Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Food allergies

May 13, 2012

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 Food allergies  Food Allergies   called the manifestation of allergic reactions to a variety of normally innocuous or certain food ingredients that are used in the cooking process. In one form of the product may contain a lot of allergens . Basically, the body reacts to proteins , At least - on the carbohydrates   and fats . If a person has an allergic reaction, the immune system produces too many antibodies . As a result, harmless proteins the body perceives as an infectious agent.

The population is very rare true food allergy - it affects about two percent of the people. Food allergies in children usually takes place in the early days after birth. Typically, after a few years of its existence disappear. At the same time, the majority of adults who believe that they suffer from food allergy, manifested so-called " Food pseudoallergy ". Though signs of such a condition similar to an allergy, actually takes place food intolerance . There are also cases where a person who is convinced that some food for him - an allergen, develop appropriate psychosomatic reaction.

Causes food allergies

Speaking about the causes of allergies, be sure to note the hereditary factor. It is important to note that if one of the parents is sick allergy, the risk of developing this condition increases the child twice. Consequently, even higher is the risk of allergy in those children whose parents are both allergy sufferers. But it is not always for the child allergens are the same substances as for parents. Also, a high risk of developing an allergy is seen in people whose families have cases asthma . hay fever . eczema .

Food allergies in children and adults can develop in almost any product. However, there are a number of foods that often cause allergic reactions. In this list, it should be noted eggs, milk, fish, shellfish, soy, nuts and others. Therefore, a man prone to such reactions should be strictly adhered to diet   with food allergies.

Sometimes a person may develop a so-called cross-allergy. This reaction follows the reaction to a specific allergen. For example, people allergic to fish may eventually cease to perceive fine seafood.

Symptoms of food allergies

 Food allergies  As a rule, a person, characterized by food allergy, symptoms appear within a period of a few minutes to two hours after he had served the food allergen. However, people who have had a severe form of allergy may feel symptoms of disease immediately after touching or feeling the smell of the product.

When food allergy symptoms are generally expressed swelling and itching manifestation of the lips, throat, mouth. If the food allergen is in the digestive system, it can provoke vomiting . nausea . diarrhea Manifestation intestinal colic . If a food allergy is also seen eczema . hives . redness of the skin . Some people in the development of allergic reactions and suffer from allergic rhinitis In which the patient overcomes cold, cough, shortness of breath appears. Also, people in the manifestation of allergic reaction can feel surging drowsiness   and a sense of distraction.

In some cases, it may also stitched appearance of allergic reactions. In this form of allergic reactions after allergen used the person may take several hours and several days. If we compare the symptoms stitched reactions with manifestations of immediate allergy symptoms here may not be as pronounced. The patient may manifest eczema . hives . asthma .

The most serious symptom of food allergy is anaphylactic shock . This condition occurs when an allergic reaction involves several organs and even systems. Anaphylaxis occurs relatively rarely, but such a state is very dangerous to human life. Under this condition the patient manifests urticaria, sweating, severe itching. The man swells the mucous membrane of the throat, difficulty breathing, sharply lower arterial pressure . In this form of food allergy treatment the patient should be provided as quickly as possible. After all, in the absence of proper and timely treatment possible unconsciousness, and even death.

Diagnosis of food allergy

Diagnosis in this case, holds a specialist allergist. It conducts a detailed survey of the patient, examines its history, appoint the necessary inspections. During the examination the doctor may ask the patient a list of products for which he had an allergic reaction.

In the process of conducting a diagnosis used skin prick test, which can determine whether a particular product is allergen for humans. For more accurate results, carried out a special laboratory analysis of blood: radioallergosorbent test, enzyme immunoassay, research antibodies.

Typically, these studies allow us to determine potentially dangerous allergens. But in some cases, the doctor may also decide to conduct provocation tests, in which an allergen is introduced into a patient's nose, under the tongue. Thereafter, the patient's response is assessed. However, such tests are carried out only under medical supervision, as you may need urgent assistance.

