Description overdue on 10/14/2014
- Latin name: Ascorutin
- ATC code: C05CA51
- Active substance: Ascorbic acid (Acidum ascorbinicum) and routine (Rutinum)
- Manufacturer: Kiev Vitamin Plant, PAO, Kiev, Ukraine
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications Ascorutinum
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Tablets Ascorutin, instructions for use (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Babies
- With alcohol
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
Composition Ascorutinum
Composition of 1 tablet:
- ascorbic acid - 50 mg;
- Rutoside (Ruthin) - 50 mg;
- sugar;
- potato starch;
- calcium stearate;
- talc.
Product form
Pills Ascorutin have a bright greenish-yellow color with small, minor splashes. Packaged in plastic cans of 30 or 50 or in contour cell blisters of 10 pieces each. The carton may contain one polymeric jar or 5 plates with tablets.
Pharmacological action
Ascorutin - what is it?
This pharmaceutical preparation - is a combined drug Having the properties of vitamins and other biological components that make up the tablets. Due to the inhibition of enzyme activity hyaluronidase Rutin and ascorbic acid reduce permeability and capillary fragility Than largely strengthens the vascular wall and makrotsirkulyatornogo microcirculatory bed. The combination of active ingredients allows oppress aggression Platelet , The main element of the system of cellular blood clotting, so the drug suppresses the disease entities, which are based on the increased blood clots.
Also, vitamin C has antioxidant properties, ie saves cell structures from the harmful impact of oxidized molecules of free radicals and lipid peroxidation bilipidnoy membrane. These therapeutic effects are used to combat acute respiratory infections . In addition Ascorbic acid is involved in many redox pathways. For example, evidence of the participation of the biologically active component in fat metabolism, the synthesis of collagen and other connective tissue proteins, conversion reactions folinic folic acid, synthesis of catecholamines, metabolism aromatic acids and metabolism of steroid hormones, in particular in the metabolism of thyroxine.
We should not forget that ascorbic acid is powerful protection factor organism, either as part of the immune system as well as non-specific agents. Leveraging the natural processes of repair and restoration of cellular elements, vitamin C increases resistance to infection, reduces effects of different kinds of exogenous allergens.
Ruthin exhibits strong antiinflammatory effects Which is actively used in the conservative treatment of certain diseases. The mechanism of action is to reduce the exudation of the liquid plasma and diapedesis of cellular elements in the pathological focus through the vascular wall. That is liquidated one of the crucial stages in the development of a typical inflammatory process. We should not forget that also has Ruthin cholagogic and light antihypertensive effect that helps to normalize the function of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.
Tablets Ascorutin - from what they are?
The breadth of the pharmacological action of the drug to say exactly which of these tablets is very difficult. Of course, as with any medication there is a definite list of indications for conservative treatment Ascorutinum, but the people's councils recommend the use of the drug for reduce puffiness and pain at chronic venous insufficiency . Ruthin in combination with vitamin C eliminates the trophic disorders, especially in the lower extremities, as clears and strengthens the vascular bed.
Clinically it confirmed that you can use Oncology Ascorutin. Why apply? Medical studies have shown that cancer cells are a kind of "trap" for the beneficial nutrients, including vitamin complexes. Therefore, to avoid the development of pathological conditions gipovitaminnyh tablets are appointed and cancer patients.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
The drug is used for oral receiving, after which is well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Penetrating into the bloodstream, biologically active components Ascorutinum spread to all the organs and tissues, and where are the stages of metabolism. Food sharing a pharmaceutical preparation are derived by bile and Urine .
Indications Ascorutinum
Indications for use of the drug Ascorutin are:
- prevention of hypo-and avitaminosis P and C;
- treatment failure vitamin complexes;
- violation of vascular permeability (e.g., hemorrhagic diathesis , radiation sickness, hemorrhage in the retina of the eye, bacterial endocarditis, glomerulonephritis , Kapillyarotoksikoz, arachnoiditis, allergic diseases , Thrombocytopenic purpura , Typhus fever, measles and scarlet fever in the complex therapy);
- preventive treatment colds (more Ascorutin what is prescribed for acute respiratory diseases cm. under Pharmacological properties);
- elimination of symptoms Flu ;
- destruction of capillaries That are associated with the direct effect of other drugs (anticoagulants or salicylates, for example).
