Sunday, May 6, 2018

Bowel disorders

March 25, 2012

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 Bowel disorders  Bowel disorders   - A condition that occurs as a result of a variety of disorders of the intestine. Bowel disorder in some instances by the term " Irritable Bowel Syndrome "And it is a functional disorder, ie, with a bright clinical laboratory tests show at least confirm the presence of the disease.

Causes of bowel disorders

According to statistics, the world's symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome affects about 18% of adults. These patients have a brighter clinical symptoms of intestinal disorders. First of all, it's a pain in the stomach and violations of the chair, which occur without obvious reasons. Most often the disease develops in young people, as well as patients in adulthood. In most cases, like bowel disorder manifests with the constant stress .

Also causes bowel disorders often acute intestinal infections . chronic infections of the gastrointestinal tract , Among them parasitic infections . People who at the time was diagnosed with " dysbiosis "Also are at risk due to irritation of the intestinal wall as a result of shifts microflora .

Causes of bowel disorders can be as infectious diseases, and individual intolerance of certain foods. So often bowel disorder manifested as a result of drinking excessive amounts of fatty foods and foods that contain large amounts of fiber.

In some cases, the cause of the disorder can become allergic to a certain type of product. In addition, bowel disorder manifested as a consequence of eating foods that are not aligned with each other, stale or low quality food. It is important to note that in the process of developing bowel disorders in the body is always formed Toxins Which negatively affect the body in general.

Women sometimes experience symptoms of intestinal disorders due to hormonal changes as a consequence of the menstrual cycle.

Symptoms of bowel disorders

The disease manifests a number of unpleasant symptoms: bulging, swelling and pain in the abdomen. The patient may occur diarrhea . constipation Or these conditions will alternate. If the process is not a comprehensive survey revealed the cause of this condition, the patient can be diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome is. In this case, abdominal pain the patient is often manifested in the morning, after waking up. Their intensity may be tolerable, and very strong. In the morning there is also a strong flatulence . Man suffers from constant diarrhea, while he feels that the intestines are not fully released. In addition, when a person feels intestinal disorders constant rumbling in the stomach, and the chair is often released along with mucus.

In the state of irritable bowel syndrome pain can significantly increase during the meals and during stress. At such times, people often visited the toilet.

Some people also arise tenesmus   - False sense of urgency to defecate, but in this case there is no chair. In the rectum manifest discomfort and pain.

However, in some cases, the symptoms of intestinal disorders in humans may be expressed not so bright. Why bowel disorder symptoms vary so much from person to person, experts are still trying to find out.

Complications bowel disorders

This state is fraught with unpleasant consequences in the form of certain complications. If the patient is a constant diarrhea , The body loses the necessary elements for a full life. Large losses of calcium may violate the functioning of the cardiovascular system, sharp jumps Blood Pressure , Problems with regulators of the body and the development of vascular dystonia. Also, the lack of potassium can cause the appearance of kidney stones, cramps limbs.

If the body is a lack of magnesium, the patient may suffer from mental disorders, nervousness, chronic fatigue syndrome.

In addition, a chronic disorder of the intestine interferes with the normal functioning of the digestive system in general.

Diagnosis of intestinal disorders

 Bowel disorders  When you call the patient to a gastroenterologist complaining of the symptoms of bowel disorders, the doctor, first of all, conducting a detailed survey, paying particular attention to diet and lifestyle of the person. After that the examination of the abdomen, in order to determine the presence of swelling, visible peristalsis.

Sometimes it held percussion abdomen that allows us to differentiate excessive flatulence and ascites. It is important to palpation, which can be used to find out where the pain is localized, to determine what is the position and properties of the parts of the colon.

If necessary, the doctor appoints holding digital examination through the rectum, and sigmoidoscopy. The latter method allows the study to examine the pathology of the lower part of the alimentary canal. This method of study is relevant in the presence of purulent discharge from the rectum, as well as the presence of traces of blood in them. Spend sigmoidoscopy and patients whose bowel disorder manifested chronic constipation.

In addition, the process may need an X-ray diagnostics and scatological study. Sometimes it is also necessary bacteriological examination of feces.

Treatment bowel disorders

To get rid of the problems with the intestines, it is necessary first of all to establish your own lifestyle and way of eating. It is important to have only those products for which the intestine responds to the normal functioning, and to exclude from the diet food and cry bowel disorder. Often the cause of bowel disorders can be the use of certain fruit and vegetables, sweets, and coffee. However, only a doctor can give accurate advice on proper nutrition to patients bowel disorder. In this case, the diet should be individualized and chosen based on the features of the disease the patient. Often the normalization of the bowel must be eating foods or dietary supplements with fiber.

Another important point in the treatment of intestinal disorders - as far as possible to avoid severe stress and emotional turmoil.

As a medical treatment for severe intestinal disorder, which manifests itself with diarrhea, the doctor sometimes prescribed intravenous fluid therapy for rehydration. As a means of eliminating diarrhea, often administered smectite . Imodium . If there is a bowel disorder, which manifests itself constipation, then used for the treatment of laxatives.

It is important to take into consideration that intestinal disorder which has a viral nature, should not be treated using antibiotics . However, in some cases shows a reception Antidepressants . But the question of the appointment of these drugs should be settled exclusively by the attending physician.

Diet for intestinal disorders

 Bowel disorders  In this case, the patient does not need to adhere to a strict diet . What is more important: the selection of products according to individual tolerability. If the bowel disorder is expressed predominantly diarrhea, from the daily menu to exclude acute, fried, fatty, smoked dishes. Negatively on the overall condition of the patient is also affected coffee, alcoholic and soft drinks, flour products. Some people point out the negative effects on the intestine and dairy products.

Among the recommended foods for human consumption must be called porridge, soups, jelly, vegetables boiled. As an herbal beverage fit.

When intestinal disorders constipation in regular daily diet is recommended to include foods containing fiber, vegetables, fruits, whole-grain dishes. If you have an allergy to certain foods it is important to be sure to completely eliminate them from your diet. If constipation is recommended to replace animal fats with vegetable oil: sunflower oil or olive.

During dieting, and it is important to adjust the way of eating. Eat small meals and you need more than usual. Food should be eaten slowly, chew thoroughly and not be distracted by other activities. In addition, to establish the activity of the intestine and the digestive tract as a whole help to regular physical education classes.

There are also many folk remedies that are effective against the patient's condition. Relax the intestinal wall, you can use regular use of peppermint: it is possible to drink the infusion of the leaves, or add them to the carved dishes. Relax the intestines and remove the inflammation makes the collection of herbs, made from chamomile, hops, peppermint, Dioscorea, Marshmallow.

In addition, an upset stomach, which is accompanied by diarrhea, can be brewed tansy flowers, grass, burnet, the fruit of alder, plantain leaves, grass, celandine, chamomile flowers, fennel seeds. In addition, it is recommended to use dried blueberries, potato starch (one teaspoon dissolved in a half glass of water). When diarrhea can drink rather weak green tea, alcoholic infusion of young peel walnuts.

To eliminate constipation recommended intake of dairy products, cabbage, beets, turnips, radishes, apricots, plums. Fasting is recommended to drink carrot juice and potato juice. In addition, a positive effect on the patient's body have viburnum berries, cranberries, cherry juice, dried fruit teas. It is useful decoction of flaxseed, nettle leaves, flowers, yarrow, buckthorn bark.

1 comment:

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