Description overdue on 08/14/2014
- Latin name: Benatex
- ATC code: G02BB
- Active substance: Benzalkonium chloride (Benzalconium chloride)
- Manufacturer: JSC "Nizhpharm", Russia
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Benateks: instructions for use, method of use and dosage of the drug
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Cautions
- Synonyms
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
The composition of the vaginal tablet contains 20 mg benzalkonium chloride and auxiliary substances:
- pregelatinized corn starch;
- stearic acid;
- microcellulose;
- adipic acid;
- macrogol (polyethylene glycol) in an amount necessary to obtain tablets each weighing 550 mg.
The composition comprises 18 pessaries, 9 mg benzalkonium chloride and the mixture triglycerides natural Saturated fatty acids witepsol in an amount necessary to obtain a suppository mass 1, 71 to 1, '89
The structure of one gram of gel Benateks included 0, 012 g benzalkonium chloride calculated as 100% dry substance and auxiliary substances:
- distilled glycerol ;
- poloxamer (poloxamer 407; lutrol F127);
- macrogol glitserilgidroksistearat (polyoxyl 40 hydrogenated Castor oil ; Cremophor RH40 );
- Purified water (1 g).
Product form
Benateks vaginal tablets are available in blisters of PVC printed and lacquered aluminum foil for 5, 6, 7, 10 or 12 pieces. In a cardboard package may be from 1 to 3 of cellular packages.
The tablets have an oblong shape, lenticular, their color, usually white (may be light tan or cream color).
Vaginal candles Benateks are torpedo-shaped, and their color can range from white to white with a slightly yellowish tinge. Suppositories are available in blisters of 5 pieces. In a cardboard blister pack 2.
Vaginal Gel 1% 2 produced in plastic or laminated aluminum tubes with a capacity of 30, 50, 70 or 100, the addition of one tube with the gel in each carton dispenser-applicator is providing a more comfortable administration of the drug.
The gel has the form of a colorless transparent substance with weak specific odor. At temperatures greater than 20 ° C possesses fluidity.
Pharmacological action
Benateks drug is classified as having spermicidal action contraceptive drugs to intravaginal application.
Moreover, the drug provides antifungal . antiprotozoal and antiseptic action, and inhibits the activity Virus Provoking development Herpes simplex .
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
The therapeutic effect of suppositories, tablets and gel Benateks determined by the activity of their member benzalkonium chloride Having expressed antiseptic properties .
The substance belongs to the pharmacological groups:
- Drugs having Antimicrobial . antiparasitic and anthelminthic action.
- Drugs having antiseptic and disinfectant action.
- Drugs having Organotropona action.
- Drugs that target the regulation function reproductive organs and urinary organs .
- Non-hormonal contraceptives .
Benzalkonium chloride It may take the form of an amorphous powder or gel-like mass of white or white with a slightly yellowish tint. In powder form, and a gel substance is readily soluble in water, alcohol and acetone ; slightly soluble in benzene and practically insoluble in ether .
Being cationic detergent . benzalkonium chloride It has the ability to penetrate cell membranes and embedding therein react with lipoproteins membranes Microorganisms and sperm .
This interaction triggers a violation of the integrity of the membranes Microorganisms and sperm Blocking their barrier functions and as a result - the death cell .
The substance has expressed fungicidal activity in regard to mushrooms And characterized by bactericidal activity for a number of Gram and Gram-positive bacteria .
Spermicidal effect benzalkonium chloride It develops in two stages. The first stage is accompanied by destruction sperm flagellum Second - break it heads . Such injuries make it impossible to process fertilization .
Besides that, benzalkonium chloride It has the ability to inhibit the mobility sperm due to electrolyte imbalance aqueous phase cervical (cervical) mucus.
Studies conducted in vitro, have shown that the substance has an activity in respect of:
- Chlamydia (Chlamydia spp.);
- Gonokokkov (Neisseria gonorrhoeae);
- Vaginal Trichomonas (Trichomonas vaginalis);
- Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus);
- Herpes simplex virus second type (Human herpesvirus 2).
