Saturday, June 15, 2019

Opium addiction

December 11, 2011

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 Opium addiction  Opium addiction   ( opium addiction ) Develops at hand raw opium   and all its derivatives ( opiates ). Drug groups are natural opiate drugs (raw opium, ie juice notched immature poppy heads and dry poppy heads - poppy straw) opium alkaloids   ( Morphine   and codeine ), A synthetic drug of the opiate group ( Methadone ) And semi-synthetic drugs that are produced by varying the molecular morphine ( heroin ). These drugs belong to hard drugs have similar narcotic influence, characterized by the speed and features of the formation of addiction intoxication.

Opium has been known to mankind since ancient times, and initially the products obtained by processing the poppy was used as a painkiller and sedative. On the 70th. XIX century. opiate addiction has been described as a disease, and at about the same time was synthesized heroin and that BC. XX century. used exclusively for medical purposes.

According to recent research, almost 90% of all drug users is up patients taking drugs of heroin, and the number of drug addicts, especially among the younger generation is growing steadily. Heroin enters the RF smuggling from Central Asia. It should be noted that in the US more opiate drugs, and the dependence on them is observed at 0, 7% of the population.

The most common drug is heroin Which causes the most severe form Addiction . Drugs used opium addicts by smoking, inhalation, but more often they are administered intravenously or subcutaneously. The use of these drugs fast enough leads to physical   and psychic dependence And an average physical dependence is formed from 2 weeks to 2 months.

When ingested, transformed into opium preparations Morphine Which is acting on receptors in the brain to cause a positive emotional experience. At the same time observed drug pupillary constriction, blanching of the skin, and respiratory depression bradycardia .

Long-term use of these drugs leads to a chronic somatic disorders Suffering from drug addiction look much older than his years, his face wrinkles appear, the skin becomes jaundiced. Can be destroyed and the teeth fall out, there is early baldness, and the person can lose up to 10 kg weight. Because of the constant contraction of the pupil deteriorating eyesight.

Also receiving opioids may affect the person's mental state, it first becomes animated, speech and association process accelerated, but this rise gradually replaced sleepiness , Weakening of attention, apathy . The identity of the patient deteriorates, because thoughts are only of where to get drugs, declining moral values.


 Opium addiction  Heroin was synthesized from morphine and its properties, it is superior to morphine many times. The drug is used as an injection, smoking or sniffing. The drug can be in the form of powder or capsules white, brown or black, depending on the degree of processing, and additives are included in its composition. The streets extends mixed with the sugar, starch, chalk, and other substances.

In the jargon of the drug called gerych . paste . snowball . white . Gera . Gerasimos . When taken in small doses of heroin person relaxes, he observed euphoria , Weakness, lethargy, easy thoughts, inability to concentrate, sometimes - nausea and vomiting, sweating. At the use of large doses of heroin above mentioned symptoms of opiate addiction worse, there are problems with sleep, reduced pressure, slows the heart rate.

If heroin regularly, then the person is prone to abrupt mood changes, venous compression due to injection, symptoms of liver disease, the body is exhausted. With an overdose of heroin pupils narrowed to the size of a pinhead, broken heart rate, body temperature drops, which results in a deep sleep, paralysis, brain and nerve activity, and as a result - death. When a heroin syringe with other drug addicts is very high risk of infection AIDS   and hepatitis B   and FROM .


Drug, characterized by morphine in their chemical structure affects the body in a similar manner. It was created in Germany during the Second World War. For some time it was used in the anesthesia   instead of morphine, and it can be administered orally. Since 1963, the drug used in the treatment of drug-junkies.

Methadone acts on the body in a few days, and when using it in a dose of 50 grams of death occurs. The dependence on methadone cured much more complex, and breaking is much more dangerous than the rejection of heroin. The medical name of methadone - amidon . dolofin . fenadon . geptadon . In therapeutic methadone he has analgesic and sedative effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, it is shown after 20-30 minutes after oral administration of its reception.

Diagnosis of opium addiction in the use of methadone is carried out on such grounds: relaxation, hyperglycemia , Horse racing body temperature, constipation . Side effects of methadone are nausea, dizziness Vomiting. With an overdose of respiratory system is inhibited, the lungs become swollen and there renal failure .

Please note that tolerance to methadone is formed very slowly. Methadone is injected intravenously, subcutaneously, and sometimes used inside as tablets and capsules. The systematic use of methadone can be observed asthma , Swelling of the extremities, as well as developing viral hepatitis of the liver, disorders of the lungs, constipation, insomnia, nightmares. Often it ends fatal .


