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January 18, 2013

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 Nettle-rash  Nettle-rash   (another name - hives ) - A disease that has an allergic nature. The main symptom of this disease is education blisters   on the skin and mucous membranes. Since the human body responds to stimulation. Urticaria usually develops very quickly. After proper treatment, most forms of manifestation of this disease is similar to disappear quickly.

Causes of urticaria

Provoke a manifestation of urticaria in humans may be of virtually any allergen . These may be food, and chemicals, and plant pollen. The most difficult moment in the process of diagnosis of the disease is to identify the causes of urticaria. This requires observation and care.

The disease manifests itself in the human hives suddenly, if there is an acute form of the disease. With this disease during his signs on the face and on the skin of other authorities expressed a clear, easy to recognize, even in the photo. Chronic urticaria is most often seen as a consequence of disease processes in the internal organs, as well as the presence of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, especially the autonomic.

Allergens are often not completely cleaved protein products, toxins and toxic substances, which appear in the body as a consequence of failure of operation of the internal organs. Allergies It may have a bacterial origin. Worm infestation can also cause symptoms of urticaria.

In medicine, the causes of hives are divided into exogenous   (pharmacological, nutritional, physical, thermal) and Endogenous   (pathology of the internal organs).

Types of hives

 Nettle-rash  Experts distinguish several different types of this disease, guided by causes that provoked its development. If a person is prone to manifestations of allergic reactions it has been broken diet Hence, there is a food allergy. Separately, the doctors dressed cold, mechanical, solar forms of urticaria. Cholinergic urticaria develop as a reaction of the autonomic nervous system to the action of heat or exercise. Also used the term "demographic urticaria," which also is developing under the influence of etiopathogenetic factors and is the physical form of the disease.

Given the nature of the disease, doctors isolated acute   and chronic   form. Chronic recurrent rash develops on the background of infection. Urticaria pigmentosa - the result of pathological processes of the skin cells. As appears urticaria in this case, it depends on the intensity of the processes. Sometimes it can be very pronounced spots of blue-red color.

Trying to define what urticaria, and how there is a disease in humans, experts sometimes diagnosed "idiopathic urticaria." This allergic reaction appears for no apparent reason, and that this situation occurs often enough. At the same medications (ointment, creams, etc.) May not have a positive impact on the patient's condition.

Relatively often manifests itself during pregnancy, and urticaria. This allergy in pregnant women may be a result of exposure to the allergen as described above and in response to hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother.

Symptoms of hives

 Nettle-rash  Symptoms generally appear urticaria pathological formations on the skin. In more rare cases such formations appear on mucous membranes. It may be blisters of various sizes that are raised above the skin, have a pink hue, edema, dense form. The outlines have blisters can be both round and krupnofestonchatymi, sometimes they pale in the center.

Acute urticaria It begins abruptly: urticaria symptoms manifested by intense itching, severe rashes, burning on the ground, where there urticaria. In addition to the visible manifestations of the disease in a patient there is a violation of general condition of the body. Develops limited swelling of the skin or mucous membranes. Also swells subcutaneous fat face or genitals. Type of skin changes: it becomes plotnoelasticheskoy, color - white or pink. Possible asphyxia and stenosis of the larynx.

Development chronic recurrent urticaria   usually it takes place in the presence of a chronic infectious disease - cholecystitis . tonsillitis . adneksita   et al. In that case the symptoms manifest violation of the liver, the gastrointestinal tract. In recurrent disease in different parts of the skin blisters. In chronic urticaria rashes are less abundant, but the rash appears on different parts of the skin. Periodically replaced relapse remission, which can last for different periods of time. When a person suffers from recurrent feeling unwell - headache, weakness, fever. If there is a swelling of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient had diarrhea, vomiting, nausea. In addition, a person very concerned about itching, because of which can be prolonged insomnia, neurotic disorders .

Manifestations solar urticaria Which is a species photodermatosis In most cases it occurs in people who suffer from liver disease and have impaired porphyrin metabolism in sensitization to ultraviolet. The most common disease diagnosed in women in the warm season. Eruptions at solar urticaria appear on the skin areas that are exposed to sunlight uncovered. If the patient stays in the sun too long, there may be a common reaction - respiratory disorders, heart. In severe cases, it may cause shock.

