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August 19, 2013

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 Dysthymia  Dysthymia   also called chronic depression . subdepression . This is a mild form of the doldrums in which its symptoms may occur for two years or more. A person who says dysthymia can coexist quite normal in society. However, apparently these people seem constantly miserable and unhappy life.

How does dysthymia?

As the medical statistics, this disease occurs in about 5% of all the inhabitants of the land. Much more often seen in women dysthymia. However, quite often dysthymia also begins in children and adolescents. The symptoms of dysthymia are manifested in humans, primarily depressed state, mood swings, apathy to what's going on and to know people. If a person has been subdepression, he shows a certain detachment from the outside world, his gnawing sense of anguish that is difficult to explain the moral emptiness. Regularly disturbed patient and sleep problems: recurring insomnia Waking too early, jerky, restless sleep. Psychologically, a person is constantly in a depressed state, his gnawing sense of worthlessness, fear, hopelessness, it seems that he did not take place as a person. Gradually, the patient this disease develops an inferiority complex, he thinks he's guilty of something, at least for this and there is no reason. Man becomes slow, and it can be both mental and physical sluggishness.

A man who appears subdepression chronic suffering from permanent fatigue He does not have enough energy to elementary actions. In this state, it is very difficult to focus on one particular case, or to think about an important issue, to accept any decision the patient is also incredibly difficult. In a state of dysthymia may lose your appetite, or on the contrary a person begins to overeat. As a consequence, begin to malfunction of the digestive system may hurt the muscles, joints, often marked by headache. Sometimes, long-term course of the disease, the patient may occur shortness of breath, watery eyes, broken chair. In chronic human subdepression sometimes even suicidal thoughts, sickness, death.

Why appears dysthymia?

 Dysthymia  The symptoms of dysthymia are manifested in humans, due to changes in his psyche. Subdepression more likely to develop in people who suffer from seasonal depression . They are characterized by mood swings, depression. Typically, such people have in the body does not produce enough of the hormone Serotonin Which is called the hormone of joy. Serotonin allows the body to effectively cope with stressful situations. Accordingly, in its lack of hard man to overcome any trouble. If the man in your life occur some unpleasant events - personal problems, difficulties at work, etc., on this background can develop dysthymia. Also, speaking of the causes of this phenomenon, it should be noted the factor of genetic predisposition. That is more common in those people whose relatives suffered from dysthymia. If a person is to develop the disease, even slight stress can trigger the development of symptoms of dysthymia.

Determining the reasons for developing the disease, experts pay attention to how a person's childhood. After dysthymia might be the consequence of violence, pressure from the native people, and from this disorder can suffer and those who did not get enough attention from parents.

As a result, a person reduced self-esteem, positive emotions disappear begin experiencing constant and a disposition to pessimism.

By dysthymia also cause some chronic disease and the treatment of certain medicines. However, just about the causes of this condition in human experts do not know yet.

Getting rid of dysthymia?

 Dysthymia  Before starting treatment subdepression, you must correctly establish the diagnosis. The specialist determines whether a patient has symptoms of dysthymia, and on that basis we can judge the development of this disease. The physician in diagnosis must ascertain whether symptoms indicate dysthymia, as they may be the consequence of alcoholism, drug abuse. Also, these symptoms cause certain diseases, e.g., hypothyroidism .

If a person feels depressed, low mood and apathy for two weeks or more, he should always consult a doctor for advice. No specific studies in the diagnosis is not practiced.

Treatment of dysthymia - a complex process, but we must understand that all disease is amenable to treatment with the right approach. It is important to identify the disease as early as possible and to ensure proper and comprehensive treatment of dysthymia. In complex therapy includes medication and psychotherapy. During treatment sessions through Psychotherapy Specialists teach the patient to effectively overcome daily negative feelings and deal with their own bad emotions. As a rule, are assigned individual therapy sessions. But it can also be practiced and group therapy among people with the same disease. The ultimate goal of psychotherapy - to teach a person to cope with the negativity, to increase his self-esteem and learn to love yourself.

 Dysthymia  Usually, the doctor prescribes the reception Antidepressants . The doctor tries to pick up the drug so that it gave the maximum effect with minimal side effects. When selecting the optimal antidepressant must take into account the patient's condition - both mental and physical. Supplementation is usually practiced for at least six months. Its effect is the patient feels at once, so the result of the treatment of dysthymia appears only a few weeks after starting the drug. Upon cancellation of antidepressants is necessary to carry out this process also gradually, so the patient should always inform your doctor about such desire.

It should also be noted that many antidepressants have side effects of their prolonged use. Some drugs can reduce sexual desire, cause insomnia and others.

In modern medicine and subdepression treated using some alternative methods. This phototherapy, electroconvulsive therapy, and others. Sometimes the doctor considers it appropriate to assign a mood stabilizer. In particular, it is practiced in the manifestations of manic behavior.

Besides these treatments when subdepression recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle, to see to it that the food was varied and polenotsennym regularly do physical exercises, eliminate smoking and alcohol. The psychological climate in communicating with family and friends is also important: it is important for it to be friendly and welcoming.

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