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Ulcers on the skin (pustules)

December 3, 2013

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 Ulcers on the skin (pustules)  Pustules   or abscess   - Is the formation of a cavity, which is filled with purulent content.

How does ulcers on the skin?

Pustule may have a diameter of 1 5 to 5 mm in diameter, and the shape of the formation may be flat, in the form of a cone or a ball. Depending on the depth of the subdivided into pustules surface and deep . First located in the epidermis, the latter - in the dermis. After deep fades pustule on its place can be tripe . Very often pustules appear in the hair follicles. In this case they are called follicular pustules. Ulcers can occur in different parts of the body, and to testify about the development in the human body a variety of diseases.

Why do I get ulcers on the skin?

Causes of ulcers on the body are as follows: trauma to the skin, through which the body becomes infected, the overall decrease in the body's defenses, frequent colds, metabolic disorders, administration of drugs which depress immunity . Also ulcers on different body parts appear due to exposure to some other factors, described below.

White throat ulcers appear in chronic tonsillitis , One stage of which is the inflammation of the tonsils. Unlike symptoms purulent tonsillitis , Chronic tonsillitis initially appear ulcers in the throat without fever. But if early treatment was not taken, the patient's condition may worsen. Despite the fact that chronic tonsillitis there are ulcers on tonsils without a fever, the disease is often an indication for tonsillectomy. Sometimes, however, ulcers on the tonsils without a fever can be cured in a conservative manner. For this special course held washings To take measures to strengthen the immune system.

Angina provokes a strong rise in temperature, and the man sore throat. How to treat angina, should be decided only by a doctor after the examination.

When angina white ulcers on the tonsils pronounced, leading to the appearance of an unpleasant smell in the mouth, the appearance of a solid white-gray plaque on the tonsils.

 Ulcers on the skin (pustules)  Special care should be the parents if there was an abscess in the mouth of the child. Appeared in the child throat ulcers often lead to a strong increase in temperature, the weakening of the body. It is important to be sure to visit a pediatrician and a survey. If ulcers on the tonsils are not cured in a timely manner, the glands gradually loosened, and after a while they may require mandatory removal. As an adult, the child's throat ulcers appear as chronic tonsillitis.

Another common disease that can cause the appearance of pustules in the mouth, it is stomatitis . Symptoms of this disease are ulcers that appear in the sky, in the language of the child. Of particular discomfort is felt if there is a child in the gum abscess associated with stomatitis. Parents need to understand that this disease develops due to lower the body's defenses, and be sure to take measures to boost the immune system. Reduced security forces may become the cause of ulcers on the face, on the head of a child, and pustules may occur on other parts of the body.

If the person has an abscess in the mouth on the cheek or elsewhere in the mouth, that this phenomenon should not be taken lightly. It is not cured in time an abscess in the mouth can develop into a serious illness. Abscess   mouth that gradually manifested as ulcer often appears after injury of soft tissue and expose the wound site infection. Ulcers on the tongue and in the mouth often occur in people who are not cured caries   or other dental diseases. Sometimes ulcers associated with infection, and develop around the mouth. But keep in mind that the ulcer on the lip may be associated with a virus Herpes Which is present in the human body. If the abscess is on the inside of the lips, in most cases is associated with stomatitis, then an abscess on the face under the lip may occur during the period of acute herpes. If it does not disappear for several days, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Ulcers on the palate develop in people who suffer periodontitis   the teeth of the upper jaw. They deliver tangible human discomfort and occasionally occur if not treated underlying disease.

Because diseases of the teeth can be formed and white abscess on the gums. If the gum abscess appeared, and later - an abscess, it is likely this is due to exposure to infection through the cracks that appear between the teeth and gums. How to treat these ulcers determines the dentist. Usually, treatment is carried out as follows: the abscess is opened, held and its drainage cavity cleaning. If the abscess burst, the disease can pass by itself. But tangible discomfort should still see a doctor, who will determine why there was an abscess, and help eliminate the cause. An abscess in the mouth in infants can not be treated independently, since this symptom may be associated both with stomatitis and herpes.

With the development of pustules on the gums above the right tooth person often he finds that there was an abscess on a tooth or root of tooth. Sometimes this situation is associated with the disease is that of a tooth, which has developed a pustule. After a tooth extraction or proper treatment education disappears.

Under the influence of certain factors pustules may appear on the skin under the hair of the head. This phenomenon brings considerable discomfort in the process of hair care, causes severe itching. Therefore, a person immediately seeks to answer the question than to treat ulcers on the head hair. The reasons are varied. It may be hormonal imbalances and diseases of internal organs, and the banal failure to comply with personal hygiene. Ulcers on the scalp are caused by bacteria entering the pores of the skin. As a consequence, pustules may appear not only on the scalp, but also on the neck.

The appearance of acne on the head in children may be associated with allergic reactions . Physicians are advised to be sure to pay attention to features of shampooing. Most pimples under the hair appears in people who wash their hair too often or, on the contrary, is very rare. By the way, most often on the scalp pimples appear at those children and adults who abuse sweet.

 Ulcers on the skin (pustules)  On a serious purulent inflammation of the eyelids indicate ulcers. Ulcer on the eye is dangerous is the fact that is located near the brain. Therefore, consult your doctor in this case it is necessary. Ulcers on the eyelid eyes appear as a consequence of improper treatment of less serious illnesses. For example, sometimes pustule inside the century is formed by incorrect treatment barley . The consequences of infection are compounded when small ulcer on the eye was squeezed. After extrusion of the inflammatory process in the lower eyelid or on the upper eyelid covers the entire eyelid. When ulcers eyelid swells, can increase the body temperature, a person worried about a sharp pain.

