Description overdue on 10/20/2014
- Latin name: Testosterone Phenylpropionate
- ATC code: G03BA03
- Active substance: Testosterone phenylpropionate (Testosterone Phenylpropionate)
- Manufacturer: State Research Institute of Standardization and Control of Drugs MZ Russia
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Babies
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
The composition includes a drug active ingredient Testosterone phenylpropionate .
Product form
It is produced in the form of an injectable solution, which is contained in ampules.
Pharmacological action
Testosterone phenylpropionate is an androgen, also has anabolic effects on the human body. This substance is involved in the growth of the skeleton in the body retains some elements that are needed for increasing muscle mass and protein synthesis.
In the male body under the influence of drugs active ingredient stimulates the activity of the prostate, gonads, seminal vesicles. Actively form the secondary symptoms (reduced tone of voice, grow a mustache, beard). Also under the influence of drugs Testosterone phenylpropionate increased level of sexual attraction and potency. Through the CNS drug affects the sexual behavior of men.
Exposure to the drug provides a reduction in body fat, suppressing the production and excretion pituitary LH and FSH.
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
The half-life agent - about 5 days. Tool is low toxic to the liver. Under its influence decreases the level of own Testosterone .
Testosterone phenylpropionate has the following indications for use in men:
- primary and secondary hypogonadism;
- impotence ;
- symptoms of male menopause;
- male infertility Associated with impaired spermatogenesis;
- lack of androgens in the body;
- osteoporosis Associated with androgen deficiency in the body.
Indications for use of the drug in women:
- dysfunctional bleeding associated with Hyperestrogenism;
- mammary cancer ;
- hysteromyoma ;
- symptoms associated with period menopause ;
- endometriosis;
- premenstrual syndrome ;
- osteoporosis.
You can not practice the treatment agent in the following cases:
- high sensitivity to the LAN;
- breast cancer or prostate cancer;
- gynecomastia;
- nephrosis;
- prostatic hypertrophy;
- kidney or liver failure;
- hypercalcemia;
- diabetes ;
- atherosclerosis ;
- myocardial infarction history.
Side effects
In the treatment means sometimes observed side effects:
- deterioration of the skin;
- swelling . manifestation of allergy ;
- Symptoms increased libido;
- hypercalcemia;
- problems with spermatogenesis and sperm maturation process;
- priapism;
- the pain in the testes and the mammary gland;
- too early puberty adolescents;
- delay in the body of water and sodium;
- nausea, headache . diarrhea ;
- metrorrhagia (women);
- cholestatic jaundice;
- thrombophlebitis ;
- arthralgia;
- weight gain.
If the drug is too long to apply a woman, she may develop virilnoe syndrome (strong growth of hair on the body and face, deepening of voice) is also possible amenorrhea and atrophy of the breasts .
If the drug is canceled almost all the signs disappear after some time.
Instructions for use (method and dosage)
The solution was administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly. With underdevelopment sexual glands And when eunuchoidism acromegaly daily administered with 25 mg daily. Also, the introduction means 50 mg every 1-2 days at 100-200 mg in 15 days. The duration of therapy is determined individually.
With menopause in men and Impotence administered every day for 10 mg of the drug. Also it may be administered 25 mg 2-3 times a week. The treatment lasts for 1-2 months.
With prostatic hypertrophy you must enter 10 mg once every two days to 1-2 months.
With of dysfunctional krovotecheniyah from the uterus shows the introduction of women 10-25 mg every two days within one month.
With ovarian cancer or breast administered at 50 mg daily.
If an overdose of testosterone phenylpropionate, perhaps a manifestation of the patient's symptoms, which manifest as side effects means.
It is time to stop treatment or reduce the dosage.
Efficiency means reduced if the patient takes it in parallel with the inductors of microsomal oxidation enzymes.
Terms of sale
Sold on prescription.
Storage conditions
We need to protect children from the vehicle and store in a dark place.
Shelf life
Testosterone phenylpropionate storage period - 3 years.
It should be regularly monitored during treatment with people suffering epilepsy , Hypertension, migraine .
It is necessary to rule out prostate cancer in men before treatment this drug.
There should be control of Hb and hematocrit during drug treatment.
Caution should be given the means for older people, young people.
Testosterone Izokaproat
Testosterone Decanoate
Testosterone cypionate
Testosterone undecanoate
Testosterone enanthate
Omnadren 250
Analogues of of the drug are the following PM: Testosterone caprate . Testosterone propionate, Testosterone enanthate . Testosterone Izokaproat and etc.
For the solution of the treatment of children is not recommended.
During pregnancy and lactation
Do not use the medication in the period pregnancy And while breast-feeding .
In a review about this drug it is noted that it effectively increases muscle mass and physical endurance. Also, there is a marked increase in sexual desire. Patients who used the drug under indications, noted his pronounced effect.
Price, where to buy
Price Testosterone phenylpropionate is from 1200 rubles.
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