Tuesday, June 11, 2019


April 29, 2012

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 Nettle-rash  Nettle-rash - A disease of allergic nature, the main manifestation of which becomes the appearance of the mucous membranes and skin blisters . Such a reaction of the organism occurs as a consequence of a certain irritation. Urticaria is a group of diseases in which there is one common symptom - blisters, itching constantly and having a clear demarcation. They rise above the reddened skin, the size of the blisters may be a few millimeters and a few centimeters.

The main feature of this disease is that the rash, symptoms of which occur very fast, similarly can disappear quickly with adequate treatment. Thus, the disease sometimes have time to develop, and to disappear for a few hours.

Causes of urticaria

Allergen That provokes the development of hives, can serve any substance. These may be products, and pollen, and medicines. Also urticaria in adults and children is sometimes seen after the bite of insects or as a consequence of effects on the human infection. Even the waste products of microorganisms may trigger the development of hives. To prevent occurrence of such allergic reactions in the future, it is important to determine what exactly was the cause of urticaria. In some cases, the effective observation is common, but sometimes the patient must carry out a number of laboratory tests.

Development acute urticaria   most often occurs as a consequence of exposure to drugs, foods, insect bites or infections. The chronic form urticaria appears as a consequence of certain pathological processes that occur in the internal organs of the patient. Also, a chronic form of urticaria occurs in disorders of the nervous system. The classification of the forms of the disease is isolated physical urticaria Which arises as a reaction to heat, cold, pressure, sunlight, vibration exercise.

Because some aetiological factors in human tissues accumulate chemically active substances, for example, histamine Which increases the permeability of vascular walls. Accordingly, expanding capillaries , There is swelling of the papillary dermis, and as a result the patient on the skin blisters.

As allergens sometimes act not completely digested protein products that penetrate into the bloodstream, induce the production of antibodies   some foods. Also can trigger an allergic reaction Toxins That contain spoiled food, t oksicheskie substance Which are formed in the body of patients colitis And in individuals with renal insufficiency. It may occur and bacterial allergy. During the occurrence of hives important factor is the functional disorders of the nervous system. Thus, cholinergic urticaria manifested in nervous excitement due to isolation acetylcholine .

Urticaria develops as a result of increased microvascular permeability and the subsequent development of edema around the vessels. Blisters in the hives - a consequence of hypersensitivity that occurs on a background of high levels of concentration of biologically active substances.

Urticaria is a toxic-allergic dermatosis Which has polietiologichesky genesis.

The factors that have pathogenetic importance, it should be noted concomitant illness - chronic focal infection . worm infestation . biliary dyskinesia . irregularities in the digestive tract . allergy medication .

Symptoms of hives

 Nettle-rash  To distinguish several different types of hives. With acute form   hives sudden illness affects a person while he manifested rash urticaria, very intense itching. Appeared blisters differ pale pink hue, they are different sizes. In the center of the blister mat, and the edges it has a pink color. The form of blisters can be both rounded and quite bumpy. In some cases, blisters may merge into a single zone. Such a process for the patient is fraught with a general deterioration of his condition: a so-called urticaria. Acute hives can appear on the mucous membranes of the palate, tongue, larynx, on the lips. Typically, this form of the disease occurs as an allergic reaction to certain foods or medicines. In some cases, urticaria, symptoms of which occur very rapidly, occurs after vaccination, administration of certain drugs, blood transfusions.

So-called artificial urticaria   - Is atypical form of the disease, which is characterized by the appearance of skin rashes that have a linear shape. In this case, the patients do not complain of itching. This form of urticaria occurs in people primarily as a consequence of a mechanical irritation.

If the patient is a high sensitivity to allergens, in that case it may be chronic recurrent urticaria . Such a form of urticaria provokes chronic infection, problems in the digestive tract or other reasons. It often develops on the background of chronic infectious diseases - cholecystitis . tonsillitis   and etc.

From time to time there is a change of recurrence of the disease in which blisters appear on the skin, remissions that last for different periods of time. When a man tormented by itching blisters, it can increase the temperature, cause headaches. Itching is sometimes so strong that the patient is suffering from sleep disorders and neurotic disorders.

In acute limited angioedema   (so-called angioedema ) There is a sharp development of a limited swelling of the skin and subcutaneous fat face. The man suddenly swollen cheeks, lips, eyelids may also swell genitals. Changing the overall appearance of the skin: it becomes white or pink color becomes plotnoelasticheskoy. In the development of angioedema may cause stenosis and asphyxia.

