Monday, June 17, 2019

Cervical cancer

September 12, 2012

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 Cervical cancer  After   breast cancer   the most common in the world of cancer disease among women is   cervical cancer . Experts note a gradual increase in the number of infected women in developed countries. According to medical statistics, every year in the world, cervical cancer is diagnosed in 500,000 women.

Causes of cervical cancer

The formation of cells that later provoke cancer, occurs as a consequence of genetic mutations character. As a result, normal cells are converted to atypical. They are also called precancerous cells. If these cells are not detected in the early stages and are not taking adequate treatment, the result may be their degeneration into cervical cancer.

Scientists have proved that the main factor determining this rebirth is human papilloma virus . This virus is transmitted between people through sexual contact, due to its exposure to vaginal appear papillomavirus.

Strain is oncogenic papillomavirus, i.e. so that could provoke cancer. We should know that even the use of a condom during sexual intercourse completely from this virus does not protect, since it can pass from person to person through skin contact, as well as contacts mucous membranes.

We should also mention some of the factors that provoke the mutation of cells of the cervix: a mature age of the patient, early onset of sexual activity, multiple gestation pregnancy, a large number of constantly changing sexual partners, smoking, wrong approach to genital hygiene, poor nutrition. Cervical cancer often develops in patients with HIV infection , Diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact. In most cases of cervical cancer affects women of middle age and older. However, the disease is diagnosed in patients of any age.

Types of cancer cervix

 Cervical cancer  Cervical cancer in women is formed by stratified squamous epithelium of the vaginal area of ​​the cervix and glandular epithelial covering in the cervical canal. Initially, the cervix appears a small seal. During a woman may develop a form of cancer. Most often diagnosed in patients endophytic cervical cancer . For this form of the disease characterized by proliferation of the vagina before hypertrophic cervix. Basically the tumor is similar to cauliflower, in rarer cases, ekofitnoy form of cancer observed tumor that resembles cervical polyp . If the patient develops exophytic cervical cancer, in this case very quickly manifested necrosis And tissue decay. If in the course of progression of the disease affects the cervical canal, the cervix gradually becomes barrel-.

Considering the histological characteristics of cervical cancer, doctors have identified a number of cancers. Most often diagnosed squamous cell carcinoma . Less determined glandular cancer .

The spread of cancer is very fast, and the affected vaginal wall parameters. Less cancer goes to the fallopian tubes, ovaries. Abnormal cancer cells spread in the body in two ways: lymphogenous   and hematogenous . There is a loss of regional lymph nodes.

If the cancer continues to grow, it is later determined by the patient Metastasis   in the lungs and liver.

Scroll to the next stage of this disease:

In 0 stage   determined preinvasive   (called intraepithelial) cancer . At this stage of germination of the basal membrane of the epithelium occurs.

With the development of   first stage of cancer damage does not go beyond the cervix. Yield tumor spread beyond the cervix is ​​characteristic for the second stage of the cancer. Therefore, if a patient develops parametrium form of cancer, the affected option without going to the pelvic wall. With vaginal form of cancer   tumor affects the upper part of the vagina. If a woman develops mother option   oncological diseases, the tumor spreads to the whole body of the uterus.

In   third stage of the disease   subject of parametrial Cancer Cancer is a transition to the walls of the pelvis. If the option is developing vaginal cancer is the third stage it also affects the lower part of the vagina. For metastatic cancer characterized by expression of variants of isolated metastases in the pelvic lymph nodes.

With   the fourth stage of cancer swelling gradually goes to the bladder, rectum, and later metastases also occur in distant organs. Metastases often spread to the liver, lymph nodes in the groin, lungs, bones.

Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

 Cervical cancer  Initially, the symptoms of cervical cancer, the patient may not appear at all. A woman may feel as usual, noting any changes in health. If there is already developed cervical cancer, the symptoms of the disease, in this case first as an increase in number cables As well as periodic contact discharge from the genitals, which are bloody in nature (it is the secretions after intercourse). The patient may also experience pain during urination, it is manifested discomfort in the vagina.

At the beginning of whites are watery, later indicated the presence of blood. More abundant bleeding from the genital organs do not appear only after sex, but during defecation, with a strong physical exertion. Gradually whites become putrid smell. Such emissions are the result of tumor rejection sections which have undergone necrosis, as well as exposure of the slits and lymph vessels. If the tumor has spread very rapidly, and cancer conglomerates compress the nerve plexus, a woman may feel pain.

In addition, with the gradual manifestation of cervical cancer a woman may observe violations of the menstrual cycle, pain during intercourse, weakness and anemia, lasting weight loss, persistent low-grade body temperature without the presence on the specific reasons.

Gradually also observed changes in the functioning of the rectum, bladder, often manifest diseases associated with urinary tract infections.

Often, the further development of cervical cancer in women appear recto-vaginal fistulas. The result is throwing the contents of the bladder and the rectum into the vagina. If the cancer has spread to the pelvis, the patient can observe the development of leg edema, hydronephrosis .

With the gradual development of oncologic cervical disease   The patient may feel relatively normal for a long time: the disease without treatment can last for about two years.

If the cancer is not treated on time, the woman may die as a result of hemorrhage, peritonitis, depletion uremia.

Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer

In the process of diagnosis of cervical cancer conducted special tests during gynecological examinations that detect the presence of changes in the structure of the cervix. Such pathology is very difficult to detect, if carried out an ordinary inspection. With a view to the early detection of this pathology is performed cytological smear of the cervix.

Furthermore, in the process of diagnosis often used some other methods. The method involves colposcopy examination using a special microscope - a colposcope. With this research the doctor is able to examine the state of the cervix and vaginal walls.

Carrying Biopsy   and it is one of the most informative ways to detect cancer diseases. With the help of a special tool is withdrawn fragment of tissue, which is then subjected to histological and cytological examination.

Research using endocervical curettage involves the use of a curette. With it made scraping the surface of the cervical canal inside. Another method - cone biopsy - involves in-depth study of tissues, as a piece of excised tissue in the form of a cone.

Experts say that regular donation to analyze smears can reduce the risk of illness of cancer of the cervix by about 70%, With Vaginoscopy, unlike other methods of diagnosis, made a direct study of seals. This method involves the use of optical devices that allow to provide 6-40 fold increase. If such a study is determined by the uncharacteristic education, appointed by biopsy or further kolkoskopiya.

In addition to these studies if there is suspicion of cancer conducted DNA test that detects the presence of human papilloma virus. Those patients who were found HPV, being constantly under medical supervision because of the high risk of tumor formation.

Treatment of cervical cancer

 Cervical cancer  The spread of cervical cancer among women in the childbearing years is very high. Speaking of this ailment, it should be noted that the survival of patients with cervical cancer significantly affected by the stage at which the disease has been diagnosed.

Initially, in the presence of a woman precancers ( cervical erosion . cervical dysplasia ) To take all measures for their treatment, to prevent the development of cancer.

Treatment of cervical cancer involves two basic methods: surgical treatment and radiotherapy. Treatment with radiation given to women at any stage of the disease, but its use is more appropriate in the late stages of cancer. Surgery performed in the early stages if necessary slight interference. The aim of this operation is a cleared space, where there was a tumor, as well as areas that are potentially infected. Therefore, surgical methods are determined depending on the stage of disease and extensiveness of tumor. It may be little traumatic methods and complete removal of the cervix, uterus, lymph nodes.

Removal of abnormal cervical areas produced by the method of loop electrosurgical excision. In this case, the electric discharge acts as a surgeon's knife, removing tissue.

Also, surgery to remove abnormal areas of the cervix is ​​performed by cryotherapy (freezing the affected areas), laser therapy (removes a cone-shaped area of ​​tissue). All of these techniques make it possible to provide a histological study in the course of the operation. Spices use of such methods the effectiveness of therapy is 97%.

If in the course of the disease has become apparent serious deformation of the cervix, the doctor may take a decision on the need for amputation of the cervix. This operation is performed using different techniques, under general anesthesia.

Hysterectomy is carried out if there are additional indications for such an operation. In particular, such surgery is performed for women who are over 50 years old, at the location of the tumor in the cervical canal, if the cone biopsy was ineffective, combined with preinvasive cancer myoma uterus Or developed cancers of the appendages.

If the patient radiation therapy, you should be sure to choose the most optimal conditions for exposure. It is important to adjacent organs were subjected to minimum exposure. To ensure these conditions previously performed additional tests: computed tomography, ultrasound, MRI.

In the complex treatment is also used chemotherapy. Sometimes this technique is also assigned in isolation, but it is practiced only at the fourth stage of the cancer.

In the treatment of this disease one of the most important factors is the early detection of pathology and treatment of precancerous diseases.

Vaccine against cervical cancer

 Cervical cancer  In order to protect women from infection with the human papilloma virus is practiced vaccination . This vaccine   it is advisable to introduce young women who are not yet sex life. Vaccination can prevent further development dysplasia . genital warts . neoplasia . cervical cancer , Others precancerous anal-genital system .

Vaccination against cervical cancer is effective, as it allows to protect against four types of human papilloma virus, triggering cancer.

The vaccine is most effective if you ensure that vaccinations for girls before sexual debut. However, there is some evidence that the vaccine protects against disease and older women.

To perform a full vaccination is carried out by intramuscular injection three for six months to meet the desired interval.

You can not vaccinate women who have serious chronic illnesses, as well as those who suffer from ailments of blood. Vaccination can not be done for pregnant women and those who suffer from intolerance to individual vaccine.

Prevention of cervical cancer

The main method of preventing the development of cancer disease of the cervix should be considered to ensure regular inspections by a specialist gynecologist with the capture and subsequent smear. Such visits to the doctor for women who have a high degree of risk of disease manifestations, must be done at least once a year. After the age of thirty women who were repeatedly study the presence in the body of human papilloma virus and have received a negative result may limit visits to the gynecologist every three or four years. If during the inspection had revealed a certain pathology, it is mandatory to ensure prompt adequate treatment of the disease. It is very important to be screened annually with patients immunocompromised HIV infection.

In addition, to preventive vaccination is also aimed at protecting against human papillomavirus. It is important to eat right, to adhere to all rules of hygiene, to conduct an orderly sex life.

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