Important: arterial hypertension - a disease without symptoms. On it you can not realize for a long time, if not measure the pressure regularly. On the problem usually know when the arrow on the blood pressure monitor has increased too. The norm is blood pressure 120/80 mm Hg. Art., high - higher than 140/90 mm Hg. Art.
What is dangerous: OK, our vessels are elastic. They are easy to expand and contract and thereby provide blood circulation in the body. High blood pressure damages the walls of blood vessels - they penetrate cholesterol formed plaques that clog blood vessels and make them brittle.
The brain, heart and kidneys suffer from high blood pressure. If there is a blockage of the blood vessels of the heart - the heart hypertrophy (increase) of the brain - the brain atrophy (dies), kidney - the kidney smorschatsya (and will not be able to perform their function).
How to prevent excess weight - the main cause of high blood pressure.
Normally, a woman's waist circumference should not be more than 88 cm, and a man - no more than 94 cm. If these numbers are exceeded - you know, you definitely are overweight.
When overweight vessels unable to sufficiently supply the body with blood. Therefore, the endocrine system is activated, and this leads to an increase in blood pressure.
How to deal:
- Discard the salt. Salt water retention in the body, leading to an increase in the volume of water in the blood vessels and increased blood pressure. And I refuse to be the salt, not only as from the seasonings, but also on the salty foods (pickles and tomatoes, sausages, sausages and so on. D.), And blood pressure decreases by 5 - 7 mm Hg. Art. By the way, removing the salt from the diet for a month, you can lose weight by 6 - 12 kg.
- Get rid of excess weight. It proved that weight reduction reduces blood pressure by 20 mm Hg. Art.
Considered normal blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg. Art., high - higher than 140/90 mm Hg. Art.
How to choose a tonometer
Tonometer to measure pressure - a necessary thing in the house. Mercury, mechanical, electronic - what to choose?
- Mercury tonometer - the most accurate. All medical research is carried out only this tonometer. However, a mercury sphygmomanometer is not very convenient in everyday use: they can not be used in a noisy environment; it contains mercury - a toxic substance, and its use requires special skills.
- Mechanical tonometer is also not very convenient in everyday use: the need for special skills and the assistant; We need complete silence to measure.
- Electronic tonometer - the most convenient. It does not require any effort. Just press a button, and the pressure will be measured.
Choose a tonometer with a special feature that allows you to measure the pressure of the heart rhythm disturbances, whereas in atrial fibrillation the pressure will be measured correctly.
When buying pay attention to the size of the cuff, first measure the girth shoulder. If the cuff is small in size, you will get inflated figures of pressure.
How to measure the pressure
- Measure the pressure only on the shoulder, placing a cuff on the upper arm. Pressure measurement on the finger is not accurate. Vessels fingers very small, and if they are impressed by atherosclerosis, blood pressure did not catch the pressure increase.
- Before measuring pressure, you need to sit quietly 3 - 4 minutes, leaning back in his chair.
Treatment and prevention
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