Description overdue on 17/11/2014
- Latin name: Oxybral
- ATC code: C04AX07
- Active substance: Vincamine (Vincamine)
- Manufacturer: GlaxoSmithKline S.A.E., Egypt
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use Oxybral
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Babies
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
1 capsule contains 30 mg vincamine - The active ingredient.
Additional ingredients:
- sugar spheres;
- methacrylic acid polymer;
- lactose;
- shellac;
- talc;
- polyvinylpyrrolidone;
- indigo;
- gelatin.
Product form
Oxybral drug comes in the form of capsules, 20 pieces per pack.
Pharmacological action
Antispasmodic, hypotensive, sedative.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Vincamine It has a selective vasoregulating exposure processes blood circulation in the brain Adapting the system of blood supply to his brain metabolic needs in a given situation. The drug improves brain metabolism by increasing oxidation of glucose Thereby increasing energy production and improving the overall activity of the organism. It increases oxygen delivery Neurons Suffering from a lack of it lowers and regulates the ability to resist cerebral vessels . Vincamine has a unique ability to improve oxygen delivery to neurons and ordering cerebral circulation . Oxybral different well tolerated, it does not show hematological and biological toxicity, and it does not identify side effects of the liver and / or kidney. Vincamine varied effects on brain functional activity, making it a very promising tool in the direction of stimulating intellectual capacities of man.
In the case of oral administration Vincamine is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. It has 64% of the capacity of binding to plasma proteins. T? - 60-90 minutes. Hepatic metabolism It is almost completely. Only about 4-6% of vincamine in unchanged form excreted by the kidneys.
Oxybral drug is recommended for use in various functional disorders of the brain, in order to maintain and control its activities:
- the deterioration of memory;
- at diabetic angiopathy ;
- for violations of the concentration;
- at atherosclerotic damage to the vascular system of the brain;
- at hypertensive encephalopathy ;
- at post-traumatic disorders after undergoing a traumatic brain injury;
- at brain damage by reason of cerebral ischemia ;
- in pathological states caused by acute circulatory disorders of the brain ;
- complications visual function and / or hearing vascular origin;
- at violations of the emotional sphere , Temporal and spatial orientation due to different mental disorders ;
- adaptation and normalization of cerebral circulation brain to his metabolic needs.
- tumor brain;
- pathology occurring with enhancements intracranial pressure ;
- acute stroke ;
- violation heart rate ;
- convulsions ;
- hypocalcemia or hypokalemia ;
- breast-feeding;
- pregnancy ;
- children's age;
- hypersensitivity to vincamine or any other ingredients of the formulation.
Side effects
- increase mental activity (weakly expressed);
- increase QT interval ;
- dizziness ;
- dysrhythmia and / or ventricular fibrillation ;
- headache;
- heartburn ;
- dry mouth;
- nausea ;
- erythema ;
- constipation or diarrhea ;
- atopic dermatitis ;
- papular rash ;
- itching;
- hives ;
- angioneurotic edema.
Instructions for use Oxybral
Normally instruction at Oxybral recommends oral administration of 2 capsules per day for adults.
The duration of therapy, as well as dosage may vary, depending on the indication and the severity of the condition. Generally, treatment Oksibralom takes at least 2 months and can be extended for up to a year, with brain damage .
In case of overdose Oksibralom recommend carrying out symptomatic treatment, while ECG monitoring , Careful clinical observation and, if necessary, to support vital systems.
When receiving Oxybral effects antihypertensives and antiplatelet agents enhanced.
Terms of sale
Oxybral released from pharmacies on presentation of a prescription.
Storage conditions
Oxybral Storage temperature should not exceed 30 ° C.
Shelf life
36 months.
At hypokalemia and pathologies, which are accompanied by an increase in QT interval Apply Oxybral not recommended because of possible complications ventricular rhythm .
In the case of reception vincamine patients with heart disease, you need to assign it to a minimum dose during continuous monitoring and ECG monitoring .
During the long-term treatment with Oxybral must be ensured liver function .
Because the content of capsules lactose and sugar should abandon their reception at lactose intolerance, galactose .
Analogs Oxybral
In the case when for some reason there is no possibility to take this drug, may offer to Oxybral analogues, among which the most common are tablets: Cavinton . Enelbin . Dibazol . Vinpocetine . Cinnarizine . Stugeron etc.
Admission Oxybral in children is contraindicated.
During pregnancy (and lactation)
In periods Lactation and pregnancy therapy with vincamine is not carried out.
Reviews Oksibrale
Reviews Oksibrale rather contradictory. Doctors who use it in their treatment schemes, mostly pleased with the results of the treatment, in spite of this, some patients do not feel the improvement of their condition or the insufficient efficiency. It is worth noting that Oxybral, like his counterparts, should be taken only by prescription, often in combination with other medicines and in no case without assigning it yourself. Drugs in this group, with the correct individual selection, strict compliance with the recommendations of receiving help in solving the problems of blood circulation of the brain, improve memory, concentration and will be useful in many other cases.
Price Oxybral where to buy
Price Oxybral in Russia ranges from 1,000 to 1,500 rubles.
Buy Oxybral in Moscow you can for about 1,200 rubles.
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