Sunday, April 8, 2018

Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea

July 3rd, 2012

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 Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea  There is absolutely unfair notion that snoring is not particularly pleasant, but completely safe for human phenomenon. In fact, a strong snore during sleep heralds the development of the disease, which is called Obstructive sleep apnea   ( OSA ). It is a strong snoring is one of its main symptoms.

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome - a disease which is characterized by the manifestation stops breathing during sleep. The development of a person suspected of sleep apnea can close the people who watch the sleeping man. They mark a sharp break snore and stop breathing. Then the sleeping man snoring heavily, may start to toss and turn, then his breathing is restored. When monitoring such patients noted that these pauses in breathing can occur per night to 400.

The mechanism of obstructive sleep apnea

On the upper airway patency of a person is influenced by many factors. First of all, it is the tone of the pharyngeal muscles . the inner diameter of ways . the pressure during inspiration . At that time, when a person sleeps, the pharynx muscle tone is markedly reduced. Therefore, there can be a full spadenie airways that occurs on inspiration, and subsequent respiratory arrest. To respiratory function recovered, necessary to activate the brain. That brain impulse that is sent to the pharyngeal muscles and opens the airways. When the breath of the patient recovered, the oxygen level is normalized, so that the mind becomes calm again. After this person falls asleep. The cycle is repeated over a period of sleep.

Because symptoms such pauses in breathing during sleep the human body begins to suffer from severe reduction of oxygen in the blood. Accordingly, the negative effect on the heart and the brain, which is necessary to supply a lot of oxygen.

The nighttime brain hypoxia manifests morning headache. And people who, moreover, suffer from coronary heart disease, due to sleep apnea can then get myocardial infarction .

In addition, when breathing has stopped, there is a jump Blood Pressure   for a short time it rises to levels of 200-250 mm Hg. Art. If this phenomenon is repeated many times over every night, then in the end the patient often develops Arterial hypertension I , Becomes chronic krizovoe for. Hypertension occurs as a result of these violations, less amenable to the usual therapy for hypertensive patients antihypertensive drugs. In addition, the chronic lack of sleep transition to the deep stage, as well as nocturnal hypoxia provokes a marked decrease in allocation growth hormone . In adults, this hormone provides a fat metabolism. Growth hormone is responsible for ensuring that the consumption of fat is converted into energy rather than stored as fat reserves. However, if growth hormone is not produced in the necessary quantities, even if the lack of energy in the body fat is not converted into energy. Therefore, the patient consumes more food to replenish energy costs. A surplus immediately transformed into excess weight . Fattening due to growth hormone deficiency the patient can not lose weight with the help of diets   or of drugs.

This rapid weight gain provokes the aggravation of the situation with the appearance of sudden stops breathing during sleep. After all, the excess fat is deposited also on the neck, thereby increasing airway narrowing. Growth hormone is produced even more insignificant quantities, and as a result there is a kind of vicious circle.

If the disease progresses, reaching severe decreases as development Testosterone . This leads to a decrease in sexual desire and potency .

Snoring Causes

 Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea  Thus, a common phenomenon - Snoring - causes significant adverse changes in the functioning of the body. Causes of snoring are determined by several factors. First of all, snoring may be people who have certain anatomical abnormalities, leading to the fact that the airways are narrowed. This situation is due to a congenital narrowness of the throat or nasal passages, the curvature of the nasal septum, nasal polyps or enlarged tonsils, a long tongue on the palate, malocclusion due to displacement of the jaw. In addition, the appearance of snoring helps obesity .

The second group of factors that contribute to snoring in his sleep, a functional factors. To those primarily relates actual sleep, during which decreases muscle tone. In addition, night snoring triggers severe fatigue and constant sleep deprivation, the use of sleeping pills, alcohol intake, smoking. Snoring is often seen in people with reduced function Thyroid , Women between menopause . Snoring Bole subject to older people.

Symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea

A person who has observed violations of breathing during sleep, is suffering because the overall sleep quality significantly deteriorates. Gradually, the patient begins to celebrate the manifestation of frequent headaches, and irritability. He is always in drowsy He suffers from memory loss and dispersion of attention. Men can gradually be noted that the potency is markedly decreased. Basically sleep in people prone to respiratory arrest, always restless, they often revolve during sleep, may vigorously move the limbs, speak. All of these symptoms, as well as other consequences of sleep apnea occur as a consequence of the constant lack of sleep.

In addition to the deterioration of the quality of life, such acts can be dangerous because of increased risk of sleep in the process of the vehicle.

The number and duration of stops breathing differ depending on how severe form of the disease occurred in humans. If the disease is found severe form, breathing can stop as soon as a person falls asleep. The position of his body can be anything. If there is a mild form of the disease, the cessation of breathing during deep sleep is manifested either by the position of man in the back. Breathing is often disturbed in people who consumed alcohol before going to bed.

Diagnosis of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea

 Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea  Those people who snore during sleep all the time, you need to consult with an ENT specialist, who will be able to identify all the anatomical features of the patient's airway. It is possible that the observed changes may be corrected by getting rid of unpleasant phenomenon. In some cases, in order to figure out how to stop snoring, a person should consult further as a physician and an endocrinologist.

