Sunday, March 4, 2018

Numbness of body

January 14, 2014

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 Numbness of body  Numbness of body   ( paresthesia ) Is expressed in a decrease in skin sensitivity or complete insensitivity of certain body parts.

How does the body numb?

Most often, the person concerned about the numbness of hands and feet. These symptoms may be transient, recurrent or persistent and prolonged. When a person feels numbness tingling, celebrated the so-called feeling of "pins and needles." Skin sensitivity is reduced, for some time it may disappear completely. Sometimes numbness of the lower or upper limbs is observed pain, dizziness, weakness, numbness of the limbs if the reasons are related to the development of diseases.

However, very often causes numbness in the hands and feet tied exclusively to nerve compression   either improper blood flow in the tissues . This phenomenon - the result of the length of time a person in the same position that is often noted in his sleep, during prolonged sitting at the computer. Sometimes there may be numbness in hands   and Foot   simultaneously. In this case, treatment is not required, it is sufficient to change the position, lightly rub numb place. Also, numbness in the hands or feet often occur at low temperatures. To return to the normal state, the frozen man enough to keep warm.

However, in some cases, numbness of the body does not disappear on their own and does not go after the change of posture, light massage, etc. If numbness appears constantly and thus accompanied by difficulty of movement and speech, weakness, dizziness, it is imperative to consult a doctor. It should also be required to undergo investigation if stiff body began to appear after injuries, strokes that occurred in the region of the back, head or neck.

Why manifested numbness of the body?

If numbness occurs in the human body, not because of poor circulation, nerve freezing or by displacement, this symptom may indicate the development of certain diseases.

Very often, numbness of various parts of the body seen in people suffering from radicular syndrome . It sciatica, inflammation, vascular disorders, compression of the nerve roots in the spine, intervertebral hernia . If such violations are usually observed several fingers numb, part of the brush. Sometimes accompanied by numbness, burning sensation, which is more pronounced at night. Patients with osteochondrosis   cervical spine periodically marked numbness.

 Numbness of body  The body may be numb when polyneuropathy Which manifests itself in patients diabetes . Polyneuropathy   - A state in which the result of metabolic disorders and high blood glucose occurs damage of peripheral vessels and nerves. In this case there is a violation of symmetric sensitivity. Numbness most often occurs at the periphery of the hands and feet.

As a result of stroke   the person often develops numbness in certain areas of the body. Causes numbness in the body, in this case related to the sensitivity of the disorder due to circulatory disorders in the brain. As a result, those portions of the damaged brain which are responsible for the sensitivity of a particular body part. At a stroke the patient is a unilateral violation of the sensitivity - there is numbness of the right or left side of the body. It is noted numbness on one side or complete numbness of one half of the human body. Also, half of his face numb. When stroke numb parts of the body is accompanied by other symptoms - motor disabilities ( paresis   and paralysis ), Speech disorders vision, coordination. If the causes numbness in parts of the body associated with a stroke, in which case it is important to immediate access to a doctor. Treatment numbness occurs in conjunction with the therapy of the underlying disease.

Numbness of the tongue occurs after minor trauma or back of the head, after various dental procedures. Temporary numbness in his sleep and wakefulness language occurs after the use of certain drugs, allergic reactions. Chronic tongue numbness associated with diseases of the nervous system. Also cause numbness of the tongue may be an alcohol intoxication and toxic substances.

Paresthesia occurs against brain tumors . If such violation is noted unilateral numbness of body parts. In this case, the feeling is not sharp. Numbness appears periodically, over time these symptoms increase.

Besides the above described stiff body causes may be due to multiple sclerosis . circulatory disorders of the brain . Raynaud's syndrome (numbness of the fingers).

 Numbness of body  The little finger and ring finger numb patients with neuropathy of the ulnar nerve . This disease often develops in people who are due to operating conditions have to constantly rely elbows on the table surface. Fingers go numb when carpal tunnel syndrome or neuropathy of the median nerve .

