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Pigmentation: struggling with spots on the skin without drugs

July 28, 2011

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 Pigmentation: struggling with spots on the skin without drugs  Beautiful skin   - One of the most valuable advantages appearance. And since beauty - it's great, the skin and acts as a time indicator of well-being. The slightest deviation, malaise, errors in diet or regime immediately reflected on the face and body of nasty pimples , Rash, loss of healthy color and elasticity.

But apart from that there is also such an attack, as color spots   - Pink, pale brown. It spoils our appearance, annoying and nerviruya. Some of these unpleasant characters - the result of an external manifestation of some internal disease, and then without the help of a qualified doctor is necessary. But there are skin rash, which is quite possible to cope homegrown tools.

Our great-grandmother, not knowing anything about household chemicals and cosmetics, looked amazing, bringing to mind the suitors and husbands its magnificent appearance. Certainly not the last value here had a natural healthy food, finding many hours in the open air, engaged in physical labor. However, there were at damsels and their secrets. To have survived the old recipes courtship skin - washing milk, dew, silver water, the mask of fruits, vegetables, bran, and more. Thus, our wise ancestors had the foresight to take care of the skin condition and intuitively defining better to prevent problems than to suffer with them. However, and from there was trouble skin blemishes   they had the means.

Before we talk about people's recipes, we recall some information from medical reference books. Immediately worth mention: sealed spots and birthmarks Standing out above the skin, can not touch. If you want to get rid of them, then you need to consult a dermatologist. As annoying spots on the face and body - it is not just an external defect, and any kind of skin disease. For example, chloasma   It refers to a group of limited melasma and looks like a clear-cut brown "blots", often - on the face. Chase for the most part women in an interesting position, save and after childbirth. But it can also occur for other reasons, for example due to inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, liver, and others.

We should not forget that the skin tone of each person depends on the degree of concentration Melanin   - What it is, the darker the skin. And not in all areas, he produced exactly, because of what appears pigmentation - birthmarks . They can also occur from the action of sunlight, because UV disables the cells responsible for the production of melanin. In such cases, hyperpigmentation can occur only after a long time - as a reaction to pereizbytochnoe find too aggressive sun.

It is worth recalling that adds fuel to the fire using various hygienic and perfumery in the hot season - deodorant, antibacterial soap, perfumed creams and so on. D. That is, incorrectly picked up cosmetics also causes skin pigmentation. In addition, the human body is so constituted that many internal and external factors are momentarily displayed on our shell: stress, symptoms of the environment, the individual pattern of metabolism. Even an elementary lack of vitamin C is able to provoke skin changes. It is worth mentioning that so cute hearts of some people freckles   - The same kind of pigmentation. As well as the inevitable age-related "patterns", often superimposed on the wrists, face, neck, treacherously outstanding old age when the rest is quite fresh appearance. But all of this - not a sentence.

How to get rid of pigmentation?

So, after visiting the doctor and made sure of his prosperous health, you can resort to folk remedies. The main thing to understand at once: the procedure must be regular, not natural, and accurate - in strict accordance with prescription data. First of all, as it sounds banal, should take care of the diet - eat more foods containing vitamin C , And not in the summer, but much earlier - in the winter, spring. You can poprinimat nicotinic acid, if the problem of pigmentation became protracted.

Now, actually, about themselves folk recipes. Washing sour milk, buttermilk - are not nostalgic about the past, and it is an effective tool today. Especially for white-skinned people. In general, you can use any milk products. But before you apply a nourishing cream, wipe the face with a mixture of two juice - parsley and lemon. However, if dry skin Then use it as a "cocktail" can only be for the treatment of freckles and blemishes.

Very good for fair skin as a mask with gruel of fresh cucumber. Lightens dark spots   Easy to prepare and weight: nastrogat white soap in a teaspoon and add the tablespoon of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution, into a stirred mixture of foam drop about three drops of ammonia and abundantly cover the resulting mass of pigmented areas. Fifteen minutes later the place wash well and grease nourishing cream.

Effective wiping stains different fresh juices   - Lemon, grapefruit, pomegranate, black currant, mountain ash, parsley, dandelion leaves. Moreover, the procedure is better to carry out up to 5-6 times a day. Likewise, using the flesh of watermelon or cantaloupe (on the face - 10 minutes).

It is advisable to apply and hot compresses For example, chamomile, elder flowers. As an option - washing up to three times a day strawberry water (it for an hour 1 tbsp. L. Rumpled berries, mixed with a glass of water ostuzhennoy).

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