 Opium addiction  Exactly desomorphine   It is number one in the list of the Russian Federation among the narcotic and psychotropic drugs. He is almost 10 times stronger than morphine and much more poisonous. The drug is made from codeine medicines that can be bought in pharmacies, and occupies a leading position on the distribution in our country. These drugs include Codelac . Terpinkod , Desomorphine are manufactured, which is subsequently sold to the syringes.

It was first produced in the 1920s. when trying to develop a more powerful analgesic derived from morphine. The new drug dependence formed very fast, and its effects on the body turned out to be short-term (up to 4 hours). Impact of desomorphine comes very quickly, and a year later a person can start receiving rot alive , It had damaged body tissue due Internal necrosis . It is because of this he was banned for use in medical practice. The main purpose of the ban was the prevention of opiate addiction, but after its administration, little has changed. The extraordinary spread, he received because of the low cost and ease of preparation. The fact that drug addicts have become drug traffickers, is a mixture of desomorphine and its methyl derivative, and drug manufacture is carried out of the drugs purchased in a pharmacy and phosphorus and iodine.

Symptoms of opioid addiction

The primary signs of opiate addiction include appearance tachycardia , Decreased appetite, dilated pupils, a feeling apathy , Weakness, sleep disturbances. Sometimes a person can not sleep, tormented by his sore muscles and joints. That is gradually formed state " withdrawal ". Patients say they like "twisting" while there are anxiety, a feeling of hopelessness. They are restless, tossing. At the same time observed dyspepsia from the stomach, loose stools (up to 15 times a day), tachycardia Temperature rise. After finishing abstinence syndrome   saved attraction to the drug, depressed mood, fatigue, sleep disturbances.

The rate of development and the intoxication depend on the type of drug and its method of entry. Usually, the picture turns completely intoxicated 5-10 minutes after intravenous administration of the drug and lasts from 2 to 6 hours. When administered orally or subcutaneously everything starts about half an hour. Conditionally released 3 stages of opium intoxication:

  • euphoria Or "arrival";
  • intoxication Or "scraper", "high";
  • ending intoxication abstinence   ("Kumar").

Euphoria   It may not last long, about 40 seconds to 5 minutes. With the introduction of intravenous drug users, patients may feel a warm wave that rises from the stomach to the head can occur sore throat, itching of the skin on the forehead, nose and chin. Increased muscle stimulation movement may become fussy, sick laugh loudly, gesticulating, the thinking and increased physical activity. Self-esteem is increased, all the goals seem achievable, the world is filled with colors, grandiose plans. Those who inhale heroin in powder form, the euphoria does not occur, and when taking codeine reddens, swells and itches nice upper body, neck and face.

Actually intoxication Or "high", "scraper" can last for several hours. Languor spreads through the body, dreams replace one another. This state of quiet and calm languor, arms and legs heavy. Man inactive and sluggish, usually sits in a corner and silence, indulging their fantasies. Pupils are narrowed a patient, do not react to light, blood pressure is lowered. At this stage, addicts want to be alone with their feelings. Patients experience a state of joy, there is "a sense of omnipotence and infinity" movement seem accurate, the muscles relax, it spreads throughout the body a pleasant languor. The patient feels one with the outside world, all permeated with meaning and love, that is, there nirvanoobraznoe state. When receiving codeine, this phase is characterized by motor recovery, fun-loving, good mood. A person may speak loudly, it is very fast and consistent.

After this stage there termination of intoxication , There are signs of apathy and fatigue, the world becomes gray and dull, gradually increasing anxiety. A desire to " catch up "Ie to take another dose. A person can sleep a few hours, but sleep is not soothing and refreshing. Shortly after awakening symptoms of depression, slackness " goose-flesh ".

 Opium addiction  At drug overdose   the patient goes from a dream into a coma, has a kind of sleep, but it is impossible to wake him, the pupils do not react to light, can grow breathing disorders, shortness of it, deep breaths interspersed with breath. Death usually occurs from paralysis of the respiratory center. Overdose usually occurs when taking heroin. Sometimes, this condition occurs when a drug addict prepares himself for intravenous administration and is mistaken in dosage. Sometimes overdose comes after a period of abstinence, when tolerance is reduced, and the addict injects himself with the former dose that is too big. In fact, many popular people did not die by suicide, but because of the overdose, since drug and a fatal dose of heroin differ slightly.

