Wednesday, January 4, 2017

6 ways to protect children from the flu

With the onset of the influenza season, children often in the firing line, so they are more vulnerable to these virus. Here are some simple ways to help protect your kids from the disease.

 6 ways to protect children from the flu  Prevention of influenza

1. Get a flu shot

This is the first advice that give immunologists and many other doctors. The best thing that can save the child from influenza is vaccination. It provides 90 percent protection, as is proved by the scientific study.

2. Educate Health

Teach your child to wash their hands before food - this is one of the oldest and most proven ways flu prevention . Handwashing prevents transmission of the virus, but it is important to teach children to wash their hands properly. Show them how to use soap!

3. Stay away from public places

Your child is much more It runs the risk of getting the flu, if it is in public places. Of course, it you can not protect them from attending school, but it can not indulge in trade malls, movie theaters and even in public transport in the period when the likelihood of influenza is the highest.

4. Sami did not get sick

According to the Canadian Association pediatricians, children often picks up the flu virus from their parents. Try to observe safety measures prevention Flu So that your child is not picked up a virus. And too often, wash your hands.

5. Moisturize house

There is a fairly large the amount of scientific evidence that the flu virus is transmitted more frequently in those areas, where the humidity level is low. Therefore, as often as possible with a wet cleaning house.

6. Exercise

If you want your child fell ill with influenza virus or quickly defeated him, strengthen his immune system with the exercise. (READ MORE)

Healthy Child

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