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March 26, 2014

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 Constipation  Constipation   - A frequent disorder of the digestive system of the person.

What are the symptoms of constipation?

Disorders of the digestive tract, leading to problems with bowel movement, there are both children and adults. Doctors say that the elimination of this problem is difficult, primarily due to shyness and reluctance of patients to talk about their problem. If a person is concerned about the very severe constipation for a long time, he is trying to get rid of the symptom alone, uses a strong laxative, thereby only exacerbating the situation.

It is important to know what the symptoms of constipation in adults, because sometimes a person may suffer from the so-called imaginary constipation, in which there are difficulties with defecation, but by nature they are not constipated.

ABOUT physiological constipation   You can tell if the patient can not regularly empty the bowel for more than 48 hours. This bothers the patient a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bowel, defecation difficult, leaves very little solid stool. Constipation is diagnosed in the event that the chair takes place every day, but its volume is very small. In the human intestine, which pointed out the problems with the bowel movement, there is a reduced secretion, increases peristalsis and reduced propulsion activities.

If not provided proper nutrition for constipation in adults, the condition may worsen over time. In particular, it is powered in the elderly often causes intermittent problems with defecation. Incorrect menu can affect the digestive tract of pregnant women, nursing mothers.

In a healthy person, who does not suffer from intestinal problems, defecation frequency varies widely. For most people, the act of defecation occurs once a day, in more rare cases, a person is normal for bowel movements once a day or two. If rarer or more frequent bowel movement passes without discomfort, pain, difficulties, such changes are physiological. This stool out well decorated, without impurities.

 Constipation  Atonic constipation Which is due to the weakening of the colon motility, manifested constipation, bloating, abdominal overflow, flatulence . The person may suffer from nausea, loss of appetite. Sometimes there and symptoms of general intoxication. When defecation go abundant decorated stool. Initially leaves very dense piece of feces, and then appear less dense stool. During a bowel movement the patient feels pain, emptying occurs with great difficulty. In connection with anguish the mucous membrane while passing stool weight on them may appear bloody streaks. Once a person has constipation some time can be confusing pain.

If symptoms appear spastic constipation , His stool out in the form of solid lumps (known as sheep feces). And atonic and spastic constipation accompanied by a feeling of pressure, pain, flatulence. If the patient says spastic colitis, it can often feel fatigue, weakness, decreased performance.

Sometimes frequent constipation in adult replaced diarrhea . In this case, we are talking about an unstable chair. Thus the patient may experience other symptoms such as frequent urination . Generally, in case diarrhea occurs during exacerbation and constipation - during remission.

Constipation is shown a complete lack of urine or urinary retention, occurring as a result of inflammation and other diseases of the genitourinary system man.

Why appears constipated?

 Constipation  Causes of constipation in adults and causes in children can be very diverse. And constipation, and diarrhea, and bloating in men and women often develop as a result of malnutrition. However, there are still many factors that influence the development of constipation. Such reasons in women are often associated with childbearing and restructuring of the body during pregnancy and after childbirth.

In medicine, there is a classification of constipation, depending on their causes.

Alimentary form of constipation   - It is the result of malnutrition. Mostly the question of how to get rid of constipation quickly and forever worried about those diet includes very little plant food, vitamins, drink enough fluids. Bowel problems are common in people who eat a lot of starchy foods and sweets.

Very common neurogenic form this disease. In this case, the cause of constipation - a violation of the regulation of intestinal motility. This condition is also known as lazy bowel syndrome. Sometimes, in certain circumstances, a person does not pay attention to the urge to defecate. As a result, developing a habitual constipation.

Such a situation may arise when a person is sent to the trip, while living in an unusual place for him. Also, the reason for the development of neurogenic constipation may be reluctance to go to the toilet because of painful sensations that arise in the act of defecation. Often, this problem is observed in bedridden patients, which is psychologically difficult to commit an act of defecation in front of strangers.

Development hypodynamic forms of constipation   due to the lack of physical activity. Most often this form of the disease observed in the elderly, bedridden patients, expectant mothers, as well as those people who are mostly sedentary.

