Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Pollen disease

December 13, 2011

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 Pollen disease  Pollen disease It called still seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis It is a seasonal type of disease that occurs due to an allergic reaction to pollen man flowering plants. Another well-known name of the disease - hay fever .

This disease is officially known since the nineteenth century - it was then, in 1819, a physician John Bostock from England described the illness as hay fever, suggesting its association with hay. However, at the end of this century it has been proven that the cause of this disease is a pollen.

Today hay fever is one of the most common allergic diseases. Experts say that it is subject to one-fifth of all the inhabitants of the world. The cause of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis is small pollen Which are pollinated by the wind. Such plants today has about fifty species. As a rule, the disease manifests itself in people under the age of fifty, later in life people are substantially independent of hay fever. Basically symptoms of the disease occur in patients who have previously had a tendency to allergic diseases . As a result of the inhalation of pollen affects many systems in the body. The disease is characterized by expression of a strictly seasonal.

Symptoms of hay fever

Under the influence of an allergen, in this case - the pollen comes inflammation in the nasal mucosa. Inside the nose there mucosa, the main function of which is to remove any particles from the exhaled air to prevent them in the light of man. Settling on the mucosa, the particles of pollen and cause allergic reactions.

Thus, the person's immune system reacts to a "clash" with pollen. The symptoms of the disease tend to become running nose . severe sneezing . violation   or absence capabilities breathe through the nose . itchy eyes . nose . heaven , Increased salivation . From the nose appear watery. Also, the person shows symptoms of hay fever general: a high level of fatigue . depression . irritability . poor appetite . weight loss . In allergic rhinoconjunctivitis can affect other organs. It is important to distinguish between the symptoms of hay fever and a manifestation of normal colds .

Before the start of an attack of hay fever patient is often manifested multiple pollen sneezing due to irritation of the nasal mucosa sometimes sick sneeze a few dozen times. As long as the exposure is continued with pollen on the nasal mucosa, the person observed cold. Nasal congestion is also persists throughout the illness. Blowing your nose in this case is ineffective, because congestion is manifested due to the swollen nasal membranes. The duration of illness is individual in each case. So, sometimes allergy   shown only a slight cold, otherwise serious condition lasts for several days.

A similar reaction to the allergen and from tissues that surround the eye. The reaction of the conjunctiva with pollen takes its subsequent inflammation and swelling. As a result, inflamed eyes, blush, the patient feels itchy, it's hard to look at the centers of bright light. From the eye it is constantly flowing tears.

In some cases, the symptoms of hay fever and become dry cough, and periodic asthma . So manifested pollen bronchial asthma . Under the influence of the pollen is also sometimes escalates dermatitis . hives . angioedema .

In most cases, the disease begins in childhood or adolescence. Bole illness often affects boys. Depending on the individual characteristics of each organism symptoms may be more severe or less manifest pronounced. It happens that a few years later, the disease goes, but in many cases, hay fever manifests itself throughout life.

Reasons for hay fever

 Pollen disease  The particles of pollen contains the male sex cells. Pollen to fertilize the eggs spread to other plants or insects gusts. That pollen that lands on the plant by the wind, is the most threatening allergen for patients with hay fever. The atmosphere during flowering plants such pollen is simply a huge amount. This provokes allergic reactions the pollen of a very common plant in our country. In Europe, the most common cause of allergic disease is a grass pollen.

Season active manifestation of hay fever occurs during pollen maturation, which depends on weather conditions. Thus, if the spring months were cold, the pollen may ripen later. So-called " hay fever season "Comes in different mills, depending on the geographical differences: in the south - before, in the north - later.

Also, the presence of pollen in the air depends on the climatic conditions at the moment. Thus, the highest concentration in the atmosphere pollen is observed in a sufficiently dry days windy weather. Warm air flows in such a period can carry pollen over long distances, then raising it high, then dropping below. If the air temperature drops sharply, the pollen falls down, causing a kind of cloud of pollen at the bottom, near the surface. If the weather is windless and the rain, the pollen in the air is noticeably reduced. Greatly increases the concentration of pollen in the air before a thunderstorm. Hay fever may also occur due to human exposure to molds present in the air.

