Sunday, June 25, 2017

Diseases of the blood

August 7, 2011

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 Diseases of the blood  Diseases of the blood are classified into four distinct categories, allocated according to the defeat of components that make up the blood - Platelet . erythrocyte . plasma   and leukocytes . Such blood diseases as polycythemia   and anemia   anomalies caused by erythrocytes, thrombocytopenia arises with the occurrence of abnormality of platelet leukosis   and leukopenia   associated with the violation of the number of leukocytes and their production in the body. In connection with abnormalities of plasma occurs fairly broad group of blood diseases, among which is included haemophilia A   and agammaglobulinemia , Radiation sickness and leads to all sorts of diseases of the blood.

Although in recent years, a host of products that are used the share of the normalization of the blood is still widely used folk methods   Treatment of blood diseases, has almost no side effects on the human body and does not affect the liver condition.

Abnormalities of red blood cells

Anemia   - One of blood disorders characterized by a significant reduction in the blood levels of red blood cells, in some cases, it appears as a fall Hemoglobin It presents in erythrocytes. The disease occurs due to various reasons, among which are the following processes:

  • reduction in hemoglobin or RBC production, in which the process of destruction of cells beyond a normal level;
  • red blood cells are destroyed at an accelerated pace, this condition is called hemolytic anemia ;
  • loss of a large amount of red blood cells resulting in a strong single bleeding   regular or short bleeding, this is classified as a subspecies of anemia hemorrhagic anemia .

It must be remembered that the reason for the occurrence of anemia due to extremely rare, often given blood disease caused by a combination of several factors.

For the treatment of anemia have been successfully used traditional methods, developed a number of recipes, the use of which can significantly improve the condition of patients.

Grated must be separately grate radishes, carrots and beets, then the resulting squeeze the juice and pour it into a clear glass bottle with an equal volume. On all sides the need to coat with conventional bottle test, but not sealed, allowing it to insist liquid evaporate freely. Turn the oven on a very small fire, warm up and put it back in the bottle three hours to juice root crops could warm up and present. The resulting product is used during anemia The course of treatment is three months, the liquid is taken three times a day one tablespoon before eating.

Big green apple varieties "Antonovka"   you need to finely chop and put in the interior unsalted pork fat, the resulting mixture is mixed thoroughly and put on a small fire in the oven, to obtain a mixture protomai. Then take the 12 egg yolks, eggs better home, carefully rub with a glass of sugar until smooth, rub to 400 grams of bitter dark chocolate using the finest grater. Got a lot of mix with a mixture of apples baked in lard, put in the refrigerator, and take daily before meals three times a day, simply spread on bread, washed down with warm milk. This means not only will quickly cure anemia, but also a beneficial effect on the lungs, cures mild TB Significantly improves the state of health makes a man out of the depleted state.

In the treatment of anemia and help dog-rose fruit . Five tablespoons of dried fruits need to grind, pour a liter of water and boil on low heat for ten minutes, and then the capacity of the liquid in a warm blanket to wrap up and insist until the morning and then just drink warm or cold tea instead. Infusion of rose hips, rich in vitamin C, improves the metabolism of a person, it perfectly cleanses the circulatory system, it is perfectly blinked anemia and scurvy , Diseases of the bladder and kidneys.

Grated carrots on a grater, mixed with vegetable oil or sour cream, perfectly helps with anemia, such a mixture must be taken every morning on an empty stomach. The diet therapy is used watermelon, honey is widely used. For the treatment of anemia better use of dark honey, rich in minerals, it is necessary to use several times a day, preferably stir goat milk. When anemia is recommended to use in writing as much garlic or use a tincture, which is easy to prepare yourself. We need to take 300 grams of garlic, clean it thoroughly, then pour a liter of alcohol and insist in a dark place for three weeks. Then take 20 drops before meals, stirring garlic tincture in a glass of milk.

Polycythemia Although associated with abnormalities of erythrocytes, its expression is due to their excessive levels in the blood. The causes of polycythemia scientists are still unknown, but the disease is characterized, in addition to a significant increase in the level of red blood cells, many times higher than normal, increasing the number of platelets and white blood cells. The development of polycythemia influenced by external factors, leading to poor blood binding molecules present in the composition of its oxygen. The growth of red blood cells characteristic of the population of mountainous regions, such as the residents of villages located high in the Andes, the same symptoms, and in patients suffering from chronic disorders of blood circulation in the lungs.