Contraindications include pathological states and disease entities:
- increased individual sensitivity to the constituent components of the drug;
- hereditary or acquired intolerance auxiliary or active substances;
- increased blood clotting;
- thrombophlebitis with a tendency to thrombosis;
- diabetes ;
- heavy kidney disease ;
- gout, oksalaturiya, urolithiasis disease , Hypokalemia, cystinuria;
- syndrome malabsortsii glucose-galactose or maldigestion syndrome;
- fructose intolerance;
- first trimester pregnancy ;
- Children under 4 years old.
Side effects
The adverse effects of medical treatment and a variety of side effects occur rarely Because the main active component of the pharmaceutical preparation are part of the natural metabolism of the human body, however, may experience the following symptoms:
- On the side central nervous system Headache, disturbance of sleep and wakefulness, fatigue, enhanced excitability of the central nervous system.
- On the side Blood System : Thrombocytosis, gipertrobinemiya, increased production of red blood cells and platelets, leukocytosis .
- Cardiovascular system : Violation of the natural trophic tissue, dystrophy heart muscle high blood pressure (hypertensive crises), the development of microvascular complications.
- On the side Metabolism : Inhibition of normal function of the insular apparatus of the pancreas (shown in the form of hyperglycemia, glycosuria ) And glycogen synthesis, sodium and fluid retention by the body, supervitaminosis FROM violation metabolic properties of zinc and copper.
- Gastrointestinal tract Irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tube, heartburn . nausea . vomiting . diarrhea .
- Allergic reactions (occur rarely) - skin rashes itch Angioneuroticeski angioedema , Anaphylactic shock, hives .
Tablets Ascorutin, instructions for use (method and dosage)
Instructions for use Ascorutinum
The pharmaceutical preparation prescribed use orally As active components operating well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The dosage of the drug, as a rule, is chosen individually Based on the needs, step pathophysiological process nosological entity, age and other physical parameters. Also, the number of used drugs affect the original data from clinical tests. However, there general schemes Ascorutinum destination for children, adolescent and adult categories.
How to take Ascorutin adults
AT preventive 1-2 is used to tablets one time per day, and treatment prescribed use of 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. The dosage regimen may vary depending on the nosology units at the discretion of a qualified specialist, who prescribed medicines for conservative therapy.
A second course reception held at the request of and as regulated by the attending physician.
Application Instructions op Ascorutinum children
For the age group older than 4 years, used the dosage of half or the whole tablet knocks as active prevention various pathologies (which are used in preventive Ascorutin readjustment cm. above).
FROM Therapeutic the purpose of the children until adolescence appoint half or the whole tablet 2-3 times a knock. The average duration is 3-4 weeks, as a rule, the exact duration of the appointed doctor.
Teenagers Assign an adult dosage mandatory preliminary monitoring of all systems and organs, as the irreversible consequences of conservative treatment in this age group appear the most severe symptoms.
Terms of Use for pregnant women
The drug should not be used first trimester because of the risk of pathological state of supersaturation in vitamin C. It is also strictly prohibited to use Ascorutin compared to other mineral and vitamin complexes. For women in the critical period prescribed 1 tablet 203 times per day. Not recommended drink pharmaceutical mineral or alkaline water, otherwise appreciably impair the ability of the active ingredients for absorption in the digestive tube.
Prolonged use of a pharmaceutical preparation in large doses may oppression of the insular apparatus pancreatic and violation normal kidney function . Also may develop the following symptoms of overdose Ascorutinum:
- epigastric pain;
- nausea and vomiting;
- skin rashes and abundant itch (advantage on the flexor surfaces of the upper and lower extremities, abdomen and chest);
- hypererethism nervous system;
- tromboorazovanie;
- high blood pressure and development symptomatic hypertension ;
- headache .
As therapeutic measures are used in overdose symptomatic sanitation individual manifestations, gastric lavage, sorbents, as a specific antidote to vitamin drug in the pharmaceutical market there.
Application acetylsalicylic acid . alkaline drinking or oral contraceptives inhibits the active components of biological processes of absorption of the drug. Similarly, the absorption of the pharmaceutical preparation and the use of impact fresh fruit or vegetable juices .
Increases ability to be absorbed vitamin complex with the combined use of Ascorutinum penicillin , Drugs gland .
Therapeutic efficacy of ascorbic acid as the main active ingredient of the drug is reduced by the action of Heparin . anticoagulants . antibiotics from the group aminoglycosides . sulfa drugs. Simultaneous use with Ascorutinum B vitamins on the contrary weakens its medicinal properties.
It should also be noted that ascorbic acid increases serum concentration salicylates . benzylpenicillin . etilenestardiola and tetracycline That is manifested in the increased risk of any side effects or other unpleasant consequences of conservative rehabilitation.
