Monday, March 18, 2019

Shortness of breath

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 Shortness of breath  Shortness of breath   - A recurring condition, which was originally a person can simply ignore. Condition often goes unnoticed if the weakness and shortness of breath are noted for serious exercise. Often, dyspnea on exertion perceived as inevitable and self-evident. The fact is, people tend to believe that a strong shortness of breath during physical effort - this is normal, especially if it takes place in a few minutes. However, experts argue that the shortness of breath can be a very serious signal and indicate the development of serious illnesses. Therefore, if a person says a strong shortness of breath when walking fast or at relatively moderate loads, be sure to consult with your doctor.

How does shortness of breath?

Shortness of breath - a condition which is characterized by rhythm disturbance, frequency, depth of breathing. At the same time the person feels that he did not have enough air. If it is not a violation of the nervous regulation of respiration, the process of recovering dyspnea lack of oxygen in the body.

Shortness of breath can be a result of strenuous exercise, and symptoms suggestive of severe disease. Medics determined different types odyshek. Especially should guard chest shortness of breath That develops a person suddenly growing very quickly and goes into attack suffocation . In severe cases, dyspnea character is such that a person can feel threatened asphyxia . Man must guard shortness of breath at rest, and shortness of breath after eating. It should be understood that the manifestations of shortness of breath characteristic of many diseases and conditions. Shortness of breath often develops in women during childbearing, diseases of the heart, lungs, nervous system, manifested as dyspnea on breast osteochondrosis and etc.

Types and causes shortness of breath

The manifestations of dyspnea vary depending on what kind of pathology was its cause. Also, this form of shortness of breath may develop as a result of poisoning with neurotropic poisons. Unlike other kinds of shortness of breath, at which the compensation is insufficient breathing, shortness of breath due to the development of the central respiratory failure occurs.

Pulmonary dyspnea It is seen in people who suffer from various diseases of the bronchi, lungs, with lung failure. To distinguish expiratory and inspiratory pulmonary dyspnea.

  Expiratory dyspnea   It occurs in asthma. Its symptoms - long and difficult breath. This condition is characterized by difficulty in humans exhale. The fact that such a character is observed in respiratory disorders removing carbon dioxide as in patients asthma marked narrowing of the bronchial tubes. Therefore, in order to exhale, the person very annoying respiratory muscles. Therefore, dyspnea expiratory character appears elongated exhalation.

Inspiratory dyspnea It occurs when the valve pneumothorax development, fibrosis, with a variety of injuries of the diaphragm and others. Also, this form of shortness of breath is observed in lymphatic kartsonomatoze lungs. Expiratory and inspiratory dyspnea differ primarily by the fact that in the second case there is difficulty in inspiration. The reasons for this phenomenon - regidnost tissue of the lungs and chest. Also, this type of shortness of breath can occur in a reduced volume of the chest. Pulmonary dyspnea often arises as a consequence of impaired patency of the bronchi. In turn, this phenomenon is caused by swelling of the bronchial tubes, clogging them masses of sputum. Accordingly, it is necessary to the proper treatment of this phenomenon.

Symptoms cardiac dyspnea   develop in humans due to the manifestation of left heart failure. In this state, the patient or stagnant blood in the lungs, or small notes cardiac output. As a consequence, there is an eating disorder of the brain, so the pathogenesis of dyspnea is similar to the central type apnea. However, due to physical exercise dyspnea human heart failure increases. With cardiac asthma   or Heart Failure   Given the fact that the cardiac dyspnea occurs because a variety of mechanisms, medications for this phenomenon are used in combination. Basic medicines for heart shortness of breath - is diuretics, digitalis infusion and others. The dyspnoea remove the heart, in severe cases should be decided by an expert. In severe symptoms it is necessary to urgently call a doctor. But before the doctor arrives, who will decide how to treat shortness of breath, a person needs to give a semi-sitting position and give him the sedative, which is at hand.

Hematogenically shortness of breath   It develops in contact with human blood toxic products. This condition is typical of poisoning, Diabetes . hepatic insufficiency .

