Saturday, May 12, 2018


May 6, 2011

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 Gestation  What is Pregnancy   by itself, it is unlikely to explain in detail. This is the period from conception to birth. At the same time, this period is associated with large changes in physical and emotional terms, and these changes affect not only the future mother but also its surroundings, including the husband of existing children, relatives and even friends.

Psychological changes may occur before conception. Some women in a special way related to issues of conception, pregnancy and birth. Thus, in order to plan the sex of the person, the mother has to undergo certain procedures, and to carry out a sexual act with a man at a certain time. Naturally, this is a certain degree of influence on the psychology of the relationship of the pair. Tangible change in the psychology of women occur in the event that produced artificial birth .

The first signs of pregnancy are another cause for stress. The news of a new life, even for trained woman who was looking forward to this, is a serious emotional shock. Experts say that about pregnant women do not know the first day, but after a few weeks. All the while, her tormented inner feelings about the success of conception, and then begin the experience related to the future child.

Even if there are no problems with the pregnancy is not diagnosed, it is safe to say that the first few months of carrying a child, every woman feels the inner experiences. According to psychologists, even desirable conception does not affect the appearance of the woman doubts about motherhood. Therefore, in this period it is particularly important to support a man who is also waiting for a baby in the family.

Support family is as important as in any other period of gestation. Expectant mother, of course, not be able to perform all the household duties as before. But this does not mean that it is necessary to remove from everything that happens in the family. Competently and correctly action of the environment will allow pregnancy to pass easier. And to the question of training, and diagnosis, we elaborate further.

How to prepare for pregnancy

We should also pay attention to such a thing as planning to become pregnant . According to popular belief, pregnancy planning is provided Conception. That is a child whose appearance waiting for both parents and purposefully carry everything you need for successful conception is considered planned. In fact, planning to become pregnant is a broad concept that includes comprehensive training that begins long before conception.

 Gestation  Every mother wants her child to be healthy, but for some reason, not every mom makes all the necessary. In preparation for the gestation is still a few months before planned conception is necessary to radically change your lifestyle. From everyday life have to leave bad habits, unhealthy diet, unsafe contacts. It is mandatory before the first attempts at conceiving a baby have to go the gynecologist. Comprehensive examination by a specialist - the key to successful conception, proper pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

So planning to become pregnant   a set of measures aimed at ensuring the best circumstances for the appearance of the child. As we have said, the first steps are being taken for another two or three months before the beginning of active actions to conceive a baby.

There is a common misconception that fertilization   ovum is happening when you first same the sexual act without means of contraception. In fact, it can take from several months to a year. If pregnancy does not occur more than a year, it is necessary to consult specialists. Modern medicine allows for a full examination of both partners, and find out what causes the lack of conception or premature termination of childbearing.

You may be surprised, but pregnancy planning involves competent use of contraception that can prevent conception in some periods and prepare the body for fertilization other. Data means a lot today, and it is combined oral contraceptives And biological methods of contraception , and others. The choice of specific tools should be done only after consultation with a specialist, which must also tell about the rules for applying the selected method.

Of course, planning is also a corresponding psychological preparation for pregnancy . In psychology, developed several sets of exercises that allow a woman to prepare for new conditions of life and positively received the news about the birth of the fetus.

You have to understand that the child is in your life at the moment of birth and the moment of conception. Since then your personal world begins to revolve around a new point - your baby . It imposes certain restrictions on everything you are doing. For example, for a healthy and normal fetal development is required the presence of relevant of vitamins and oxygen in the body mother. Accordingly, it should follow certain diet during pregnancy and the daily routine.

Planning for pregnancy also involves women information awareness. Employees of the district antenatal clinics are required to conduct a lecture to future mothers, which explains everything you need to know about fetal development and behavior of the pregnant woman. Unfortunately, in practice, this responsibility is carried out by employees or the LCD surface, or not at all satisfied. Therefore, to what-then the changes are not caught you by surprise, it is recommended advance familiarize with the literature, devoted to conceive, bearing and birth of the child. Appropriate books and materials there are in large quantities as the in a printed, so-and in electronic form in a network the Internet, including complimentary the sources of.

