Sunday, March 25, 2018


November 15, 2011

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 Gastroenteritis  Gastroenteritis   This inflammatory mucosa stomach , and bowel . This disease can occur as a result of infection in the body ( gastroenteritis viral type ). Also this disease is sometimes manifested in food poisoning Provoked by bacteria or toxins And during treatment with certain drugs. Gastroenteritis in children most often occurs as a reaction to the appearance of the child's diet specific new product. Acute gastroenteritis in children can occur even during breastfeeding if the mother has used in food for infants unaccustomed food.

The symptoms of gastroenteritis

Typically, the main features of this disease are considered cramps . vomiting . nausea . loose stools   and strong enough abdominal distention . If all the symptoms also accompanied by high fever, these symptoms are typical for infectious gastroenteritis .

In the case of continuous vomiting and diarrhea for two days is necessary to contact a specialist to prevent dehydration. Suffice dangerous moment - the appearance of traces of blood in the stool, and pain of high intensity in the area of ​​the intestine. If the body temperature during gastroenteritis exceeds 38 degrees, you should immediately call an ambulance. Threatening symptoms of gastroenteritis - dizziness   and dizziness.

Similar symptoms can be observed for gastroenteritis in children. However, the child has not yet reached the age of two, the high temperature should not be kept for more than two days. Immediately you should call a doctor if stomach upset occurs slackness , Retraction of the eyeball, and dry mouth. If the baby infants no tears, there is retraction fontanelle, very little urine is released, it means that there was dehydration.

The main symptoms acute gastroenteritis type Which usually provokes the poor quality food, is vomiting, diarrhea, fever, muscle pain and a feeling of weakness.

 Gastroenteritis  In chronic gastroenteritis symptoms are less pronounced, but they are taking place constantly. This disease manifests as a result of eating disorders, frequent use of alcohol and fatty foods. Also, this type of gastroenteritis can provoke vermin . As a result of the disease considerably weakened immunity of the person, because when it is within the mucous membranes are made thinner, considerably disrupted intestinal microflora .

Viral Gastroenteritis   accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. These symptoms appear the next day after the infection is in the body and can last for weeks. The cause of infection could be contact with an infectious person, do not comply with hygiene norms.

A variation of this disease - rotavirus gastroenteritis In which the patient has a fever, reduced pressure , The pulse becomes weak and shows the total dehydration .

Complications of gastroenteritis

When rotavirus gastroenteritis possible manifestation hypovolemic shock . It is so severe dehydration, which occurs when there is a real threat to human life.

Diagnosis of gastroenteritis

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out with the study of the clinical picture. Your doctor examines in detail the history of epidemiological data, as well as all of the results of laboratory tests. If the diagnosis is not confirmed by laboratory methods, it can not be considered reliable. As the laboratory methods used those studies that make it possible to find the virus, viral antigen   in faeces or found in serum   specific antibodies .

Treatment of gastroenteritis

First you need to take attention that the treatment does not involve the use of gastroenteritis antibiotics . All other medication should be used only after the diagnosis of the disease and the treating physician.

At the first noticeable symptoms of gastroenteritis, use the following methods. During the first hours after the onset of symptoms of the disease should completely give up any food that will help to restore the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. However, the need to drink plenty of fluids - water, juice. When the patient feels that the manifestations of nausea become weaker, he should eat a little rice, crackers, bananas.

Gastroenteritis in children requires very careful attention to the issue. At the first sign of it should make up for the loss of body fluids. During oral rehydration   used vehicle pedialyte . It should be constantly sick child drink tea, broth hips or plain water. However, consumption of apple juice or milk on the state of the stomach and intestine affect negatively.

If gastroenteritis in an infant, it is necessary to push for an hour feeding time, and during his baby to the breast should be applied for long. Babies fed artificial methods should be given small doses of medicines for oral rehydration.

If the patient is observed exacerbation , The treatment of gastroenteritis has been going on in the hospital. Patients with gastroenteritis appointed diet №4 Which is based on the use of a certain amount of animal protein and digestible fat. If gastroenteritis should eat frequently and fractional - 5-6 times a day. Food necessarily should be warm.

To prevent the occurrence of diarrhea, patients should be sure to drink plenty of fluids: it is desirable that it was acidophilus milk , Jelly and fruit juices.

 Gastroenteritis  Very often in this disease, patients have beriberi . In this case the total treatment comprising receiving vitamin A . AT . Bp . AT 2 . D12 . folic acid . If there are hemorrhagic phenomena , The patients assigned to receive Vitamin K . Very often the doctor prescribed to patients vitamin complexes - undevit . pangeksavit . dekamevit .

As drug therapy are most frequently used derivatives hydroxyquinoline , and bifidumbakterin kolibakterin . In case of violation of internal digestive system can not be applied preparations of digestive enzymes.

During acute gastroenteritis condition facilitate binding and enveloping drugs. It Bismuth nitrate . tanalbin . tealbin . It is enough to have an effective impact that herbal medicines are not, for example, Grass coil . St. John's wort . tansy .

If delayed treatment of the disease or in the case of violations of the treatment may develop severe stage of gastroenteritis . If such a state is made by intravenous infusion protein hydrolysates   and Plasmas . After the relative normalization of the patient can switch to drip method of drug administration via nitragastralnogo probe . This may be assigned Anabolic steroids .

Enough effective treatment of gastroenteritis are a variety of physical therapy. The most rapid and effective methods are hot compress, diathermy . ozokerite . inductothermy . paraffin bath . It's much easier going cure patients if they toil in this period both mentally and physically.

Prevention of gastroenteritis

Prevention of gastroenteritis in the first place should be aimed at preventing the development of chronic forms of the disease. To prevent symptoms of the disease should be possible to completely pre-empt all the factors that provoke gastroenteritis in the chronic form. It is very important to most people adhered to a healthy lifestyle and pay attention to proper nutrition.

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