Plants that trigger hay fever

Dangerous allergic to the point of view are the plants that are pollinated by the wind. This number of deciduous trees, weeds and grasses. Very rarely provokes hay fever pollen of coniferous trees. Most pollen is vysokoalergennoy hazel, alder, oak, ash, birch. Among grass pollen allergy causes fescue, bentgrass, timothy grass, foxtail and other weeds. Also in the last month of summer in the first month of autumn bloom dangerous for people sensitive to pollen herbs: wormwood, nettle, quinoa, ambrosia.

Diagnosis of hay fever

Because the symptoms of the disease appear seasonally, its diagnosis is not too much difficulty for professionals. Given the period in which it is manifested attacks, the doctor helps the patient to establish a flowering plant is valid per person in a way. Note, however, that people are exposed to allergic reactions to pollen, rarely suffer from just one particular type of pollen.

When the diagnosis is sometimes necessary to consider the content of nasal discharge. If hay fever are present eosinophils , and mast cells , i.e white blood cells That participate in allergic reactions. Also for the diagnosis and establish the type of pollen, provoking a similar reaction, skin tests are taken.

The treatment of hay fever

 Pollen disease  To facilitate the manifestations of common cold and itching patients prescribed reception Antihistamines at. Here it should be noted that such drugs can not eliminate edema. Such preparations usually have a sedative effect on a person, however, patients often during treatment complain of fatigue and drowsiness . Today, there are a number of antihistamines ( loratadine . cetirizine . desloratadine ) Is very effective in the treatment of this disease.

To remove manifested edema, hay fever patients prescribed decongestants. They act on the blood vessels in the nasal mucosa, narrowing them. Such means produced in the form of nose drops, and they act very quickly. But it is the effect of the use of such drugs is kept relatively short time, so that preparations need to be used very often. This approach may over time significantly reduce the effectiveness of such agents. In this regard, these drugs is recommended to take a period of not more than two weeks. Such drugs after their administration can influence blood pressure Raising it. Therefore, people with high blood pressure should be very wary of their reception. Part of the funds actions decongestant and antihistamines prescribed in the complex.

Provided regular use antiallergic drugs effectively prevent the allocation of histamine   and other chemical mediators. However, the use of such funds should be before the start of an allergic principle. So, people who have seen every year seasonal hay fever associated with flowering herbs, should start taking these drugs at the beginning of May. Those who suffer from reactions to the pollen of flowering trees, you should start taking anti-allergy drugs in February. Such drugs are used in therapy and children.

If all attempts to treat diseases of the above means have not produced the desired effect, the doctor may prescribe reception corticosteroids . These drugs act on the formation of mucus and swelling, reducing such manifestations. Corticosteroids are prescribed for hay fever throughout to reduce his attacks. Such drugs should be taken long before the beginning of flowering similar to the anti-allergic agents. No side effects in the treatment of hay fever drugs such as a rule, do not provoke. The use of corticosteroids is justified in severe cases.

Today, for the treatment of this disease is also actively used an allergen-specific immunotherapy . In humans suffering from hay fever, administered the vaccine, which is made from pollen, which trigger an allergic reaction. Doses gradually increase, which eventually causes a kind of "addiction" to pollen. This treatment is carried out only by a qualified allergist. It should be applied regularly for several years, should be vaccinated in the period when flowering is observed. Today this method is considered to be virtually the only way to achieve long-term remission, and forestall the development and complications of hay fever.

Also, doctors recommend the use of climatotherapy . If there is such a possibility is recommended that patients leave the period of flowering this climatic zone, to prevent human contact with the pollen that causes allergic reactions.

Prevention of hay fever

To prevent the development of hay fever during flowering, you should observe a few simple rules. Thus, the patient should stay at home as much as possible during the period of up to eleven o'clock in the morning. It is not recommended to drive on the nature of the city during this period. The house window curtain desirable very fine mesh and throw away all the dry bouquets. Before going out, be sure to grab the sunglasses, but at home after returning from the street, immediately wash with clean water nasal mucosa and eyes. People who are prone to allergies should not use cosmetics, shampoos, soaps made from plants-allergens. Similarly, you should not eat food from these plants. Long before the pollen season you need to take a course of medication prescribed by your doctor.

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