Description overdue on 11/25/2014
- Latin name: Flosteron
- ATC code: H02AB01
- Active substance: Betamethasone (Betamethasone)
- Manufacturer: DD Krka, Slovenia
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications Flosterona
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions on Flosteron (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
One milliliter of suspension contains betamethasone disodium phosphate - 2 mg betamethasone dipropionate - 5 mg plus excipients (sodium chloride, polysorbate 80, methyl paraben, sodium carmellose, concentrated hydrochloric acid, sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium edetate, benzyl alcohol, propylparaben, polyethylene glycol, purified water for injection).
Product form
The drug produced in the form Injectable suspensions As well as ampoules 1 and 5 ml ampoules in a contour package (a carton box).
Pharmacological action
Immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Active substance means - glucocorticosteroid (synthetic analog of adrenal hormones) has antirheumatic, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects.
Betamethasone It is acting on the energy metabolism, glucose homeostasis On the selection and activation of hypothalamic factors nutritional hormone from adenohypophysis .
Mechanism of action GCS to date it is not yet fully understood. It is believed that the process is carried out at the cellular level. It is believed that cytoplasm There are two receptor systems. Action betamethasone made with special GCS receptors . Mineralocorticoid receptor in turn regulate water and electrolyte balance and sodium potassium metabolism .
Corticosteroids - The fat-soluble substance, which can easily penetrate through the cell membranes into the target cell . The action of the drug is based on the subtle biochemical processes occurring at the molecular level.
Betamethasone dipropionate longer absorbed and provides a prolonged effect of the drug.
Depending on the manner in which vehicle was administered into the body, it is possible to achieve a general or local (local) effects.
Indications Flosterona
Injections Flosterona appoint:
- at burns, traumatic, surgical, toxic, anaphylactic, cardiogenic and transfusion shock ;
- at anaphylactoid reactions ;
- at swelling of the brain ;
- for the treatment of severe asthma ;
- in systemic connective tissue diseases ( lupus erythematosus, thyrotoxic crisis, hepatic coma, rheumatoid arthritis );
- for the prevention of scarring and inflammation in poisoning cauterizing liquids.
A number of other indications for use:
- at articular rheumatism . synovitis . epikoshshlite . peritendinitis . myositis . fibrositis . lumbago , Posttraumatic osteoarthritis ;
- treatment asthma , Seasonal or chronic rhinitis ;
- psoriasis . keloid . contact atopic dermatitis ;
- insect bites;
- treatment ulcerative colitis ;
- at kollagenozah ;
- ceteris allergic reactions .
The drug is not prescribed:
- at osteoporosis . tuberculosis . glaucoma ;
- stomach ulcer . diverkulite ;
- at thrombophlebitis and diabetes ;
- if there are sharp Viral . Fungal or Bacterial infection and the required treatment is not carried out;
- after a major operation or injury;
- at Cushing's syndrome ;
- during the period of 2 months before or within 2 weeks after Vaccination ;
- not administered intramuscularly at idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura ;
- If signs of inflammation in the joints are missing;
- during deformation, and bone destruction joint (including as a result of the fracture);
- instability in the joint;
- the drug should not be administered in the tendon;
- bleeding caused by reception anticoagulants or congenital;
- children up to 3 years;
- lactating women;
- hypersensitivity to any component of the agent.
Caution must be exercised cirrhosis . Chronic renal failure . chronic hepatitis At psychosis and psychoneurosis , Sick AIDS or HIV , Heart failure, recent adjourned myocardial infarction Under strong obesity . polio At asthma . pregnancy or thromboembolism .
Side effects
The type and frequency of adverse reactions depends on the duration of treatment, the dosage and rate assignment.
May occur:
- from aharny diabetes (a steroid), dysfunction adrenal (up by almost complete suppression) from INDRA Cushing . amenorrhea . striae , Increasing Blood Pressure ;
- children - a delay in sexual development;
- pancreatitis . erosion , Nausea, duodenal ulcer , Decreased appetite, hiccough . flatulence ;
- candidiasis in the mouth and throat, pain in epigastric , Vomiting, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
- osteoporosis . myopathy , Ruptures of muscles and bone fractures, slow process of bone formation in children, atrophy muscles, muscle weakness of the skeleton;
- arrhythmia . heart failure . increased blood pressure . bradycardia , Cardiac arrest, characteristic changes electrocardiogram ;
- depression . euphoria . paranoia and hallucinations , Violation of sleep, dizziness . headache ;
- hyperpigmentation . candidiasis , Thinning of the skin, striae , acne, petechiae . hypopigmentation . ecchymosis ;
- increase in seizure activity, affective insanity , Increased intracranial pressure;
- obesity . swelling . hypernatremia . hypokalemia . hypocalcemia ;
- skin rash, itch . bronchospasm , Other allergic reactions ;
- leukocytosis , back pain, leukocyturia . opportunistic infections .
In patients with subacute or acute myocardial infarction deterioration can be observed: the spread Necrosis in cardiac muscle, until break, vein thrombosis , Slowing the process of forming scars.
At the site of injection means may be numbness, pain and burning, necrosis . atrophy skin and subcutaneous tissue.
Instructions on Flosteron (method and dosage)
Depending on the severity and nature of the disease, the dosage may vary significantly.
