Description overdue on 09/28/2014
- Latin name: Tazalok
- ATC code: G02CX
- Active substance: The roots of the six-petalled Filipendulae + curly parsley root celery + + + this podmarinnika Grass Grass Lenca ordinary + Flowers of Marigold
- Manufacturer: Lubnyfarm PAO, Ukraine
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Drops Tazalok, instructions for use (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Analogs
- Babies
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
The preparation includes gathering Tazalok herbal raw materials to 40% ethanol (1:10).
Active Ingredients:
- 0, 28 g - Filipendulae six-blade root;
- 0 225 g - from vezhego curly parsley root;
- 0, 17 g - fresh celery root;
- 0, 135 g - podmarinnika this herb;
- 0, 11 g - Lenka ordinary grass;
- 0, 08 g - marigold flowers.
Product form
Drops for oral administration (internal) use.
Package 1 comprises a vial of 50 ml or 100 ml.
Pharmacological action
Gormonoreguliruyuschee, antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory, sedative, tonic.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Drops are Tazalok vegetable non-hormonal drug complex action, thanks synergistic effects That exhibit its constituent biologically active substances.
The drug has been actively involved in the normalization of the rhythm of secretion and correlation gonadotropin-releasing hormone, stabilizes the passage of the second phase menstrual cycle . A beneficial effect on hormonal balance between progesterone and estradiol. It has a pronounced effect on the stroma and glandular tissue of the uterus, ovaries and mammary glands Exhibits anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative properties.
With its resorptive action at symptom Polycystic Ovary supports viable part of the ovary, it helps mitigate the capsule cyst and reduce its intensity.
Actively influence the process of resorption of the inner contents cysts, decreases painless nodes in dense breasts, and facilitates their resorption. If you change hormonal during menstrual cycle reduces the reaction of the mammary glands. It has analgesic and antispasmodic effects. It prevents development dysplastic changes in the glandular tissue of the uterus, breast and ovary.
- premenstrual syndrome;
- irregularities in the menstrual cycle;
- dysmenorrhea;
- menopausal disorders;
- algomenorrhea.
Also, the use Tazaloka indicated for combination therapy:
- endometrial hyperplasia;
- fibrocystic breast;
- uterine fibroids;
- polycystic ovary syndrome.
- age up to 14 years;
- malignancies;
- hypersensitivity to ingredients included in the droplets;
- pregnancy and lactation .
Side effects
Typically, the drug Tazalok well tolerated and has a minimal risk of adverse side effects.
If sensitivity to any ingredient of the drug may be some allergic reactions, mainly with the skin: swelling, rash, itching, flushing, erythematous infiltrated spots.
If you identify any negative manifestations, during therapy Tazalokom need to stop taking it and consult a physician.
Drops Tazalok, instructions for use (method and dosage)
Instructions on Tazalok recommends a course of therapy lasting at least 3 months.
Drops of preparation taken orally (oral) three times a day 30 minutes before meal. The 100-150 ml of water, cooled to room temperature, add 30-40 drops Tazaloka and drink. During menses therapy is not interrupted.
If after treatment, to remove the drug Tazalok, symptoms appear again, perhaps an extension of the reception drops after consulting with your doctor.
Chance of overdose drops Tazalok minimal. When the alleged overdose can cause disorders of the cardiovascular system.
Therapy of overdose Standard: gastric lavage, the appointment of adsorbents (activated carbon) , Symptomatic therapy.
In the case of the patient receiving any other medication needs to be made aware of the attending physician.
Terms of sale
Over the counter.
Storage conditions
The temperature is not above 25 ° C.
Shelf life
30 months.
Ovarium Compositum
Gynoflor E
Klimadinon Uno
Capel Tazalok Analogs produced by the pharmaceutical industry in a variety of dosage forms may be: syrups, drops, tablets, granules, etc. At this time, by the analogues are used:
- Dysmenorm;
- Klimakt-Heel;
- Abyufen;
- Ginekoheel;
- Klimaktoplan;
- Yves Coeur;
- Musto-Grand etc.
The drug is not prescribed to patients Tazalok before reaching 14 years of age due to insufficient data on safety and efficacy drops.
During pregnancy (and lactation)
Tazalok Drops should not be taken during the pregnancy and breast-feeding .
Reviews on Tazalok
The effectiveness of this drug in the treatment of various pathologies of the female reproductive organs, is still open, even despite the fact that the therapy is conducted with its application for a long time and is often successful.
Reviews Gynecologists Tazalok to talk about the direction of action of the drug on the entire female body. Good results showed the treatment of dysfunctional menstrual cycles Even in the absence of standards for a long time. Unequivocal advantage of the drug known as its efficiency in the normalization of the major female hormones - progesterone and estrogen.
At the same time reviews of doctors Tazalok droplets are reduced to the fact that any treatment, especially the treatment of female sexual sphere, must be approached very individually. Definitely give an answer which will help the drug of a particular patient in a particular case, it can only be experienced gynecologist after extensive research, anamnesis, revealing disturbing and threatening external factors, as well as with all the features of the body of the patient.
Women's Forum also did not give a clear answer to this question, there are both positive and negative feedback. Who took Tazalok and was fully satisfied with his action who felt the opposite is not any improvement of their own health. In any case, the choice of the drug should be approached with great responsibility and take it only after consulting a specialist.
Price Tazalok where to buy
Price Tazalok in Ukraine on average 150 hryvnia per 50 ml and 250 hryvnia per 100 ml, with some small variations depending on the region. For example, the Kharkiv fully confirms the high cost of the drug in Ukraine, while in Odessa can be purchased for 20 hryvnia cheaper.
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