Numbness in the feet is characteristic of the development of obliterating endarteritis , Resulting in reduced gaps vessels of the legs, and there is disruption of blood flow. With chronic venous insufficiency   and atherosclerosis   numbness in the legs often occurs in the elderly and in people with excess weight.

Sometimes, women notice numbness in the skin of the abdomen pregnancy . This phenomenon may scare future mother. However, the numbness in this case due to the peculiarities of the anatomy of the pregnant woman and the fetus increases active. Due to the experiences of nerves and blood flow may experience worsening of intermittent numbness in various parts of the skin of the abdomen. But this manifestation usually disappears quickly.

Numbness in the rear area of ​​the skin on the foot and recurrent manifestations shooting pain - symptoms of neuralgia of the sciatic nerve   (sciatica). In this case, numbness of the skin combined with hip pain.

Numbness of the skin on different parts of the body (in the limbs, back, face and others.) In some cases manifests itself after the operation that the patient suffered. After the recovery period, such symptoms disappear.

Numbness of the scalp associated with either skin diseases or neurological problems. This symptom can occur as a result of a recent injury or recent myocardial surgery.

How to get rid of the numbness of the body?

 Numbness of body  If numbness of the body appears regularly, and persists for more than five minutes, then in that case it is necessary to determine the cause of this symptom. Diagnostics provides for blood tests, x-ray, CT, ultrasound. To clarify the diagnosis, sometimes appointed and other studies, as well as consultations with experts of different profiles.

Further treatment of the envy of the reasons that provoked the symptom. Note that in some cases, numbness of the body can be a sign of a problem that threatens human life. Therefore, the diagnosis should be carried out without tightening.

Treatment numb body appointed individually. This can be used both traditional and non-traditional methods of treatment.

If numbness, radicular syndrome that accompanies the treatment prescribed by the doctor-neurologist. Widely practiced physiotherapy, massage, physiotherapy, reflexology. Also, in some cases, it is advisable to use manual therapy and osteopathy.

If numbness of the body as a result of neuropathy is important to be sure to determine the level of sugar in the blood. If a person is confirmed diabetes endocrinologist paints regimen, which man must follow unconditionally. Medication, diet and adherence to the required lifestyle to reduce blood sugar levels.

If the numbness of a certain area of ​​the body is suspected stroke should immediately call an ambulance. The patient is important to be hospitalized as soon as possible. Treatment should start not later than 4 hours after the start of warning signs, as then in the human body, particularly in the brain, irreversible changes.

Depending on the cause of the disease to cure and prevent numbness in various parts of the body allows the use of orthopedic devices (for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system), laser therapy (treatment of radicular syndrome), as well as massage therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, electrophoresis, hirudotherapy.

To improve blood circulation, reduce pain, use intravenous drugs.

 Numbness of body  If the numbness of certain parts of the body are concerned a pregnant woman, the more often we are talking about compression of nerves . The development of the fetus, such acts do not affect. To alleviate the condition, women need to do special exercises. During sleep a woman should be free clothes without gum, which was occluded limb. If a woman working at a computer, it must always take the correct position, and periodically required to perform the exercises for arms and legs. Eliminate numbness will light massage.

Toes and feet numb at the expectant mother and due to lack of certain trace elements that during gestation baby happens very often. In this case, the doctor prescribes a reception complex of vitamins and minerals. With regular manifestation of a certain part of the body numb expectant mother should be sure to tell your doctor about this symptom.

To avoid numbness of the body, it is necessary to lead an active life, sports. You may want to consult with your doctor about what types of exercise it is practiced to prevent numbness of the body. People who work in offices in the sitting position, it is necessary to take it a rule after each hour of work to take a break and do some exercise. Similar breaks should be done to those employees who have to constantly make repetitive movements.

To prevent numbness, should sleep on the comfortable bed and choose clothes to sleep, which is not pinched limbs. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the negative impact on the joints and blood vessels has nicotine, alcohol, too salty, spicy dishes. Avoid severe hypothermia, dress appropriately weather. It is important to promptly treat all diseases, which are diagnosed in humans.

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