Using Ascorutinum more than 4 weeks (long course of medical therapy) during treatment cardiac glycosides . nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medications or antihypertensive agents may increase the effects of the latter, which requires special attention, as the adverse consequences can be very sad.
Terms of sale
Buy pills Ascorutin possible without a form of the receptor as a pharmaceutical agent is not entered in the register of potent or narcotic drugs.
Storage conditions
The medicine should be stored in a dry, dark place at a constant temperature above 25 degrees Celsius. Also, the drug should be made inaccessible to children under age category.
Shelf life
3 years
Couperose - A violation of the circulation of the skin, which appears unnatural local redness (the first to suffer the nose, cheeks and forehead). Also, there is an unpleasant burning and increased sensitivity to external coverings exogenous stimuli. Pathogenesis the disease state is directly dependent on the elasticity and brittleness walls bloodstream, stagnation because eliminate cosmetic defect You can use Ascorutinum. When rosacea tablet allows you to return a healthy color face to get rid of unsightly species emerges capillaries and enrich the structure of the microvasculature in vitamin C.
The pharmaceutical preparation performed well in clinical trials at varices , Chronic lesions of the venous network. Active component of the drug, ascorbic acid and rutin, improve trophism, normalized regional blood flow , Strengthen the walls of the vascular bed, prevent stagnation in the veins of the lower extremities. Accordingly, the tablets are pathogenetic treatment of this nosological unit, that is, the drug acts on the mechanism of the disease and eliminate the corresponding stage, preventing its genesis.
Of course, the question immediately arises - how to drink Ascorutin when varicose veins. When this disease should undergo courses of treatment. Used Dosage 2-3 tablets 2 times per day. It is recommended to apply the drug both during and after a meal to enhance the absorptive capacity of the existing components.
Clinically data confirmed that the vitamins are part of Ascorutinum affect speed of psychomotor reactions concentration or not, because to drive a car or other complex arrangements during conservative treatment drug is not prohibited.
Analogs Ascorutinum
Ginkor Fort
Analogues according to the active component of the pharmaceutical preparation: Ascorutin D-Ascorutin UBF, Profilaktin With .
Analogs of the therapeutic effects of the drug: Angiovit, Venarus, Detraleks, Cyclo 3 fort Aescusan .
Ascorutin children
The pharmaceutical preparation is widely used in pediatric practice for children over 4-year As constituent components a medicament are part of the natural metabolism of the human organism. At an early age it is particularly important to accurately adjust the number of tablets according to the instructions, as hypervitaminosis With children may face serious consequences such as:
- hemolysis - The destruction of red blood cells (RBCs) in people with a deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
- vitamin B12 deficiency And, accordingly, macrocytic, megaloblastic anemia (ascorbic acid slow the absorption of vitamin B12 in the gastrointestinal tract);
- damage to the enamel of the teeth;
- irreversible deterioration of the function of the pancreas;
- peptic gastric ulcer (if vitamin C is taken during treatment with aspirin).
With alcohol
Drinking alcohol does not affect the ability of the therapeutic Ascorutinum, but alcoholic drinks adversely affect the individual organs and tissues, which may increase the duration of a course of conservative treatment, reinforce harmful effects of taking the pills, or cause unexpected side effects, because drinking alcohol during the passage of drug rehabilitation not recommended .
Ascorutin during pregnancy (and lactation)
Contraindications in the pharmaceutical preparation Lactation No, why can and should feel free to use the tablets to strengthen the overall condition of the body after such a severe test in a woman's life as childbirth. The drug has strong antioxidant properties that allow to quickly regain physical shape, form coveted waist and feel much better.
Actively used when Ascorutin pregnancy As given the critical state of a woman's life is always accompanied by a rapid consumption of domestic reserves of mineral nutrients and vitamins in particular on the construction of a new organism. Also, the use of the drug "in position" is recommended because of the direct pharmacological action of tablets. It is no secret that circulatory system of the placenta Usually weak, inelastic high risk of rupture and internal hemorrhage because strengthen the new capillaries, so that the fruit did not feel possible anoxaemia It will never be over.
Ascorutin menstruation should be taken only in cases where there is an urgent need to suppress the profusion of menses, or their duration. That is the use of a pharmaceutical preparation is really justified only in serious situations (official, competitions, exams and so on). With 18 you can take 2-3 tablets throughout the day, and they need to be immediately swallowed, squeezed a small amount of water.
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