Monday, January 16, 2017

Immunomodulating agents (adjuvants)

May 25, 2012

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 Immunomodulating agents (adjuvants)  Immunostimulant   It called those substances which have a stimulation of nonspecific resistance and immunity   human. Very often the terms' immunopotentiator "And" immunomodulator "Are used as synonyms. But between such drugs is still there is a difference.

Types of drugs that affect the immune system

All drugs that somehow have an impact on the immune system, can be subdivided into four types: immunocorrectors . immunomodulators . immunostimulants . immunosuppressants . Application immunomodulators   advantageously in case of failures in the treatment of immune system and also functions to restore the system. Such drugs are used to treat only after the appointment of a specialist.

Products- immunocorrectors   It acts only on certain parts of the immune system, but its operation as a whole. Facilities- immunosuppressants In contrast, do not stimulate and inhibit its work if its operation is too active and harm to human body.

Products- immunostimulants   not intended for the treatment: they only enhance human immunity. Under the influence of these drugs immune system function more effectively.

Immunomodulators have different origins and impact on the human immune system regardless of what was its original state. Experts classify the funds according to their origin, as well as guided by the mechanism of their action. If we look at the origin of immunomodulators, they are divided into Endogenous . exogenous   and chemically net   drugs. The mechanism of action of these drugs is based on the impact on T . The immune system , and phagocytosis .

How do immunomodulators and immunostimulants

The human immune system is a unique system of the body, which may affect the neytraliziruyusche enter the body alien antigens . Immunity prevents the adverse effects of infectious agents. Immunomodulators can affect the change of the human immune system.

Immunostimulators direction of action to work a certain level of the immune system by activating it. A immunomodulators prescribed in order to balance all the components of the immune system, with enhanced activity of one, and the other - is reduced.

 Immunomodulating agents (adjuvants)  Interferons   - A protein produced by cells of the organism. It is a response to the attack of viruses. Interferons bind to receptors at the site of the cell membrane and provide protection against exposure to infectious agents. As sometimes used drugs synthesized proteins, the effect of which is directed to the production of the body's own interferon. Among the drugs that are used to provide similar effects in the manifestations of colds or flu, is often used arbidol . Cyclofan . viferon . ribomunil . likopid . tsikloferon   and etc.

However, taking these drugs should be dosed strictly, since too long treatment own immune system of the organism can act less active. Too prolonged use of immunostimulants without proper control of the attending physician such funds may negatively affect the immune system and the child, and an adult.

Indications for use of immunomodulators

The main indicator, which is taken to the attention of the appointment of immunomodulators, considered signs of immune deficiency. This state is characterized by very frequent manifestation Viral . bacterial . fungal   infection, which do not affect the traditional therapies.

Before starting treatment, the physician must determine which immune disorders occur in humans, as well as the extent to which these violations are severe. If a healthy person is diagnosed decline of immunity specific parameter, then take such drugs are not always appropriate. In this case, it is important to be sure the patient examined and consulted an expert immunologist.

Often in parallel with immunomodulators patients received vitamin-preparations, as well as antioxidants   and microelements . In most cases, an additional method is assigned sorption therapy to reduce the level of endogenous intoxication.

Immunostimulants and immunomodulators of plant origin

 Immunomodulating agents (adjuvants)  Besides artificially synthesized drugs are now widely used as adjuvants and immunomodulators of plant origin. Such drugs are naturally and gradually restores the body, while not altering the hormonal balance. These products are based on herbs: nettle, chicory, lungwort, yarrow, clover, and others. In addition to herbs, immunostimulatory properties are also some food plants

It has potent immunostimulant properties Echinacea . It is a herbaceous perennial plant extract, which today is very often used in cosmetics and the like, and in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. Echinacea promotes the formation of red blood cells, it enriches the body Selenium . calcium . silicon . Vitamins A . FROM . E   and other, no less important for the life and strengthen the immune system elements. Furthermore, preparations created from Echinacea have antiallergic . diuretic . anti-inflammatory . antibacterial . antivirus   exposure. Ten percent is mostly used alcohol tincture of echinacea, as well as herbal teas, which include this plant. On the basis of echinacea are also made quite popular drugs Immunal . immunorm . These tools affect the immunity of the person gently and positively. They are assigned even to children who are already one year old. As a preventive measure it is recommended to use these drugs three times
per year, one month, thereby enhancing the resilience of the human body as a whole.

Preparations based on echinacea used as immune stimulants for children. However, it is important to bear in mind that having a vegetable origin adjuvants can not be used without control, because there are some contraindications, which you need to know before taking.

Also popular echinacea extract is a natural immunostimulant Siberian Ginseng roots . The infusion of this plant adults take 30-40 drops, and children should count one drop infusion for one year of life. Today, an extract of Siberian Ginseng is often used as a means which prevents the contamination of flu   and colds   during the epidemic. Quite often in such cases is also used ginger . Immunomodulators for children is often used in kindergartens, as well as recommend for home use during epidemics.

The use of immunostimulants for children

 Immunomodulating agents (adjuvants)  It is important that adjuvants and immunomodulators used for children with special care. After a number of such drugs have clear contraindications for which information is indicated in the instructions to these medicines. You can not take the treatment of such means the children have relatives who are diagnosed autoimmune diseases Because their impact can trigger the development of diseases in children. Among the diseases that are identified in the contraindications, it should be noted Insulin type   Diabetes . vitiligo . multiple sclerosis . Addison's disease . scleroderma And other autoimmune diseases. Most of these diseases are incurable.

But there are direct testimony to the use of these drugs for the treatment of children. Thus, adjuvants are appointed for children in some severe diseases. It flu complications . severe colds a . Also immunomodulators used in the treatment of pregnant women with colds as contraindications in these funds are relatively few.

Very useful and virtually harmless immune stimulant, ideal for children, is honey. It contains a very large number of useful essential vitamins   and microelements , Besides a delicious children use medical means to treat. Allowed treatment with honey, even small children, which is not yet one year old. The only contraindication in this case are   allergic reactions   honey.

To funktsionarovala child's immune system is at full strength, you need to regularly replenish the supply of certain micronutrients. It's important to use products that contain zinc: it is peas, carrots, oats, red peppers, buckwheat. It is a powerful immune stimulator and garlic. However, it is important to consider that children up to three years can be given only boiled garlic.

Yet imunostimulyatory-drugs and drugs of this type having a vegetable origin, are not usual vitamins. Therefore, the need for this type of drugs to strengthen the immune system of children should still consult with experts.

Immunomodulators for the treatment of herpes

Herpes   - The disease, the treatment is also actively used, some immunomodulators. Drugs belonging to the group of interferons, and used for the treatment of herpes, are Ridostin . Poludan . Amiksin . Amiksin preparation has a pronounced effect on viruses and stimulates the production of interferon.

Recurrent herpes infections are often treated with drugs viferon . giaferon . leukinferon . neovir , Composed of recombined human interferon. These adjuvants herpes antiviral effectively support the body's resistance.

Moreover, when applied herpes and other drugs of this type. The drug, an immunomodulator imunofan   stimulates formation immunoglobulins   in the body and activates its antioxidant system.

Young children in the herpes treatment with immunodeficiencies shown likopid. According to the scheme of therapy means the doctor prescribes an individual basis.

In addition, herpes in children and adults as immunostimulants used drugs galavit . Tamerit . epitelamin . polyoxidonium   and a number of other effective drugs.

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