With regard to provoke the development of thrush the fungus Candida albicans, Gardnerella vaginalis Gardnerella vaginalis, Treponema pallidum Treponema pallidum, Gram negative bacteria Haemophilus ducreyi action benzalkonium chloride It is weak. Any influence on the substance mycoplasma Mycoplasma spp. It noted.
Benateks is also characterized by a preventive activity against certain diseases which are transmitted through sexual contact. This drug does not cause changes in hormonal cycle and the balance of normal vaginal flora .
Also, it has no influence on the belonging to the genus Lactobacillus stick Dederleyna Which is the main indicator of well-being and healthy microflora in the environment vagina .
With the introduction of vagina It has no resorptive action, as almost not subjected to absorption.
Benzalkonium chloride adsorbed on vaginal walls And then output together with physiological secretions or removed by washing with ordinary water.
The contraceptive effect says the drug after eight or ten minutes after intravaginal administration, tablets, five minutes after administration suppository and three minutes after the introduction of the gel. Benzalkonium chloride a tampon begins to act immediately.
Duration spermicidal action is:
- three hours of the drug in the form of vaginal tablets;
- four hours of the drug in the form of pessaries;
- ten hours for the drug in the form of a vaginal cream.
The drug is indicated for the topical use in women of childbearing age, including in the number of women who, for one reason or another is contraindicated reception oral or IUDs .
Also Benateks appoint:
- for contraception in the postpartum period;
- contraception during breast-feeding ;
- for contraception since spontaneous or drug abortion ;
- during premenopausal ;
- women with irregular sexual life, which need Contraception It occurs sporadically;
- as an additional method Contraception women miss taking pills oral contraceptive ;
- as a preventive measure, prevents the development of diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact.
Contraindication to Benateksa are:
- Increased individual sensitivity to benzalkonium chloride And one or more members of the drug support components;
- in the presence of ulceration vagina ;
- cervical erosion ;
- irritation at cervical mucus and / or in vagina ;
- inflammatory processes in vagina Caused activity pathogens , including Chlamydia . mycoplasmas . Haemophilus influenzae . streptococci etc. ( colpitis ).
Side effects
Some women after intravaginal administration may occur Benateksa Symptoms of an allergic reaction Which are expressed in the form itching , Burning sensation in vagina and manifestations contact dermatitis .
Benateks: instructions for use, method of use and dosage of the drug
Vaginal Tablets Benateks before use must be released from the contour of the cell, and then, taking a horizontal position, enter as deeply as possible into vagina approximately ten minutes prior to sexual intercourse.
The duration of the period of one tablet is three hours. One tablet is designed for a sexual act. In the case of repetition of sexual intercourse every time you need to enter into vagina new pill.
The multiplicity of use of the drug is determined by individual tolerance components and the frequency of sexual relations.
According to the instructions contraceptives candles Benateks before using removed from the packaging and contour, taking the position of lying on his back, is introduced as deeply as possible into vagina approximately five minutes prior to sexual intercourse.
The duration of the period of one suppository is four hours. A suppository is a one sexual act. In the case of repetition each time in vagina introduce a new suppository.
The multiplicity of use of the drug is determined by individual tolerance components and the frequency of sexual relations.
Vaginal Gel should be introduced in vagina using a dispenser-applicator that comes with the product. Prior to its use the dispensing device is mounted on the end of the tube and to fill the annular mark (or the stop of the piston), preventing the air bubbles formed in the substance.
Then the dispensing device is removed from the piston by means of a gel metering device is introduced as deeply as possible into vagina a few minutes before sexual intercourse (after the introduction of the dispenser-applicator must be removed). The optimal route of administration is considered to be in the supine position.
The contraceptive effect e gel begins three minutes after its introduction into vagina and maintained for at least six hours.
In the case of repetition of sexual intercourse every time you want to use another portion of the gel as one serving is designed for a sexual act. The multiplicity of use of the drug is determined by individual tolerance components and the frequency of sexual relations.
Vaginal gel may be used in combination with other barrier methods of contraception ( condom or cervical cap or vaginal diaphragm And in combination with Intrauterine .
