Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Moms have to suck the nipples of their children

Moms do not have to deny yourself the pleasure in sucking nipples their babies are believed by scientists from Cambridge and University College London. Thus they will be able to accommodate those things beneficial bacteria, that will strengthen the child's immune system.

 Moms have to suck the nipples of their children  nipple

The theory of harm so-called "sterile purity "of the health of the child received a new confirmation. Earlier science He has already proved that it is necessary for small children to run around in the puddles, crawl on ground and get dirty with mud from the first years of life, so that their immunity has developed and strengthened by contact with different bacteria. Those kids who parents carefully guard against any germs, then grow weak and are more likely to suffer from multiple allergies.

Now, British researchers advise parents from time to Time to remove the pacifier from his mouth and suck their babies themselves, and then returning the nipples children. So on the surface of these objects appear beneficial bacteria strengthen the immune   system. In addition, the scientists also often advised to walk kids on nature, visit the farm animals, to see to it that the children regularly kissed all family members (for the exchange of bacteria), and to sports they were engaged in a park on the outdoors, not in enclosed rooms. All this also necessary for strengthen the immune system .

"If parents take their babies pacifiers to sterilize them, and then returned, or replaced by new ones, by the same token significantly increases the risk of subsequent development of eczema in children and asthma - says Professor Graham Rook, author of the study. - But if you treat one of those moms who take a pacifier and purified it with his own mouth, and then return it to the kid, then you should be commended. Maybe it does not seem very hygienic, but in doing so there is a process of development the "right" of bacteria in the oral cavity and in the infant gut. They will defend his life! " (READ MORE)

Healthy Child

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