If the patient is taking drugs recently, after a few days the mood rises, and if the relationship is already formed, then after 5-6 hours can manifest symptoms withdrawal   (withdrawal), and the dependence on opiates may develop within a few weeks of taking the drug. For the appearance of heroin dependence enough 3-4 injections using morphine - from 10 to 15 injections. A single application of the drug does not cause dependence. Opium addiction is an insidious disease.

After 7-10 hours after the last drug use can begin runny nose, frequent sneezing , Sweating, trembling body, quickens the pulse, hot flashes , Pupils dilate. The patient becomes alarming, there may be nausea, headache , Pain in bones and joints ("reduces joints"), high blood pressure, stomach cramps. This condition is called opiate abstinence or "physical fragile", which is associated with opioid withdrawal.

Abstinence can last a week. Throughout this week, the patient does not sleep, can not find a place with depression, irritability, he is angry at the world around, and increased craving for the drug, which can lead to behavioral disorders up to commit crimes. On the 3rd day of the peak of abstinence, and then the symptoms of opiate addiction gradually weaken. By the end of "breaking" tolerance to the drug decreases, so the minimum dose may be enough to get "high" (comes "rejuvenation").

The first phase of the development of opiate addiction begins with regular use of the drug during this period sleep surface, are observed constipation . In the absence of a dose response in the form of mental disorders is observed within a few days. Treatment of opiate addiction at this stage the most effective, but rarely manage to convince the addict depending on the needs and treatment. This stage can last up to 4 months (intravenous injection) to several years (in the use of poppy straw inside).

The next stage is characterized by increased tolerance , The disappearance of constipation, restores sleep and behavior becomes very sluggish. At this stage, clearly show signs of physical dependence. After 2 months of regular use of the drug may develop withdrawal symptoms, manifestations of which occur within 7-12 hours after the last dose. Opium abstinence without treatment may last 5-10 days. Within 1-2 months after the withdrawal of phenomena can be observed residual symptoms, which manifest themselves in an irresistible attraction to the drug, lethargy, sleep disturbances, suicidal tendencies. Patients become angry and irritated. The second step depends on the drug administered, its characteristics and doses of administration, and can last from 5 to 10 years.

Before third step   most addicts do not live. During this period, the tolerance drops to one-third of the previous dose of the drug, and to achieve physical comfort you need about one-tenth of a constant dose. Withdrawal symptoms are not so strongly expressed, but comes quickly and can last up to 6 weeks. This is where addicts often seek medical help, or try to stop using drugs on their own, replacing them with alcohol or tranquilizers, but often it does not lead to the desired results. There are serious complications of opioid addiction.

At addict extremely constricted range of interests, interest is only due to the drug. The patient turns into disabled Who rarely gets out of bed, it becomes a pathological liar, callous and rude person can easily go to the crime, and his speech is replete with slang words. It can be easy to "put on the needle" of a loved one. Dose allows them only to eat and serve themselves. Death usually occurs as a result of drug overdoses, at least - by comorbidities. Because usually a hasty introduction of drug addicts usually do not respect the principles of disinfecting syringes, it is often because of this emerging infectious disease of the liver ( hepatitis ), Phlebitis ( thrombophlebitis ), And the worst complication - AIDS . Addicts do not usually live longer than 30 years, and older than 35 years of opium addicts almost never occur.

Drug prevention

Speaking about the possibility of a complete cessation of drug use in the Russian Federation there is no possibility, since 2005 began to take the program "Barrier", which is designed to prevent the spread of drug addiction.

Complications opium addiction

 Opium addiction  Mortality of opiate addicts is extremely high, and the causes are diseases of internal organs, which are further exacerbated by the exhaustion and lack of proper nutrition. All these diseases are aggravated by "breaking" may occur pulmonary edema , Escalate tuberculosis .

Complications associated with opiate addiction that addicts use homemade cooked preparations The manufacture of which may use a variety of toxic agents that cause disease Hepatitis . cirrhosis . degeneration of the kidneys . pneumonia . Opioids cause CNS depression, and drugs interact with receptors of brain neurons neurotransmitters Eliminating the sensation of pain. Opioids, acting on these receptors, are beginning to produce sensations of pleasure, as well as reduce stress.

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  and It is strengthening therapy  

  and FROM . . nootropics .   etc. . . tranquilizers . . .

antidepressants   and .

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