Friday, June 30, 2017

8 reasons to give up instant noodles

For the past two decades noodles Fast food is one of the most popular dishes in Russia due to its cheapness, speed and ease of preparation. However, this product better exclude from your diet, despite its attractive quality, and here's why.

 8 reasons to give up instant noodles  Instant noodles


Instant noodles   It contains a large amount of fat - in package 85 weighing approximately 14 g, 5 g of fat. The share of harmful saturated fat falls 6, 5 g, which is 30% of the allowable daily dose.

Lack of protein and vegetables

In a cup instant noodles   virtually no benefit to Health ingredients. There vitamins zero percent, zero percent calcium, only 4 grams of protein and 10% iron, while adult men need 56g protein in a day. By the way, in these circles, you will not find any sort of vegetables, so You can safely assume that the dried pieces of corn, carrots, and why should there not yet put pure decoration.


Sweeteners with meat and chicken, are packaged in individual foil bags consist of salt, glutamate sodium, sugar and spices. All this is quite harmful to our body.


Can you imagine what the amount of salt contained in a single serving of instant noodles? As many as 910 mg! These noodles packed salt so that its amount is 41% of daily recommended dose.

Bisphenol A

We can not see it, but it's It does not mean it is not there. Bisphenol A is used for producing packages for instant noodles. Scientists have proved that this substance impacts negatively on hormones, and especially on the most important female sex hormone estrogen.


In one portion of instant preparation contains as much as 400 calories - fourth of the recommended daily dose for women and one-fifth of a similar dose for men. Meanwhile the noodles is often seen as a quick and easy snack.


Have you ever thought of What is done is a long noodles with a flourish? In fact, this pasta, which strongly fried in oil. A fried noodles are unlikely to be beneficial to health.

Cardiometabolic Syndrome

This name does not sound very nice, because it is not too pleasant phenomenon. Cardiometabolic syndrome increases the likelihood of developing heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Attention women: that the fair sex, who use noodles given twice a week, 68% more risk facing metabolic syndrome. (READ MORE)

Healthy eating

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