To determine whether there is a patient with snoring sleep apnea, your doctor may prescribe special studies of sleep - polysomnography. Such a study is carried out by fixing on the body of a large number of different sensors recording brain function, ECG, respiratory movements and other parameters necessary for the investigation. All information is recorded during a night's sleep, and e-based specialist determines what kind of remedy for snoring would be most effective.

Diagnosis of sleep apnea includes determining the presence of certain characteristics of the patient and the symptoms of the disease. Thus, detailed study of the patient is assigned if he there are three of the following feature:
- Indication of the manifestation of pauses in breathing during sleep (this feature is already a prerequisite for an in-depth survey);
- Loud snoring at night, or intermittent snoring with periodic snores;
- Too frequent urination   at night time;
- Long sleep disturbances lasting more than six months;
- Constant daytime sleepiness;
- Hypertension, seizures, which occur in the morning and at night;
- overweight.

Complications of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea

People who suffer from regular pauses in breathing during sleep, often at night worried angina . Shortage of oxygen can affect the state of kidneys. Also, patients suffering from this disease, more often observed metabolic syndrome   and manifestations atherosclerosis . Complication of severe sleep apnea can also be a impotence   men. Such patients are irritable, can hardly feel refreshed throughout the day, and even show some signs of unbalanced behavior.

Because of the constant shortage of oxygen in the body, patients who manifest sleep apnea more often suffer from the appearance of the night stroke   and heart attacks . In severe form of the disease can be sudden death during sleep. Therefore, to treat this disease is very important.

Recommendations for patients with snoring and obstructive sleep apnea

 Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea  Snoring at home provides a clear implementation of some recommendations designed to improve the quality of sleep and prevent unpleasant symptoms.

First of all, it is important the correct posture for sleep: it is best to sleep on your side, as lying on your back sinks language that contributes to respiratory failure. In order to prevent the night turning the patient on the back, you can sew a pocket on the back of pajamas, and put a small ball or other object. It will contribute to the awakening of man when you turn on your back. After some time, it produced a corresponding reflex, and people are not sleeping in a pose on his back.

It is advisable to sleep in the head was in a slightly elevated position - so you can prevent the tongue and reduce snoring. To this end, sometimes tilted bed through the establishment of small bars under the legs of the bed to the side of the head or use a hospital bed.

Not recommended for people who snore, take hypnotics   and soothing   facilities. These drugs help to reduce muscle tone, so that the pharyngeal muscles relax. If the patient developed a severe form of the average disease, the drugs with the specified exposure is strictly contraindicated.

It should not be in the evening to drink alcohol, since alcohol helps to relax the muscles of the pharynx, exacerbating the patient's condition. People who smoke need to think about getting rid of this addiction. After smoking provokes inflammation of the pharynx and trachea, accompanied by edema, which increases the risk of stopping breathing during sleep.

A person prone to snoring, it is important to monitor its own weight, as obesity contributes to snoring. According to statistics, reducing weight by 10%, 50% of patients on improving the parameters of breathing during sleep.

If you have certain problems with nasal breathing should take all measures possible to facilitate breathing nose. If this problem occurs due to colds, you should use nasal drops with vasoconstrictor effect. In the presence of polyps in the nose or any other anatomical features should consider carrying out surgery.

The treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea

 Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea  To cure the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea, which was originally to be rid of snoring. Modern methods of treatment of snoring involve the use of the above recommendations, as well as other methods. Thus, snoring treatment is performed using a special device for the mouth, that can be used to increase the throat clearance. This device records the jaw. Although at first it creates significant discomfort, the effect of its use is very high.

Another effective remedy for snoring - a special strip-expanders nose. They can be used to expand the wings of the nose, which contributes to a significant increase in air flow.

For the treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea is also used laser plastic soft palate. And with the help of so-called CPAP, which is to create a positive pressure in the airways, even cured severe sleep apnea. To do this, use a special device - a sealed mask for the nose, which is connected to the compressor. Through the tube into the throat of the air is supplied under pressure. Hence, the airway are not closed and the air is supplied continuously.

Sometimes other devices used for therapy of apnea, but their use is advisable in some cases.

Snoring Treatment folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers some funds have long been used in the fight against such unpleasant phenomenon of night snoring. Those who are wondering how to cure snoring, can try to apply some of them.

As a cure for snoring for one month is recommended to drink a glass of fresh cabbage juice, which added to one teaspoon of honey. It is recommended to regularly eat three times a day before the main meal of baked carrots.

Another folk remedy for snoring is used for difficulty in nasal breathing. Nose to facilitate breathing for several hours before bedtime can drip sea buckthorn oil in each nostril. Within a few weeks of breathing will be freer.

There are also special exercises, helps get rid of snoring. One of them - to pronounce the sound "and" straining the muscles of the soft palate, throat, neck. Should repeat this about 30 times in the morning and evening.

Another exercise is desired to be repeated several times a day, is done with the mouth closed. Breathing should be through the nose. Initially, you need to stretch the back wall of the language, and then pull to the throat language applying to this effect. To determine whether these actions are carried out, you need to make your fingers under his chin. If the muscles are tense, it means that everything is done according to the rules. Repeat this exercise, strengthening velum should be about 15 times.

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