The causes of dyspnea may be associated with the development of the inflammatory process in lungs. pneumonia due to the fact that the volume of a normally functioning lung tissue is reduced and respiratory reflex threshold decreases. Severe shortness of pneumonia is also noted due to the impact of toxic substances that are released into the bloodstream from the source of the inflammation. In this case it is very important and timely diagnosis is correct. Otherwise misdiagnosis of breathlessness when walking and treatment of folk remedies can lead to very serious consequences.

Particular attention should be paid to shortness of breath and its causes in the elderly. When pneumonia is the shortness of breath can be a symptom that will suspect this disease. Most cardiac dyspnea and pulmonary dyspnea appear similar, so it is important to establish the diagnosis and to take all measures to treat.

 Shortness of breath  Occurrence   - A direct result of irritation of the respiratory center. This form of shortness of breath is often a consequence of organic brain lesions. Also, the development of cerebral breathlessness may be due to abnormalities in the nervous system.

Wheezing with bronchitis in a child can testify, develop an acute form of the disease. bronchitis characterized by a lack of air in the lungs. At the slightest exertion observed the child coughing, which occurs against the backdrop of difficult breathing. Severe shortness of breath at the baby - the main feature obstructive bronchitis . Symptoms of the disease in children manifest as lethargy, malaise. The kid can be capricious, refuse to eat. He suffers from constant severe coughing. It is important to prevent the development of this form of bronchitis, since in this case there is an abnormal change in bronchial tissue.

However, the causes of dyspnea in a child may be quite different, so before you make a decision what to do, parents should be sure to show the baby's doctor and undergo all the necessary tests. The main thing - time to notice the symptoms, and treatment in this case would be the most effective.

Parents in any case should not be free to choose the methods and decide how to treat wheezing with bronchitis. For use in the treatment of extremely popular methods could eventually lead to the transition of acute bronchitis in the chronic form. As a consequence, dyspnea in chronic bronchitis in a child will be even more pronounced. It is important to bear in mind that the child's bronchitis after a marked decline in immunity. It is therefore important to strengthen the immune system of the baby.

Dry cough and shortness of breath may indicate and chronic bronchitis in adults. These symptoms are often observed in hard-core smokers. Fever and shortness of breath can also be combined with colds.

Shortness of breath during pregnancy Usually bother women in recent months. During pregnancy, the uterus is gradually increased, and consequently compresses the diaphragm. In the early stages of pregnancy shortness women rarely bothers. However, in the first trimester periodically develops shortness of breath in pregnancy, due to hormonal changes in the body of the future mother. Dyspnea in pregnant women is also associated with physical and emotional overload. And if it is not always evident, and occasionally, the cause for concern is the state should not. But if a woman concerned about the shortness of breath at rest, you should definitely tell your doctor.

How to treat shortness of breath?

 Shortness of breath  Sometimes it may seem like a mistake that shortness of breath - a phenomenon that is not a symptom of other diseases. As a result, a person believes that he needs treatment for shortness of breath when walking, not treatment of the underlying disease. Treatment of dyspnea in heart failure carries cardiologist. If a person has developed an attack of breathlessness angina or other diseases of the heart, you need to give him first aid. It should ensure a flow of fresh air into the room. At the same time the patient should be at rest. It should be free from crushing his rib cage, give the patient oxygen breathing bag. With such attacks should be given under the tongue tablets Nitrosorbid . You should also take any diuretics. Help with psychogenic dyspnea includes receiving sedatives. Similarly, when we treat shortness of breath IRR . However, it should be understood that using sedatives possible only during relief of symptoms but do not cure the underlying disease.

To get rid of breathlessness bronchitis, you must provide a comprehensive treatment of the disease and medication, and treatment of folk remedies.

Thinking about how to treat shortness of breath folk remedies, it should be noted that it can be done only if the shortness of breath and occasionally appears as a result of very heavy loads. In this case, you can try periodically to make a tincture of Leonurus, and peppermint teas, Melissa, valerian.

The main prevention measures need to completely give up smoking and if possible, avoid the bad environmental conditions. By the way, passive smoking, ie inhalation of cigarette smoke, may also cause the development of dyspnea. Be sure to keep active, as this will strengthen the immune system and improve the oxygen exchange in the lungs. In no event it is impossible to run a chronic lung and heart diseases: early treatment saves from trouble in the future.

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