Sometimes the cause of the difficulties with bowel movements are gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases, in particular inflammation of the colon, chronic colitis .

 Constipation  Proctogenic constipation   - A consequence of acute paraproctitis . Hemorrhoids . anal fissures As well as other diseases. If a person develops colon cancer, there are scars on the colon, rectum is squeezed, it is possible to develop mechanical latch . Also cause problems with emptying may be anomalies of the colon.

Causes toxic constipation   are poisoned by toxic substances, heavy metals, which are generally associated with features of the profession man. Sometimes the disease is diagnosed and smokers permanently poison the body with nicotine. Factors causing a toxic form of the disease, and are the waste products of worms.

People suffering from kidney or heart failure, constipation worries in connection with violations of water-electrolyte metabolism. Similar processes are observed and constant dehydration.

Endocrine constipation   - A consequence of abnormalities in the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Sometimes this symptom is present in pituitary insufficiency in patients with diabetes And in women during Menopause .

Treatment of certain medicines may trigger the development of a human drug forms of constipation. This influence on the organism has aspirin, antispasmodics, diuretics, antidepressants and others.

In general, determined the two main causes of constipation. Firstly, it dyskinesia colon develops due coordination disorder reduction of tone or intestinal intestinal wall. Secondly - a violation of the act of defecation, when the reduced sensitivity of the rectum and pelvic floor muscles.

How to get rid of constipation?

 Constipation  Puzzling question of how to get rid of chronic constipation   in children or adults, should not resort to self-treatment with home remedies. After all, the constant repetition of the difficulties with bowel movement possible in chronic pancreatitis And in patients who develop chronic colitis And other gastrointestinal diseases   and common ailments. So first of all you need to see a specialist, go through all the assigned study and determine the cause of constipation and its shape.

Assessing the condition of the patient, the doctor not only conducts the survey and assigns instrumental and laboratory studies, but also uses in the evaluation process of the patient specific criteria to determine whether a patient suffers from chronic constipation.

In determining how to treat constipation in adults or in infants, the attending physician must ask, have you tried to treat a patient at home, such symptoms than to treat constipation he tried.

The treatment of constipation in adults and children requires a lot of effort. In this case, a lot depends on the patient, as practicing the treatment of constipation in the home, it must strictly observe all the advice of your doctor and follow the recommendations. AND atonic And spastic constipation   It requires mandatory changes in the human diet. Treatment of the elderly problems emptying requires particularly careful monitoring of the daily menu. Treatment of constipation folk remedies also provides for the use of certain products that act on the body as a laxative.

Dietary constipation in children and adults should be built in such a way as to present a daily menu foods that stimulate the activity of the colon. During the diet when atonic constipation need to increase the menu content of products with dietary fiber. It cereals, vegetables, fruits. Equally important is to stick to proper drinking regime By eating every day until 2 liters of liquid   as teas . juices . pure water . Note, however, that in colitis and hemorrhoids diet should be especially gentle, because after the diet must not worsen overall health.

 Constipation  What if a permanent constipation associated with other chronic diseases, and how to optimize your diet, you should definitely consult a doctor. Later, during treatment in the diet can be introduced beets . carrot . bran . However, treatment should begin with besshlakovoy diet Which is necessary to observe at least a week. Particular care should be the diet of the baby, who suffers from constipation. In such a diet should include fats . boiled vegetables . boiled meat and fish . If diet therapy is ineffective, and constipation continues 4 days   or more, the doctor may enter into the diet flax seeds . wheat bran . drugs fibrous materials .

It is important to be sure to limit the consumption of certain products. When it comes to how to cure constipation fast, it initially is completely excluded from the menu White bread   and Butter cakes . speck . conservation . smoked food . chocolate . strong coffee   and tea . In order to normalize the intestine, is to limit the consumption semolina . vermicelli . Potato . rice . On whether it is possible to use specific products, should consult a doctor because some, at first glance, healthy dishes, may adversely affect the performance of the digestive tract of a person suffering from constipation.

