Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Hazardous house cleaning: 6 risk factors

 Hazardous house cleaning: 6 risk factors  Autumn is coming, time to prepare the house for the new season, clean out old clothes and toys, wash the windows, seal them before ... On the agenda - the big house cleaning!

Alas, general House cleaning   It can be quite a dangerous undertaking. Analyze what common mistakes you make, cleaning your home and putting things in order in the closets? Here's a list of the most common mistakes that lead to dangerous cleaning.

  1. House cleaning without gloves. Qualitative heavy gloves to the elbow, preferably with fabric plies - is not only a way to save a manicure. Through the skin into our bodies can get dangerous and caustic solvents that can cause allergies, skin irritation, and most importantly - microscopic mites, several species of which live in house dust. That's why without gloves is not necessary to carry out not only wet but also dry House cleaning . According to recent reports, dust mites - the main instigators of chronic allergies, they also drastically reduce the local immunity of the skin and mucous membranes.
  2. Cleaning barefoot. Partly for the same reason that it is not necessary to clean the house without gloves, and you should not walk barefoot during cleaning. The perfect shoes for this process - slip rubber slippers that are easy to wash.
  3. Dusting with a dry cloth or sponge. These fashion pen brush, dry sponges impregnated - all this attracts dust only 30 - 40% with the remainder disperses air in different directions. Much safer to use a foam sponge or fine-pored foam, and special cloth microfibre: they are the safest.
  4. Use a vacuum cleaner with a bag clogged. More precisely, with the crude since the time of the last cleaning dust collector. Make it a rule to clean the dust (or replace it with a new one) immediately after harvest: in a few days left in the dust mites and actively breed germs that when the vacuum cleaner is turned on again without a problem fly through the air blow hole.
  5. Wash the floor "on all fours". In fact, this method of cleaning - so to speak, in the pose of a spider - can be recommended in one case: for pregnant women on the latest pregnancy. In this case, wash the floor is transformed into useful gymnastics, shoot a little load on the spine. But in all other cases, wash the floor better with good maneuverability mop having a telescopic handle. And if you have problems with blood or intraocular pressure, the cleaning in a tilted position can not be made absolutely!
  6. Using household chemical sprays without a mask or respirator. If you are used to clean windows, mirrors, polished surfaces using a spray, be sure to open wide all the windows and balconies, and spray these chemicals at arm's length. If the windows can not be opened or balcony - wear a mask or respirator wet: many sprays can lead to toxic lesions of the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and eyes, and cause episodes of severe allergies.

The most dangerous place for cleaning experts believe bathroom: as a rule, are very poor ventilation while using the most aggressive chemicals - chlorine-based and hydrochloric acid. So do not forget as soon as the cleaning ventilate the bathroom and toilet.

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