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Prolonged breastfeeding is developing the right eating habits in a child

September 7, 2014

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 Prolonged breastfeeding is developing the right eating habits in a child  The fact how long a woman to breastfeed her child, determines what his preferences in food in the future, say scientists from the United States.

Experts interviewed women who were on the third month of pregnancy and examined the data that have been collected by them for the first year of life of children participating in the study. When these children turned six years old, their mothers again attracted additional research.

In particular, the experts studied the information that relates to the use of baby food, further fortified foods, biological active additives, as well as the use of breast pumps . Initially, it has been carefully recorded information of the food that children receive in the first year of life. It was also taken into account the presence of maternal postpartum depression, other illnesses, to assess the level of employment of mothers caring for babies, sleeping children, allergies to food.

In the next phase of large-scale research experts have collected information on child development (growth, weight), their activity and eating habits.

As a result, we found out that the more the baby received only breastmilk, the less six years later he was sick illnesses of upper respiratory tract . Those children who stayed only long period of breast-feeding, the age of six were drinking more and more ordinary water at the same time use less juice and sweetened drinks. They also constantly consume large amounts of fruits and vegetables compared with peers who soon moved to lure and bottle-feeding . Interestingly, those children who are in the first twelve months of life drank sweetened drinks, six years consumed twice the number of such drinks than children who are up to one year of age did not know the taste of sweets. The study also proved that if the baby is eating enough fruits and vegetables in the age of one year, and after this wholesome food he used infrequently. Thus, experts scrip prove his theory that the proper nutrition at an early age determines the eating habits of the child in the future.

However, the benefits of extended breastfeeding, scientists told a long time. For example, earlier US experts found that long lactation allowing later stuttering children more effectively get rid of this speech impediment. The fact that breast milk has a strong positive effect on the development of the nervous system.

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