Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Numbness in the head

January 14, 2014

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 Numbness in the head  Numbness of the face and head   It manifested in humans unpleasant tingling and "crawl" on the skin. In some cases, this condition is accompanied by a decrease in the sensitivity.

What are the symptoms of head numb?

As a rule, numbness of the face and head at the person says tingling of the lips and face area. If numbness can also occur swelling, burning sensation, and loss of control of facial muscles. Depending on how severe is this symptom, a person may experience relatively mild numbness of the face, and severe degree until numbness paralysis   in the face area.

Numbness of the face, as well as numbness in the head and neck may be either temporary or permanent. As a rule, the reasons for which marked numbness neck head and the face and neck are associated with the body's response to the impact of the factors that disrupt the normal functioning of body systems. Numbness of the left side of the head, and its right-hand side can be observed if there is compression of the nerve, the process flow is disturbed in the body and others.

Sometimes a sense of what is going numb the back of the head and scalp may be associated with serious diseases. Therefore, if a person had a feeling of numbness, it is better not to delay calling a doctor, since this symptom may indicate the beginning of stroke .

However, statistics show that only one in five people complaining of numbness of the face, diagnosed with a serious illness. In most cases, a person numb due to high stress, hypothermia and the effects of other external factors.

If numbness of the face a person can feel the loss of taste. It's hard to push the food into the esophagus, so its pieces may get stuck between the teeth. In chronic numbness changing facial expressions, distorting his features.

Numbness of the face, neck and head can be observed in the case if the person for a long time was in an uncomfortable position. Typically, this happens in a dream. But if numbness associated with pathology, following the change pose few minutes this condition disappears. To speed up this process, you can apply a light massage.

But if numb the head and neck often seen in humans and while this symptom is accompanied by other symptoms (fever, blurred vision), the patient should be sure to consult your doctor.

Why manifested numbness of the head?

 Numbness in the head  Causes numbness of the lips and chin are most commonly associated with paralysis of the facial nerve . Bell's Palsy - the most common type of facial paralysis. This disease develops due to effects on the viral infection that causes inflammation of the nerve and subsequent numbness of the face, tongue and lips.

With multiple sclerosis   in humans autoimmune response occurs. Body's own cells attack and damage nerves. As a result, the patient appears as the numbness of limbs and face. The patient may experience numbness of the upper lip and nose, numbness of the face and neck.

The numbness of the lower lip and other parts of the face are often observed in patients who suffer trigeminal neuralgia . In this case, a man in connection with the compression of the trigeminal nerve, except numbness had very severe pain in the nose, ears, eyes.

Be sure to remember that facial numbness may occur in the person who suddenly begins a stroke. If the patient takes a break and blockage of blood vessels, the flow of oxygen to the brain slows down, and in patients with stroke is noted tingling in the face, as well as his numbness.

Also, facial numbness can occur when   transient ischemic attack Under severe stress, a person in the doldrums. This symptom may also occur after use of certain medications as a side effect.

 Numbness in the head  If you have a rash and redness on the face numbed area it can be assumed that the patient develops shingles . In this disease, a rash appears as bubbles within the liquid. The patient periodically manifested shooting pains, weakness, fever.

Signs of numbness in the face before the attack headache may indicate a patient migraine aura,   which heralds the beginning of an attack migraine .

Reasons numb cheeks and tongue are also varied. Language can go numb after a burn mucous, which occurred as a result of the use of very hot food. This condition usually takes several days, as the recovery of damaged mucosa. Numbness of the tongue is sometimes observed after injuries to the face, after the impact, and after the removal of a tooth or other dental procedures.

Numbness of the tongue, left cheek and right cheek sometimes linked to improper use of inhalers with steroid hormones. This symptom may occur in people who are heavy smokers.

If numbness language is one of the symptoms, and thus become numb and other areas of the body, in this case it is possible to suspect the development of multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, and others. This symptom is sometimes observed even at cervical osteochondrosis .

Numbness language accompanies neuralgia glossopharyngeal nerve. In addition, when numbness of the tongue and visible change in his appearance may be suspected development of oral candidiasis, and serious deficit B12 .

How to get rid of the numbness of the face?

 Numbness in the head  Before starting treatment facial numbness or numbness after a stroke, which occurred as a result of other factors, it is imperative to clarify the diagnosis. It causes numbness of the face can be determined by conducting a number of studies - X-rays . MRI . CT . vascular ultrasound . electroneuromyography   and etc.

If numbness of the face is due to a prolonged stay in the uncomfortable position of the body, treatment is not required. It is enough to change the posture and stiff muscles of the face disappears. To expedite this process, you can apply a light massage, rub the face lightly. If numbness on the right side or the left side of the face occurs in cold weather outside, you should be sure to warm up, and then the feeling will disappear.

It is important to be sure to remember the cases in which a person needs to see a doctor immediately if numbness half of the face or part thereof. Emergency medical help is needed if the numbness of the face a man can not move his fingers limb numbness if accompanied by severe weakness or dizziness. Alarming symptoms is involuntary emptying mochevika, intestine, lack of properly speak and move. If numbness appears after back injuries, head, neck, consult your doctor immediately as follows.

The above symptoms may indicate the development of multiple sclerosis, circulatory disorders of the brain, brain tumors.

When the manifestation of symptoms due to dental procedures should be addressed to the dentist. Sometimes the treatment of numbness of the chin after tooth extraction is not required, since it disappears after some time on their own.

If numbness of the face due to a lack of vitamin B group, is the treatment aimed at filling this gap. The correct dosage regimen of drugs prescribed by the doctor.

 Numbness in the head  In multiple sclerosis, numbness of the face appears periodically. In very severe manifestations of this symptom sometimes the patient is assigned to receive a course of corticosteroids, vitamin B. Sometimes numbness of the face in multiple sclerosis notes under certain circumstances, or due to exposure to a number of factors (temperature, time of day, etc.). In this case, as much as possible to avoid exposure to such factors, if possible. Sometimes an effective method to combat numbness is massage, yoga, acupuncture, meditation.

Neuralgia of the facial nerve, which usually disturbs people during the cold season, the reception is appointed painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. The doctor prescribes a treatment individually. Sometimes, to relieve pain and numbness helps rubbing alcohol solutions nerve sites. In the treatment of facial nerve neuralgia applied prednisolone . Also, the course is assigned a special gymnastics for the face.

Perhaps treatment of certain folk remedies, but the use of such funds must be sure to tell your doctor.

In the cold season should be very careful to treat their own health - to avoid drafts, strong supercooling. It is necessary to promptly treat all chronic diseases, periodically take vitamins, practice physical education and ensure that the diet was healthy.

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