Cold urticaria It is primary or secondary. Primary hives - the result of human exposure to cold temperatures. Manifestations of secondary urticaria occurs as a result of an allergic reaction to the metabolic products formed in the skin as a result of low temperatures.

Also sometimes diagnosed atypical form of acute urticaria Manifested as a result of mechanical action on the skin. In this form of urticaria, blisters are arranged linearly, and itching are observed.

With persistent papular urticaria urticaria rashes persist over a long period of time and gradually transformed into papules. In addition to persistent edema patient manifests hyperkeratosis and acanthosis. Nodules appear on the extensor surfaces of the arms and legs, their color is reddish-brown. Most often this form of urticaria occurs in women.

Diagnosis of urticaria

Typically, relatively easy to diagnose urticaria. This can be done not only specialist allergist, but the doctor general practice.

But in some cases, it looks to you to determine which allergen was the cause of such a state. In this case, the assigned number of additional research. This identification of specific autoantibodies, the definition of cold agglutinin and cryoglobulins holding of general and full blood count, liver function tests, analysis of feces, urine, skin biopsy.

If the patient occur signs of systemic disease, he carried rheumatologic tests, as elements of urticaria may occur with certain autoimmune diseases.

The differential diagnosis is carried out dermatosis Duhring Since in this disease show similar symptoms.

Treatment of urticaria

 Nettle-rash  In modern medicine, urticaria treatment is carried out using different preparations, which can stop the development of allergic reactions. Such agents blocked the release histamine Which is the cause of allergic reactions. Consequently, these medications called antihistamines.

If a patient develops acute urticaria, then apply other methods of treatment aimed at normalizing the general condition of the patient. If an allergic reaction provoked drugs or food shows hyposensitizing drugs, laxatives. If the patient's condition is very serious, attack relieve administration adrenaline , Corticosteroid agents. It should be applied outside medicine for urticaria. Best used antipruritic.

Before treating a chronic disease, you need to determine what kind of etiological factor provoked its manifestations. After identifying the allergen is necessary to eliminate its impact on the patient, then it is possible to make a decision on how to cure this disease. But it should be borne in mind that the treatment of folk remedies can be carried out only as a support measure after doctor's permission.

But if the allergen can not be determined, the patient is hospitalized and prescribed him complete fasting for a few days. Here are allowed to drink water. Every day held water treatments, as well as cleansing enemas.

Those patients who have observed abnormalities in the nervous system, therapy should be carried out with the use of sedatives. It is important to stick to your diet and eliminate food and drinks, exciting effects on the body.

When solar urticaria should be fotodesensibiliziruyuschie funds.

To establish a common metabolic processes in the body, practiced oral iron, vitamins, sodium hyposulfite and others.

As auxiliary therapy methods applied topically, which perfectly suited for folk remedies. This series of teas and chamomile bath, also prepared a bath of bran, starch. And ointments are applied to the corticosteroid hormones.

Besides these therapies important points of complex treatment of hives is the optimal sleep and rest, diet, normalization of overall health.

Urticaria in children treated using the same methods as in adult patients. However, the treatment of this disease in children should be performed exclusively by your doctor. Parents must ensure that the diet in which excluded from the diet products containing biologically active substances. Using a cleansing enema in a child can in some cases provide clean the body from the allergen. Also, be sure to use antihistamines.

The manifestations of urticaria during pregnancy has no effect on the developing fetus. But to eliminate such manifestations doctor prescribes the expectant mother antihistamines. It is also practiced by the use of cooling and moisturizing creams, which may reduce the itching. It is recommended to wear comfortable loose clothing, often take a shower.

Prevention urticaria

As measures to prevent the development of hives important is the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, the elimination of foci of chronic infection, to eliminate all factors that can trigger allergies. Observe a balanced diet.

Prevention of hives in children provides very attentive to all stimuli. Therefore, all new foods should be introduced into the diet carefully and gradually. It is important to take measures to strengthen the immune system of the child. If your baby is prone to frequent allergy, it is necessary to periodically led to the appointment with the specialist allergist.

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