Sunday, June 11, 2017

Protects against heart failure

 Protects against heart failure  Acute heart failure - one of the most common causes of death for the Russians, judging by the medical reports. What is it and how to prevent its development?

When our heart ceases to perform its substantive work, that is to pump enough blood through the body, there comes acute heart failure Which are sometimes referred to heart failure. The main cause of OCH   is damage to the heart muscle, which occurs for different reasons. In most cases, heart attack.

Among other reasons OCH note high blood pressure, problems with heart valves, kardiomiopaticheskaya heart muscle disease and birth defects. British Association recommends that cardiac surgeons to maintain the heart in a healthy condition for as long as the amount of time to maintain an active lifestyle and to observe the correct diet.

A balanced diet should include plenty of vegetables and fruits, foods with starch and protein, which significantly reduce the risk of heart disease . Particular attention should be paid namely fruits and vegetables, and fish oil. But fatty foods and alcohol should refrain.

Milk need to choose low-fat or fat-free. Physical activity in middle age, according to scientists, will increase the life expectancy of two years. At about the same effect give and not smoking. Our heart is a powerful muscle, and like any other muscle in the body it needs to be trained to keep in shape. If these workouts will not be held, the risk acute heart failure   will increase many times.

Read about chronic heart failure.

Treatment and prevention

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