Injections Flosterona, instructions for use
For systemic effects on the body, usually administered by intramuscular injections. The drug is injected deep into the gluteal muscle at 0, 1 - 0, 2 ml every six months - a month.
In the event of acute allergic reactions produced by intramuscular injection of 1-2 ml of funds once.
For topical administration, the dosage may vary substantially, depending on the size of the affected area. It generally ranges from 0 25 to 2 ml. Multiplicity of reception is the same as when using the system.
Also, a drug injected directly into the joint (intra-articular) or periarticular:
- pelvic joint - on 0, 1-0, 2 ml;
- grudinnoklyuchichny, interfalangovy and metacarpophalangeal - to 0, 5 ml;
- in the knee, ankle, shoulder - to 0, 1 ml;
- wrist and elbow - 0, 5 - 1 ml.
Also common in the intradermal route of administration psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis etc. A single dose should not exceed 0, 2 ml per m of the surface, can not be administered during the greater than 1 ml of the preparation.
If necessary (for pain relief) medication can be mixed in the same syringe with lidocaine or procaine (one percent solution).
For children from 3 to 5 years initial dosage of 0, 3 ml, 6 to 12 - 0, 6 ml.
Overdose symptoms Flosteronom: vomiting . nausea . euphoria, depression, insomnia .
If you take extra-large doses for a long time may develop osteoporosis, myopathy, increased blood pressure, Cushing's syndrome .
If an overdose can not abruptly stop taking money. The dosage should be gradually reduced, until the complete withdrawal of the drug to maintain vital functions of the patient to produce symptomatic treatment. It should be used drugs lithium, phenothiazines, antacids, aminoglutethimide .
Hemodialysis ineffective, specific antidote formulation has not.
Combination with ethanol and NSAIDs It increases the risk of ulcers in the stomach and bleeding.
Simultaneous use GCS and beta2-agonists increased risk of hypokalemia .
Precautions combined means:
- from amphotericin B . inhibitors karbangidrazy ;
- from Paracetamol, rifampicin, phenobarbital, primidone, carbamazepine, phenytoin, ephedrine, aminoglutethimide (due to lower efficiency GCS) ;
- from Ritodrin (pulmonary edema);
- from live vaccines (increased risk of viruses);
- from immunosuppressants, carbutamide, Mr. holinoblokatorami, tricyclic antidepressants, glycosides ;
- from antipsychotics . Azathioprine . antihistaminics . Nitrates (may increase intraocular pressure) digitalis glycosides ( hypokalemia ).
Effectiveness Growth Hormone . antidiabetic drugs . Praziquantel . Albendazole . anticoagulants, kaliuretikov and natriuretikov when combined with a drug is greatly reduced.
Due to the fact that renal clearance of salicylates When combined with means for substantially accelerated achieve their therapeutic concentration becomes almost impossible.
It does not take GCS and androgens . anabolic steroid . oral contraceptives and Estrogens Due to the increased risk of adverse reactions.
When combined with asparaginase and cyclosporine Toxicity means increases.
Simultaneous reception inhibitors of the adrenal cortex ( miotan ) from GCS It requires an increase in dosage Steroids .
Hyperglycemic effect from streptozotocin It becomes more pronounced.
Terms of sale
We need a recipe.
Storage conditions
The preparation is stored in a cool place, for which there is no access to young children.
Shelf life
3 years.
The medicine was injected intravenously impossible.
Introduction into or around the joint should be done by.
When local use is a risk of systemic adverse reactions.
In the course of therapy should closely monitor the condition of the patient, monitor blood counts, water and electrolyte balance . glycemia .
The drug can be mixed with the local anesthetics in one syringe (not in the vial).
During treatment, medication should operate machinery and car.
It should be remembered that 0, 6 mg betamethasone equivalent to 20 mg hydrocortisone 4 mg triamtsinalona or methylprednisolone .
Before applying the medication to joints should produce research synovial fluid To exclude the presence of sepsis . If observed after treatment chills, fever , Swelling and impaired joint mobility, increase in temperature, should be appointed antibiotics . When intercurrent infections, tuberculosis, sepsis also need to prescribe antibiotics.
If the patient is not sick before varicella , Your risk during therapy steroids It increases considerably. It should generate a passive immunizations .
In patients suffering from diseases of the liver or hypothyroidism, may increase exposure GCS on the body.
The closest analogues: Betaspan Depot, Beloderm, Diprospan, Betazon, Betaspan, tselestoderm-in, mesoderm, Betamethasone, Lorakort , Soderm, Tseleston, Hydrocortisone .
Is it better or Diprospan Flosteron?
The active ingredient is the same in both preparations, a similar composition. However, the cost Flosterona much smaller than its counterpart. Many write flattering reviews Diprospan , With "abusing" the original, write, that it is less effective. However, everything is very individual. In any case, the question of replacing one drug to others should be decided after consultation with the attending physician.
Reviews Flosterone
Reviews Flosterone forums
According to reports from different patient groups, we can conclude that the drug is very effective and at the same time "severe." Often the side effects occur primarily dizziness, thinning skin, malaise, weight gain . Judging by the reviews people are basically afraid to take any GCS For fear of adverse consequences. In this situation, you should trust your doctor and strictly follow the recommendations on the admission of the drug.
Price Flosterona
Price injections Flosterona is about 200 rubles for 5 vials of 1 ml.
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