Treatment of food allergy

 Food allergies  If a person has been diagnosed as true food allergy, treatment primarily will be in strict adherence to a special diet. It must be completely ruled out the presence of the allergen. For some time, the patient must strictly observe hypoallergenic diet Include only those products which do not provoke allergic reactions. A few weeks later, you can try to enter into the diet of the allergen. But again, the development of food allergies hypoallergenic diet still needs to continue.

Compliance with the so-called elimination diet   (ie diet, eliminating allergenic foods) should be started only after consultation with an experienced physician. After all, the diet should be varied, and the man with the need to get all the necessary for the body the nutrients and vitamins. Therefore, products that cause allergy, be replaced by others equivalent in content of nutrients.

A diet with food allergies often helps to completely overcome this illness. However, there are some products for which people develop a lifelong allergy.

Thus, food allergies most effective method of overcoming this condition is to determine a food allergen and prevent its further.

In the treatment of allergy, it is important to take into account the fact that if a person suffers from asthma, the risk of serious consequences from an allergic reaction increases. Therefore, such patients should always carry a dose epinephrine   ( adrenaline ), Which need to be taken if an allergic reaction occurred.

If people still used the product, which is for him an allergen, in this case, you must make appropriate preparations. If there is a mild reaction to the allergen, it can be stopped with the help of antihistamines drugs . In acute food allergies, simultaneous treatment with epinephrine and antihistamine. Epinephrine Injection effectively eliminates an allergic reaction.

Food allergies in children

Food allergies are more often seen in children. This food allergy in infants as they grow in most cases passes slowly. For example, allergic reactions to milk, eggs, soy, wheat, mainly child "outgrow": its manifestations disappear before his fifth birthday. But allergic to nuts, fish, seafood can remain for a lifetime.

Besides genetic predisposition allergy in the infant can cause initial bottle-feeding the baby or the cessation of breastfeeding in the first months of his life. Recently, very often children are allergic to soy, which is often used as additives to various products.

Mothers who breastfeed, to avoid allergic reactions in the baby should be eaten only hypoallergenic products. It is particularly important to adhere to such a diet for the first time after the birth of the baby. From diet to exclude nursing mothers radish, onion, garlic, broth, smoked food, spicy seasonings. Caution should be taken, and dairy products, of which it is desirable to use only dairy.

 Food allergies  Symptoms of food allergies in children are similar to those manifestations in adults. But it happens that allergic reactions to foods provoke the child vomiting and diarrhea. As a consequence, it slowly grows and develops. Therefore, if a food allergy in children under one year causes similar symptoms, be sure to show the child to the doctor immediately.

If you have a tendency to allergies in children need to follow some advice to avoid adverse reactions. To prevent food allergies in children under one year parents should introduce a new food menu baby gradually, one product one time for five days, and watch his reaction. A portion of the new food should be increased gradually, starting with a very small. Pectoral baby may be offered initially a half teaspoon of a new product. If you have an allergic reaction, the product should be excluded from the menu of the kid and consult a doctor.

Physicians are advised to avoid fruits with bright color. For example, red apples can be replaced by yellow and green. If there is a negative perception of the eggs can be replaced by the quail. Most preferred fat is vegetable oil.

Food allergies in children can manifest and components products - dyes, food additives, which are a part of many foods. In this case, it may be necessary to determine the allergen examination.

If an older child is allergic to certain foods, parents should be sure to inform the employees of the institution - the kindergarten or school. They should be aware of how to stop the allergic reaction, hardly a child will use all the same mistake the allergen.

Prevention of food allergy

Preventive measures are very important for people who are at risk, that is, those who have relatives that there were cases of food allergies. It should be very wary of new foods and to monitor how the body reacts to it. So it's best to try the food in very small portions, and if the person is in an unfamiliar environment, from the new food is better to refuse.

No less important to carefully study the composition of the products listed on the labels. Indeed, among such ingredients may well be allergens. People who are prone to food allergies should not eat stale product. Canned food - not the best food for allergy sufferers. Thus, the power of people who are prone to allergies, should be as thoughtful and thus requires careful monitoring of the composition of products.

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