Chance of overdose due to the low systemic absorption of the drug is assessed as very low.
To date, the description of the symptoms of overdose Benateksom missing.
Spermicidal action Benateksa reduced while using it with any form of medicinal products for intravaginal application.
A similar effect is and hygiene products, including soaps and products thereof.
Inactivating effect on Benateks have drugs Iodine , Including 0, 1% solution yodonata .
To maximize the effectiveness of the drug should be carefully observed all the recommendations on its use.
After sexual contact there should be no hygiene procedures involving intravaginal introducing a soap solution (e.g., douching), since it can reduce the severity contraceptive effectiveness Benateksa.
It allowed outside hygienic handling of genitals . Thus for two hours prior to use the drug and, within two hours after sexual intercourse in order to prevent decrease in efficiency Benateksa for personal hygiene use only lukewarm water.
Analogs and synonyms
By analogues medications include:
- vaginal suppositories Kontratseptin T ;
- vaginal rings NuvaRing ;
- vaginal suppositories Nonoxynol ;
- vaginal suppositories Patenteks Oval H ;
- vaginal suppositories Sterilin .
Generics Benateksa are:
- vaginal suppositories Benzalkonium chloride ;
- vaginal tablets Ginekoteks ;
- vaginal suppositories Kontrateks ;
- vaginal suppositories Farmagineks ;
- vaginal capsules, creams, tablets, suppositories Pharmatex ;
- vaginal suppositories Eroteks .
Since the pharmaceutical market is sufficiently representative of a large number of seemingly identical products, opt any one is difficult.
The most frequently compared with medication Benateks Pharmatex . Both means have the same form of release, however, by choosing what is best - or Benateks Pharmatex , It should be noted that:
- Pharmatex It starts to act only after 20 minutes, while Benateks operates within 3-10 minutes (depending on the release forms);
- Benateks suppositories are less specific and less pronounced flavor than a similar form of the drug Pharmatex ;
- in addition to the contraceptive effect Benateks also serves as extra lubrication during intercourse.
Terms of sale
Benateks available without prescription.
Storage conditions
The drug should be stored out of reach of children, dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C.
Shelf life
Benateks all pharmaceutical forms usable for 2 years.
Reviews Benatekse
Reviews of tablets, suppositories and gels Benateks, which can be found on the Internet, rather contradictory. Among the main advantages listed in positive responses, include:
- High efficacy;
- Absence in the active hormonal components That allows Benateks recently given birth and breastfeeding women and women who for various reasons can not take hormones (in particular, doctors recommend use of the drug as contraceptive during premenopausal );
- the rapid development of the desired effect;
- there is no need to follow a certain reception schemes (unlike hormonal agents for oral administration).
The main advantage of the tablets is that which can be used in an excess amount of a personal lubricant.
With regard to the gel, then The advantages include the rapid development contraceptive effectiveness and a long period after application.
Dissatisfaction with other women against Benateksa due largely unpleasant sensations that have occurred after administration of the tablets, suppositories or gel.
By the way, many of the reviews contraceptive candlelight Benateks lead to the conclusion that the pharmaceutical form of an order of magnitude less often provokes the appearance of unpleasant symptoms such as itch and a burning sensation in the vagina And deficiency of lubrication effectively cope with the role lubricant .
Doctors about candlelight Benateks also overwhelmingly positive, as opposed to the drug in oral contraceptives It does not cause undesirable side effects in the form of fluctuations in body weight, edema, or change libido .
In addition, this form of anti-spam pregnancy It is most suitable for women whose sex life is not characterized by regularity.
Price Benateksa
In contraceptives candles Benateks price in Ukraine is an average of 70 to 87 hryvnia for one package of 10 pieces. In Russia, a similar drug release form is sold at an average price of 255 to 350 rubles.
The price on the Russian market of tablets varies from 119 to 185 rubles.
The price of the gel varies depending on the capacity of the tube. On average, 50 g of gel in Russian pharmacies can be purchased at a price of 165 to 220 rubles.
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