Ulcers in the groin in men and women, in some cases, evidence of the development sexually transmitted diseases . However, not always pustules in the groin area - a symptom STD . Ulcers in the groin in males and females cause, and other factors.

Most pimples on the genitals occur due to violations of elementary norms of hygiene. For example, ulcer on the lip of a woman sexually   It may be due to supercooling or severe irritation. Ulcers are often the consequence of depilation, arising in the field of hair growth. Wearing synthetic underwear   also triggers acne. But if small ulcers on the lip or genital labia lips are constantly appearing, it could signal the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist and to consult on the matter.

The man has an ulcer on the penis there for similar reasons. At the head of the penis pustules develop due to poor care of the genitals. As a result of ingestion of men puruloid microbes   on the penis appear as single or multiple ulcers. The formation of pustules on the penis sometimes occurs after unprotected intercourse. In that case you must be sure to survey to timely cure the infection, which is sexually transmitted. This symptom may indicate a genital herpes rarely occurs as a result of an abscess allergies .

Thus, multiple ulcers on the body of evidence of pathological processes associated with the infection. And if a single ulcer on finger As a rule, not a particular cause for concern, the multiple ulcers on hands . armpits . on the back   should cause concern and a reason to visit. A nursing mother who will have an abscess on the breast or nipple on the right, must necessarily immediately inform your doctor, because in the process of feeding the infection can be transmitted to the baby. Internal abscess that appeared due to blockage of the pores of sebum, do not squeeze, because in place of pressure may remain deep wound.

Failure to comply with hygiene rules   - The main reason why there is an abscess on his leg. Special inconvenience delivers pustule, which appears on the toe. Therefore, to prevent the occurrence of ulcers on the hands and feet is important to keep hands and feet clean.

How to get rid of ulcers on the skin?

 Ulcers on the skin (pustules)  Treatment pustules that appear in any of the areas of the human body is a must. After all papules   and pustules From which the patient was trying to get rid of the wrong can leave nasty scars after the disappearance, clearly visible even in the photo. Special care should be treated with pustules on the face, which in the process of extrusion of pus person can bring an infection. In some cases, treatment depends on the cause pustules. For example, when a roseola, a symptom of which is a papular rash, symptoms go away.

How to get rid of pustules, the doctor will explain after the necessary analyzes   and surveys . There are also tips about folk medicine how to treat blisters. However, their use does not guarantee positive results.

General rules for the treatment of ulcers involve the use of vitamin complexes, as well as immunomodulators That will enhance the body's resistance to a variety of patient infections.

The answer to the question of how to treat white pustules on the face, depends on the cause. As noted above, it is important not to push themselves internal blisters to prevent infection. White ulcers can be treated with certain drugs. For this purpose the benzoyl peroxide . This means dries the skin and accelerates the healing process. There are many treatments that will improve the facial skin, but they are held in conditions of salons and clinics. At home, an effective method of influence on the skin are the steam baths, which can be prepared with a decoction of herbs that have anti-bacterial effect. These baths are useful and those who have appeared ulcer in the nose.

If the white abscess requires opening, then necessarily must be strictly adhered to machinery autopsy abscesses. At home, an autopsy can only be superficial ulcers. At the same time before opening and after it must be very carefully disinfect the skin. In a hospital setting, a special set for the opening of an abscess.

To prevent the occurrence of ulcers on the face and other parts of the body should be adjusted diet, giving up too sweet and fatty foods. Folk medicine recommends that you regularly wash decoction of herbs, compresses and lotions.

However, you should always remember that the treatment of ulcers on the face is a lengthy process and depends on the correct approach to the treatment and care of the implementation of all procedures. And the treatment of ulcers appearing on the head should be carried out not only through local resources But by correcting the diet and approach to hygiene.

Determine how to get rid of an abscess in the mouth or on the tongue, too, will help the doctor to establish the correct diagnosis. If ulcers were due stomatitis, apart from the immune reconstitution should regularly rinse your mouth decoction of chamomile, oak bark, horsetail, marigold, sage. Sometimes it is used in the treatment of Lugol Which is applied as ulcers in the mouth and on pustules on tonsils. How to treat ulcers on the tonsils, also depends on the diagnosis. If a person is diagnosed purulent tonsillitis, in combined therapy necessarily includes antibiotics, topical treatment, symptomatic therapy. In no case can not be treated independently and make decisions about how to remove an abscess in angina, as it is fraught with serious complications.

 Ulcers on the skin (pustules)  How to cure an abscess that appeared as a symptom of a particular disease depends on its severity and characteristics. But in any case, you should always remember that removal of an abscess   or treatment of pustules appearing on the body - this is a serious process, which depends on whether the disease will pass unnoticed.

Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of abscesses on the eyelid . Removal of such ulcers is carried out in most cases by surgery in a hospital. Patients underwent anesthesia, after which the eyelid is cut, remove the pus. If the operation was carried out by an experienced doctor, after the remains of scars. After surgery the patient is assigned treatment antibiotics   and therapy, stimulates the immune system.

When the ulcers in the genital area initially analyzes and surveys to determine the cause of this symptom. It is important to rule out or confirm the disease, which is transmitted through sexual contact. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

Prevent the appearance of ulcers on the body in most cases, adhering to simple rules. You should carefully monitor the observance of personal hygiene, keep the body clean. If you have symptoms of infectious diseases is an urgent need to diagnose and treat in order to prevent transfer of disease into a chronic form. Another important point - to strengthen the body's defenses. Help boost immunity active lifestyle, eating vitamin-containing products , Tempering.

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