Abnormalities of platelet

Currently there are several types of Science anomalies platelets comprising thrombocytopenia   - Drastic reduction in the number of blood platelets, thrombocytosis   - Significantly above normal number of red blood cells in the blood. Sometimes there is another anomaly of platelets associated with a change in their composition and shape. Thrombocytopenia, observed most often in connection with the occurrence of platelet abnormalities, occurs due to excessive Activity spleen   or in connection with significant damage to bone marrow, the disease most often occurs as an isolated disorder, but can be combined with a complex of other blood disorders, such as polycythemia.

The anomalies of leukocytes

Anomalies leukocytes manifest in two ways, and diseases of the blood, in this case they are associated with either an excess in the blood, or a significant decrease in their level, in both cases, abnormal white blood cells.

 Diseases of the blood  Leukopenia   - One of the diseases associated with abnormality of leukocytes. It is classified into several subtypes, including neutropenia, lymphopenia and, as a result of these diseases is decreased number of white blood cells. When neutropenia is observed decrease in the level neutrophil One of the constituents of leukocytes. This disease often occurs as a complication after an infectious human diseases in which the body temperature rises significantly, which leads to a reduction of white blood cells. These infections include measles   and flu . rubella , Infectious mononucleosis . mumps . typhoid fever Often a change in the number of white blood cells causing various drugs and toxic substances poisoning.

Lymphopenia   characterized by a decrease in the level of white blood cells in the blood, the disease is often caused by X-ray irradiation, it can be triggered and radiation sickness, as well as violations of the immune system, and Hodgkin's disease.

Leukosis As known and called " leukemia "- Not a single disease, but a group of diseases characterized by the transformation of blood cells in malignant tumors, abnormal cells are produced in unlimited quantities and are gradually replacing normal bone marrow cells. Leukemia occurs when regeneration of blood cells in dangerous cancer cells typically do not regenerate all cell types, leukocytes but only related to one type. Despite the development of modern medicine, leukemia explain why scientists currently can not.

In such a dangerous circulatory system diseases   in the blood appear immature or abnormal cells, and then appear in the form of cancerous tumor infiltrates and seals, which can occur in various parts of the human body. If these abnormal cells appear in the bone marrow, anemia to leukemia joins.

The disease often leads to death, is divided into two types - Lymphocytic Leukemia   and myelogenous leukemia . When lymphocytic leukemia occurs degeneration of leukocytes, while myeloid leukemia - have other blood cells called myelocytes or granulocyte, malignant transformation of two cell types in practice is extremely rare. The protein content in cancer cells is abnormal, and abnormal blood cells themselves are characterized by an altered form.

Leukemias are divided into chronic   and sharp , The acute form of the disease blood its constituent cells are very immature. They are not that functional load, which must comply with normal blood cells. During the acute form of leukemia, the disease is very serious, requiring urgent medical intervention. The chronic form of leukemia is less dangerous to the patient's life, and the red blood cells, in spite of their rebirth, mature enough, the very disease is quite slow, and with a minimum of maintenance therapy patients can live for many years.

To treatment of leukemia   or for slowing the progression of the diseases of the blood, along with the medication used and popular treatment of blood diseases. You can choose to prepare a remedy on the basis of horse chestnut While inflorescence a candle must be carefully cut, then remove the column, separating it from flowers. Sami horse chestnut flowers to dry, put them on a clean sheet of paper or on paper, and then one tablespoon dried flowers pour a glass of boiling water and infuse it in just six hours. This infusion should be taken for half a glass, with a day you can drink more than a liter of the liquid.

Leukemia helps another folk remedy. You can prepare the mixture, taking half a liter of aloe juice, half a liter of Cahors wine, 200 grams of sweet flag root and 500 grams of meadow honey, sweet flag root of well-milled and then the components of the mixture thoroughly. The resulting mixture should insist for two weeks in the dark, for example, in the pantry. Every day taken an hour before a meal one tablespoon, drinking a mixture of extract of oregano. You can make another mixture of 200 grams of sweet flag root, half a liter of brandy, and 500 grams of honey, which is infused and used in the same way.

In leukemia, it is desirable to use folk remedies, made on the basis of dihorizandra , In common this plant is called "golden mustache." To do this, mix equal parts of buckwheat honey and chopped golden mustache, then pour the mixture of Cahors, which amounts to twice the mass of honey. This mixture will have to insist for forty days, then three times a day before meals to take a tablespoon, washed down with a simple decoction of the flowers of horse chestnut. To prepare the broth itself, you should use the proportion: one tablespoon of dried flowers per liter of water.

