Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Change the color of the nails

March 6, 2014

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 Change the color of the nails  Ideally, a person should have the nails smooth length, clearly aligned with the shape of the fingers and look healthy and natural. If they change color, then it is a phenomenon which is called nail dyschromia   ( chromonichia ).

How to change the color?

In the normal state of health of the nails are painted uniformly, they have a pinkish hue unchanged and defects. Near the bottom may be lighter in color as it is there is the germ area. Sometimes, under the influence of certain factors of the color change. For example, in the cold nails may turn blue or a little bleach. However, they quickly attain the normal shade in a warm room.

If a healthy nail color has changed, in that case you need to see a doctor and undergo the necessary research.

Change the color of fingernails also called chromonichia. Change the color of nail polish on the hands and feet can manifest itself in different ways. The color of the nail plate can be influenced by certain reasons of white, yellow, green, bluish, red, brown.

Chromonichia in which the nail plate painted white, called Leukonychia . Allocate true   and apparent Leukonychia . True leikonihiya develops due to dysfunction of the nail matrix. Apparent leikonihiya displays the state of the microvasculature.

Typically, off-white coloring is due to lack of plate erythrocyte   and Hemoglobin . Such a condition occurs when a person is sick anemia . Also, pale nails are often a sign of diseases of the spleen, liver, kidneys. Sometimes this is evidence of leukemia And other oncological diseases.

If the nail becomes white, almost milky, the probable causes of this phenomenon - it   suprarenalopathy , Development Adissonovoy disease   or progression cirrhosis . nephrotic syndrome . serious poisoning . state of shock .

Nails may turn white due to metabolic disorders and unbalanced diet. The fact that they have a healthy appearance remains only in the event that no human body in vitamin deficiency and minerals essential for health.

 Change the color of the nails  Chromonichia at which the yellowing, often explains onychomycosis . However, yellow fingernails, painted when the entire nail plate, can be associated with different endogenous and exogenous factors. Yellow nail polish on the hands and feet is shown at jaundice   any etiology. Also, yellowing can occur in karotinodermii As well as in the treatment of certain medicines. If the yellow color is combined with a thickening, the patient may develop chronic lymphedema . erythroderma .

Sometimes normal nail color is modified with time and gets a yellow tint, if over an extended period, a woman uses a decorative lacquer.

If the nail plate takes on a reddish hue, the reasons for this phenomenon may be related to general fatigue , Severe weakness fatigue. If there is a coral color polish, then we can talk about the high content of fatty acids the human body, cholesterol . Sometimes nails coral - is a result of stagnation of blood in the capillaries. This shade of records indicates that its owner are marked congestion of the heart, kidneys and blood vessels. The reddish color appears when the fever, liver and gall bladder. However, judging by their appearance or photos about the cause of this phenomenon, of course, impossible. It is important to go through all of the studies and establish the cause of this symptom.

Nail dyschromia, in which dark red is not only the nail but blush fingertips, says that people regularly smoke cannabis, marijuana or hallucinogens, and receives some medicines. Sometimes red nail plates are at eritremii (blood clots). In this state, the number of erythrocytes outnumber plasma.

Light brown shade - this is a consequence of serious diseases associated with prolonged fever and severe congestion in the vessels. This shade can occur under the influence fungal diseases By using some external preparations. Brown records often have hard-core smokers.

 Change the color of the nails  Dyschromias nail manifested green color with a yellowish tinge, occurs when prolonged purulent processes in the human body. Sometimes it abscesses It is often a symptom indicative of the development tonsillitis . sinusitis   and others. These characteristics can manifest hyponychial hematoma , Occurring bacterial processes in the body of the patient.

Blue nail due to the strong freezing, as well as some pathological processes in the body. So, bluish color appears in heart failure, with malformations of the heart or lungs, which are innate.

Bluish also may indicate venous stasis in the capillaries and tissue hypoxia . If a person spends anesthesia before surgery, then this feature allows you to monitor the patient's condition. If there is blue nail at its base, then we can talk about the beginning of Diabetes .

Purple nail due to poor microcirculation in the area, leading to a shortage of oxygen supply. Purple plate may be an indication of an infectious disease of the lungs. Bluish-purple tint seen in people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

If the nails get dirty-gray color, then this feature in some cases, indicates the presence of congenital or acquired Syphilis . Stains black and gray appear when mercury poisoning, particularly if the metal is accumulated in the body. Completely gray nail plate - a sign malaria . Blackening - is the result of subungual hematoma, which is a consequence of injuries, ingrown nail. Also, this feature is sometimes seen in people with atherothrombosis And at the beginning of progression gangrene .

Why change the color?

 Change the color of the nails  Thus, changes in the color and shape can testify to the development of diseases of the skin and nails, as well as on the general diseases of the body. It tells the medical statistics, about half of the changed tone or shape of the nail plate shows the development of the fungal infection.

Color changes with atopic dermatitis . lichen planus . dermatosis, psoriasis . jaundice . subungual hematoma   and others. This symptom is manifested in a number of chronic diseases. Therefore, doctors in cases of suspected kidney disease, liver, gall bladder, heart, always inspect the patient's arm.

Affect the condition and, in particular, nail color, external factors - continued use lacquer, trauma during manicure, smoking, taking certain medications (such as antibiotics).

How to return the normal color?

At the first sign of change in the shade of the nail plate is necessary to see a specialist dermatologist. If you need to consult the doctors of other specialties.

If discoloration of the nail is associated with a particular disease, it is necessary to ascertain the cause, and then conduct comprehensive treatment of the disease itself, which led to a change in color.

If the yellowing of the surface appeared as a result of using paint and other media, you can try to get rid of it and in the home. It is advisable not to use cosmetics for the hands of dubious quality, not to use decorative paint constantly. Beauticians recommend wearing lacquer no more than 5 days and then take a break at least for one day, keeping the nails are completely clean. At this time, you can make special masks for hands, using essential oils, creams and other means to strengthen nails. Get rid of the yellowish hue, you can use rubbing lemon juice, baths with sea salt. Some effective treatments carried out in beauty salons.

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