Young nursing mothers, which is a topical question of how to cure constipation in infants, should at least closely monitor their diet. First of all, you need to completely shut down the foods that stimulate gasification process . It pulse . spinach . Juice from grapes   and apples . It is impossible to include in the diet foods that contain a large number of essential oils .

How to eliminate home intestinal problems can only be determined after the determination of the exact causes of constipation. If diet and home remedies do not allow to get rid of such unpleasant symptoms, what to do with constipation in adults, or what to do with constipation in infants, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. After all, as an adult and infant constipation may indicate the development of serious diseases.

Sometimes a patient goes to a pharmacy and tries to find out what pills for constipation in adults are most effective. In no case can not rely on the fact that the proposed Herbal tablet or Chewable Tablets   to help cope with the problem. If a person takes a long time uncontrollably even sparing laxatives over time can appear serious complications: diarrhea . inflammatory processes . severe dehydration . disorders of the digestive processes .

In no event should not take laxatives without a doctor's approval if combined with constipation bloating, abdominal pain, weight loss, blood stained stool.

 Constipation  All laxative medications are divided into several groups depending on the characteristics of their effects on the body. This means that increase the volume of intestinal contents, osmotic laxatives   (slow water absorption, increases the amount of contents in the gut), and poorly absorbed di- oligosaccharides , Means softening feces and laxatives, which increase intestinal motility.

Curious what the candles from constipation Fast choose must not only read the reviews, but also to determine exactly what the mechanism of action of these drugs will be most effective in a particular case. Sometimes, if we are talking about the need to buy candles for children, then selected, at first glance, safe buckthorn   or glycerin suppositories . In this case, an indicator for determining the parents should be the price of the candle is not for children and even the effectiveness of their application, and a doctor's appointment.

When it comes to what kind of cure for constipation in the elderly would be most effective, it is necessary to follow, if the patient adheres to proper nutrition is not treated he drugs provoking difficulties of bowel movements. Even the most effective medicines for constipation can not conceive the desired effect, if you do not observe basic doctor's advice.

Choosing the best medicine for the children, we should not forget about some of the popular methods that can be used with prior approval of a physician.

For example, a good way to stimulate the bowel considered infusion of prunes   from constipation. To prepare this infusion can use any recipe for brewing prunes. Quality prunes and apricots suitable for compotes, infusions, dried fruit can also be consumed in its raw form. Does a decoction of dried prunes, you can try to determine on their own experience, because this drink is beneficial for overall health.

 Constipation  Effective home remedy for constipation in children - carrot juice Which is recommended to drink in the morning, before breakfast. There is an opinion, and that the best folk remedy for constipation - a fermented milk products. It is recommended to use at night a glass of fresh buttermilk. In the morning, before a meal, you should drink a glass of water at room temperature, in which you can add a teaspoon of olive oil. Before using laxatives in the elderly, you can try to use the methods described above.

Another commonly practiced method - cleansing enema   constipation at home. Medicinal enema facilitate the process of emptying, so people suffering from constipation, are well aware of how to make an enema. For this purpose, the most commonly used oil enema: a solution enema added fish oil, vegetable oil. How to put an enema correctly, you can learn from the detailed instructions. Note, however, that the regular constipation enema should not be a permanent way to alleviate the condition. Enemas, and children and adults can be done only occasionally, when other methods do not bring the expected result.

Constipation in infants - a common phenomenon. To treat constipation in infants, should be, above all, to determine its nature. The most frequently observed in infants functional constipation children Which does not last long and runs independently. In this case, a child who uses a mixture of children, should try to change the baby food. The pediatrician may recommend taking tools to help improve the process very gently release feces. It lactulose . mineral oil . Children's tea with fennel   and others. Such funds can be used for several weeks or even months, to complete their intake should be gradual. A nursing mother should know what products Constipation in infants helps most effectively. She needs to be sure to observe proper drinking mode, turn off the menu dishes that provoke flatulence consolidation.

How to ensure the prevention of constipation?

 Constipation  To prevent any difficulties with bowel movement, it is important not only to balance the diet, but also to adhere to proper diet . It is desirable to eat at least 5 times per day.


dysbiosis . Hemorrhoids . .

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