Another medication that helps in leukemia can be made from 50 grams of planting buckwheat, 45 grams of dried rose hips, 5 grams of seeds Echinops usual. All components are mixed, then the mixture milled. Then take 2 tablespoons of the mixture and zaparivat it in a thermos for two hours, the Gulf of half a liter of boiling water. The infusion of strain and take four times a day for half a glass, seizing broth one teaspoon of pollen, treatment lasts a month.

You can take a young one-year pine needles, 2 tablespoons pre-shredded dried rose hips, 4 tablespoons of onion peel, 2 tablespoons of leaves of wild olives. Measure out the glass of the resulting mixture, pour into a quart pot, fill with water up to the top, put on the stove and bring to a boil. Wrap in something warm and insist the whole night, then strain through cheesecloth and pour into a glass bottle, taken daily half a liter of constantly increasing the dose, replacing data broth water and other drinks.

Folk remedy for leukemia can be made on the basis of rye bran, which are simply filled with boiling water, and then languish in the oven. The resulting infusion filter and then to add liquid honey in an amount of 20-30% of its volume. The easiest recipe, which lowers the level of white blood cells, provides drink 200 grams of raw water with honey and apple cider vinegar, one teaspoon, it can be used without any restrictions.

Abnormalities of plasma

 Diseases of the blood  By appearance radiation sickness   leads even a single exposure on the human body to ionizing radiation, the amount of which is many times the permissible norm. Radiation sickness may develop not only because of the total exposure, but also when entering the human body of radioactive substances through inhalation or by eating or drinking contaminated water.

When radiation sickness is recommended to consume healing brew   and enzymes prepared from lactic acid bacteria. Enzymes can cook yourself, it requires a three-liter jar with the help of drop shipping a glass of fresh or dried herbs celandine in a gauze bag, and in the course of going and the leaves and stem. The bottle top to pour the buttermilk, and then just add a teaspoon of sour cream, the best of home-cooked goat's milk. Top bottle must cover with gauze folded in four layers, that the drug did not involve the wine flies.

Within two to three weeks, the composition is necessary to insist in a dark, dry place, so that the liquid had formed a strong lactic acid bacteria. Medicinal properties of bacteria caused by the products of their activities perfectly able to update and clean any surface, wherever they go. The adoption of such drugs at half a cup half an hour before meals for two weeks allows to completely clean the surface of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, eliminating the body of heavy metals such as mercury, thallium, lead, bismuth, and harmful radionuclides.

Print radionuclides help ordinary eggshell , It should be just two to six grams daily, just thoroughly crushed in a mortar shell, and then take in the morning, mix the resulting powder into a porridge or cottage cheese. You can use a polished birch fungus known as Chaga, in the proportion of one tablespoon per cup of water, broth infused only ten minutes to drink a tablespoon of half an hour before meals.

Juice Aronia great help for the prevention of radiation sickness. To remove from the stomach radioactive substances, you need to take in food bran, steam them in boiling water, and sea kale. Radiation sickness requires an increased amount of fruit in the diet of the patient, must be present cherries and apricots, grapes and viburnum, blackthorn fruit, peaches, plums and cherries.

When anomalies in human plasma is often a tendency to increased bleeding As after various traumas, and completely spontaneous. Bleeding provokes a decrease in the number of plasma proteins, which are responsible for blood clotting. When abnormality of plasma may occur haemophilia A When the bleeding can cause any cut mile even a slight wound. Another disease associated with abnormalities of plasma, called agammaglobulinemia , It is associated with low levels of antibodies in the blood and insufficient synthesis. Congenital or acquired agammaglobulinemia, primarily associated with the defect, and plasma cells lymphocytes , Because of which stops the normal synthesis of immunoglobulins. In congenital form of the disease, some patients die in childhood, other patients can be successfully treated by conventional injections of gamma globulin.

Hemophilia A is a blood disease characterized by a high tendency to bleeding. With this hereditary disease in the blood plasma of a shortage of certain proteins, whereby the blood coagulates little, which is a fundamental factor for the occurrence of bleeding. In 80% of patients suffering from the disease is diagnosed deficiency in plasma antigemofilicheskogo globulin . The cause of Hemophilia A is a genetic disorder, in 50% of patients with this blood disorder is hereditary and runs in families.

    . Escherichia coli . pneumococci .   and . . . Boils .



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