg, aged 4-6 years 2-3mg and older kiddies - 7-14 years 3-5 mg.
Duration of treatment may be 3-10 days and depends on the severity of immune disorders. When necessary, it is possible to re-therapeutic course after 1-6 months.
As a precaution, tablets and injections are used daily in the form of intramuscular injection of 5-10mg for adults, for children 1-5mg, an average of 3-5 days.
In clinical practice, cases of overdose were observed.
This drug is combined with biostimulants, immunostimulatory drugs Isoniazid, rifampicin and glucocorticoid agents .
Concomitant use with T-activin, Timaktidom, Timogenom or Timoptin, with similar efficacy, it may lead to mutual reinforcement of action of each drug from the preparations.
Terms of sale
Timalin prescription.
Storage conditions
For storage of the drug requires a dry, dark, protected from children, at temperatures up to 20 C.
Shelf life
3 years.
Tsitovir 3
The main drug is analogue Timarin .
Also, a similar action the drugs: TSikloferon, Immunoglobulin, Tonsilgon® H, Echinacea tincture and others.
Information timalin interaction with alcohol is not available, but experts recommend to abstain from their simultaneous application.
Reviews timalin
As the reviews of timalin, it is prescribed for the treatment of various disorders, even heavy and of complicated diseases. This drug can be used in the treatment of patients suffering from atopic dermatitis Allowing to achieve significant remission. Often Timalin part of the comprehensive treatment of uro-genital infections during scheduled courses nonsurgical treatment of tumors. Most users confirm its high efficiency and the absence of adverse reactions.
Moreover, there are descriptions of cases in which cancer Timalin used as a major component of the therapy. However, it should be noted that the complex is performed at a cancer treatment that can comprehensively affect the human body and its immune defenses.
Sometimes you can find reviews of the treatment timalin when the efficacy is not apparent. As a rule, the authors of these messages tell us that use it yourself, or waiting for an accurate diagnosis. It is known that this treatment in any case can not be productive.
According to experts, Timalin is non-toxic and effective enough additional funds in the period of treatment or prevention of various states, which are accompanied by immunocompromised. To provide effective treatment, the drug should be prescribed by a doctor, who will be competent and therapeutic scheme.
Price timalin where to buy
Carouse Timalin as a lyophilisate for solution for injection in drugstores of Moscow can be for 224-450 rubles.
Price timalin in Ukraine for 10 pieces is 102-150 UAH.
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