If a person suffers solar urticaria Symptoms of the disease appear with him in the summer. In this disease manifested mainly in women. Very often accompanies solar urticaria liver disease And also occurs in people who suffer from disorders of porphyrin metabolism and are highly sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. When solar urticaria hives rashes appear on the skin areas that are exposed to direct sunlight. Basically in this case suffer from the face and hands. Solar urticaria is a type of photodermatosis . If a person suffering from this disease, is under the sunlight for a long time, apart from his rash sometimes develops as a common response of the body in which the broken heart activity and breathing. You may experience a shock.

Another variety of diseases - cold urticaria   (another name - cold allergy ). In this case, skin lesions occur after a long stay in the cold person. The cause of the rash is too much cryoglobulins . This antibody accumulates in the body.

Subdivides primary   and secondary   cold urticaria. The secondary form of urticaria occurs as a consequence of an allergic reaction to foods metabolism That appear in the skin due to exposure to low temperature. Also, cold urticaria occurs due to the individual characteristics of the constitution of the body.

To confirm the diagnosis as the sun and the cold urticaria, skin is taken from Exhibit sample.

When contact urticaria which is a kind of atopic dermatitis , Human blisters immediately after it was exposed to certain antigens. In some cases, the body reacts to such contact geniralizovannoy urticarial rash.

Diagnosis of urticaria

 Nettle-rash  Usually diagnosed with acute urticaria is quite simple, it can do and allergist-immunologist, and general practitioners. But in some cases, for the selection of the correct treatment is necessary to define the allergen. It can be distinguished by a number of special studies. Select autoantibodies can use markers of Epstein-Barr virus, and Hepatitis B . Also, the patients underwent a general and a detailed analysis of blood, urine, skin, liver function tests. Sometimes it requires Biopsy   skin.

If the patient occur signs of systemic disease, it would need to spend rheumatologic tests. The fact that urticaria and urtikaropodobnye elements can occur in other diseases, so it is important to a thorough examination of the patient.

Treatment of urticaria

There is a certain group of drugs that effectively stop an allergic reaction and are used for the treatment of urticaria. The action of these drugs is to release gistaimina, which is one of the direct perpetrators of allergy. Such preparations are at antihistamines   drugs.

If the patient manifests an acute form of the disease, which has provoked a meal or medication, the treatment of hives in this case involves the reception laxatives   means hiposensibilic   drugs and antihistamines   drugs. If there is a very severe attack, his cropped introduction adrenaline . corticosteroid   drugs. Treatment of urticaria in adults and children is also produced externally using antipruritic agents: alcohol solution of menthol, calendula, salicylic acid.

To cure the chronic form of the disease, it is necessary first of all to determine the causative factor. If an allergen was detected, there should be a specific hyposensitization, readjustment of foci of infection, get rid of helminths Cure gastrointestinal diseases, etc.

If it is impossible to identify an allergen, then the patient is treated in a hospital. He appointed a special An elimination diet At which shows fasting for three to five days. These days, you can use only water.

If a person has been a violation of the nervous system, it is prescribed treatment sedatives   means. It is prohibited to use the exciting products and tools.

For the treatment of solar urticaria apply fotodesensibiliziruyuschie   facilities ( Plaquenil . Delagil ).

If the patient develops angioedema, be sure to determine which allergen triggered the disease, and promptly remove it. After that, the patient is assigned to treatment with antihistamines.

To reduce severe itching applied with ointment containing antihistamines and glikortikosteroidnyh hormones and 3% boric acid solution.

 Nettle-rash  In patients with chronic relapsing form of the disease the treatment of urticaria is carried out after full and careful examination of the body. Perhaps, in this case, primarily require treatment with related pathologies, infectious diseases. Often in this case it applies plasmapheresis   and enterosorption .

The therapy involves the use of cold urticaria antihistamines and hemosorption .

No matter what are the clinical manifestations of the disease, the treatment of urticaria in adults and children is important the correct mode of rest and food.

There are also some popular means used for the treatment of urticaria.

In the affected areas of skin can be applied to previously prepared lotion of essential oils of lavender, chamomile blue (two drops) and essential oils of immortelle, peppermint (one drop). Apply the product to a few times a day and hold until completely absorbed. Also, traditional medicine recommends swimming in the broth with fresh or dried nettle, Oral infusion of peppermint.

Prevention urticaria

The use of preventive measures is available, if the cause of hives is known exactly. So, at the cold urticaria is necessary to prevent hypothermia, with solar urticaria - hidden from direct sunlight. Also, it should prevent medication, food intake, causing such reactions, etc. Prevent chronic disease today is not possible.

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