Tuesday, June 25, 2019


March 20, 2012

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 Hallucinations  Hallucination   - An image that arises in the mind, and does not correspond to external stimuli. The cause of the hallucinations can be strong fatigue Some mental illness , The use of certain psychotropic substances and hallucinogens . For the first time the term was coined in the early 19th century.

Types hallucinations

Hallucinations are the following varieties:

  • Assitsiirovannye
  • True
  • Reflex
  • Imperative
  • False (pseudohallucinations)
  • Ekstrakampinnye
  • Functionality
  • Elementary
  • Hypnopompic and hypnagogic
  • Gemionopticheskie
  • Hallucinations Bonn

Associates - a hallucination, which characterized by the appearance of images, which are consistent and logical. An example of such hallucinations can serve as a voice that announces follow him visual hallucinations.

True hallucinations. Imaginary perceived phenomenon or object is in the psychological objective space. In contrast to the ideas and illusions, according to popular belief, these are not hallucinations may occur in mentally healthy people. True hallucinations, in turn, are divided into the following: auditory (acoustic), visual, olfactory, tactile, visceral (somatic), gustatory, vestibular, proprioceptive (motor) and integrated (hallucinations related to a single object, but in the aisles different feelings). For visceral hallucinations characteristic of objectivity - an indication of the presence of living beings, of specific items that are under his skin, in internal organs, the sensation of electrical current through the body.

Reflector called hallucinations, when there is a real stimulus on any analyzer (taste, hearing, etc.) there is a reaction in another analyzer.

Peremptory are verbal hallucinations that differ commanding, commanding tone. Often, these voices "ordered" to take actions that may be dangerous to others and the patient. These hallucinations can often be observed at gomitsidnom and suicidal behavior.

 Hallucinations  K false hallucinations   are perceived phenomena and objects that are in an illusory space. These can be symptoms Schizophrenia . syndrome of mental automatism   and other diseases. The very perception of the false hallucinations is different from all the others - they are not perceived by the usual authorities, sensations provided "internal", "spiritual" hearing or sight.

Ekstrakampinnye represent a kind of hallucination, which go beyond the "sensitive field" of an analyzer, that is, visual hallucinations, for example, if a person perceived behind.

Functional hallucinations occur when the phenomenon or object are perceived on the background of the current actually existing on the same analyzer (for example, the sound of water and the rustle of leaves a person can hear the speech). Such hallucinations are different from the real presence of the real stimulus that affects the analyzer, and the illusions in which no characteristic perception of a real stimulus. When functional hallucinations imaginary and real objects coexist on an equal basis. They also include "visual echo," or the phenomenon of the tracks - a violation of perception when moving objects look like a series of discrete images. Such images may occur even when a person is mentally completely healthy, but much overworked .

Elementary or hallucinations with incomplete objectivity - is auditory or visual hallucinations that occur in the form of individual images, sounds, etc.

Hypnagogic hallucinations and hypnopompic arise when a person is on the border of sleep and bodrovstvovaniya: the first awakening, the second - on falling asleep.

Visual hallucinations, which have fallen in parts of the visual field are called gemianopticheskimi. They are not true hallucinations.

Hallucinations Bonn arise in cases where the function of an analyzer completely absent or greatly reduced, ie deaf people begin to hear the sounds, and the blind - to see any visual images. This name of this type of hallucinations received after Charles Bonnet described the fact of their presence with his grandfather, a patient cataracts .

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