The essential role played by the person to whom the expectant mother can trust, and who may consult. It is advisable, if it is a close friend who has passed at least one pregnancy. Nevertheless, we should not overestimate the role: to give birth, take care of the baby and raise the child you will still be with her husband or family, not a friend.

Summarizing all the above, we advise you to promptly begin planning pregnancy, having studied the relevant literature or consult an expert in this field. If done correctly, you will be happy to discover at the first signs of pregnancy, to which we now turn.

The main symptoms of pregnancy

About infamous pickles, which supposedly signaled the beginning of pregnancy, had composed a lot of jokes, filmed comic scenes, and this is not the time to appear in films. But really keen desire to eat something sour or salty, although it indicates the changes in the body, it does not mean that the changes associated with the conception of the child.

In medicine, these indicators are called speculative or dubious characters. In other words, this is what indicates a possible pregnancy, but in any case, can not serve as a full-fledged test, it is confirmed. In the same group includes changes of other tactile sensations: strengthening hearing . improve the sense of smell   and so on.

Sickness Which many of us regard as wide as a sign, too, is doubtful. In some women, these symptoms of pregnancy does not occur, nausea and others make themselves known esophageal disease, and not having originated life. The third feature is doubtful mood swings in women, which is particularly sensitive, vulnerable, susceptible to environmental influences.

 Gestation  To the next group are the symptoms of pregnancy are high, but not one hundred percent probability, and point to successful conception. The most common symptom of which any woman knows, it cessation of menstruation . In reproductive age pregnancy with a high degree of probability is the lack of "monthly" for 10-14 days from the normal time.

All the remaining probable symptoms of pregnancy are manifested somewhat later. It and an increase in of mammary glands, and darkening various sites of a body, especially in an intimate the zone of the labia majora, and violation of urination, and increase in body temperature on the background of changes hormonal system.

We also note several important points to be aware of any woman.

Increase in sizes of a uterus, which is markedly the surrounding the naked eye, not always is invoked fruit of. Overgrowth of the body can have serious reasons to cut gynecological diseases.

Pregnancy tests   They are also likely to, not significant symptoms. The fact is that every test has a certain share of confidence that can be found in the documentation. To increase the accuracy of diagnosis is recommended to take several attempts to define and use different pregnancy tests. With this approach, the probability of error decreases exponentially, but to be sure for certain, it is better to contact a reliable sign.

Significant symptoms of pregnancy can not be used in the initial stages. The very first of them manifests itself fetal heartbeat . There is a 1-1.5 month gestation. During the ultrasound frequency is measured shocks, obtained information about the correct operation of vital organ. Later, the heartbeat is already possible to listen without any hardware, using a conventional stethoscope or wooden tube of special shapes.

The second feature - fetal movement Which makes itself felt first mother who feels the tremors inside, then the doctor who tracks the movement during the examination, and then the rest as "bumps" in the abdominal area becomes visible to the naked eye.

Third reliable sign - definition of the fetus limbs , Parts of the body. During an ultrasound or conventional mechanical expert examination is mandatory allocates legs, handles, back, head, measure their magnitude and correlates with the norms of development of the fetus.

Know the symptoms of pregnancy and their classification should every woman. Sometimes it helps not just a time to learn about the appearance in a new life, but also to avoid the serious health problems if the symptoms are not caused by conceiving and disease.

Once again, we note that none of questionable or probable signs can not be considered reliable. Whatever it was, you should contact your doctor, who will determine what caused the fixed signs of pregnancy.

Only the timely treatment of a specialist allows you to control the course of gestation and to avoid complications. That pregnancy complications often lead to premature delivery, improper or inadequate fetal development, abortion. So if you want to, and the conception and gestation, and childbirth   went smoothly, follow the recommendations of the competent expert.

If your pregnancy test gave a positive result - do not wait for other symptoms, see your doctor. Having received additional confirmation, you will be directed to a number of laboratory tests. All of them need not only you but also your child. Lack you have HIV infection, Syphilis , Normal analyzes of a blood and urine - those conditions, in which the development the fetus is happening it is best to.

And remember. During pregnancy, the doctor becomes your source of information and support in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Do not hesitate to asking all, that the you are interested in. Required Get a contact for emergency communications. On our site we have described the pregnancy from the first to the ninth month, but at every stage you need to be sure that, if necessary, you will receive advice and necessary assistance.

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