Description overdue on 01.07.2014
- Latin name: Kamistad
- ATC code: A01AD11
- Active substance: Lidocaine + chamomile flower extract (Lidocaine + Chamomillae recutitae floridis extract)
- Manufacturer: Stada Arzneimittel AG (from Germany)
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use Kamistada (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Synonyms
- Analogs
- Babies
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
The preparation includes Kamistad Lidocaine hydrochloride (Compound monohydrate), and tincture of chamomile flowers .
Also the gel contains additional ingredients: Carbomer . benzalkonium chloride . sodium saccharin . Oil camphor laurel . formic acid . ethanol . trometamol . water .
Product form
Gel Kamistad a yellow-brown color, contained in aluminum tubes (10 g). Tuba is packed in a box made of cardboard, which also contains a summary to the drug.
Pharmacological action
Ointment Kamistad has combined local effect: it has anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and antimicrobial effect. The tool reduces pain by stabilizing lidocaine neuronal membrane. Under the influence of lidocaine penetration is reduced as sodium ions through the membrane, which prevents the passage of the pain impulse. As a result, the pain is removed quickly and for a longer period.
Chamomile tincture It affects the body complex. It promotes the active healing of the mucous membranes, reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process destroys pathogens. Because the tool has a gel base, the active substances can easily penetrate into the tissue affected by the disease.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
There is no information on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug.
Gel Kamistad and Baby Kamistad It applied in such diseases and conditions:
- stomatitis ;
- gingivitis ;
- cheilitis ;
- erythema of the lips ;
- injury to the mucous membrane in the use of prostheses;
- irritation due to wearing braces ;
- the teething process (and dairy, and permanent);
- carrying out different manipulations in dentistry and orthodontics.
The drug is also used for the purpose of pain relief and recovery of damaged mucosa after various surgical procedures in the mouth.
Do not use the tool in the following cases:
- high sensitivity to component products;
- hepatic . renal failure ;
- heart failure;
- arterial hypertension ;
- bradycardia ;
- disturbance of intraventricular conduction ;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- age of the child up to three months.
Side effects
If the drug is used according to instructions, side effects were noted.
Occasionally there may be some local symptoms: burning sensation, itch . hyperemia .
Instructions for use Kamistada (method and dosage)
If the gel is used to treat Kamistad, instruction at the same time it should be strictly adhered to. The ointment is applied to a strip thickness of 5 mm. In mucosal injury means must be applied massage three times a day. Instructions for use Kamistada stipulates that adults gel can be applied more often if necessary. When it comes to rubbing mucous membrane as a result of wearing dentures, the gel is applied to the places where I feel discomfort. It is used to means until all symptoms disappear completely.
Baby Kamistad used to lubrication gum children less than three times per day. The gel is advantageously applicable for children in the growth period of the teeth, so as gel teething, deciduous and permanent, considerably reduces the pain and discomfort.
Practical cases of drug overdose not described. It is theoretically possible vomiting . bradycardia . apnea when consuming large amounts of gel inside. If there is a suspicion that there has been use of a gel internally, you should immediately seek medical help.
No data on the interaction Kamistada with other drugs. However, in the treatment of other drugs before starting to use gel to get medical advice.
Terms of sale
Pharmacies Kamistad sold without a doctor's prescription.
Storage conditions
Store means you need at an air temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, Kamistad should be kept in a dry and warm place. After the tube was opened, the gel can be used for 12 months.
Shelf life
Kamistad may be kept for 5 years.
If in the course of treatment the symptoms do not disappear, and compounded, you must immediately contact a doctor.
You should carefully monitor the gel did not get into the eyes.
Before applying the ointment should be thoroughly wash your hands.
Kalgel . Lidocaine . Lidoksor . Luan . Dentinox .
Tablets Dentokind
Dental adhesive paste Solkoseril
Analogs Kamistada - it's drugs, which produce identical pharmacological effect. A similar effect on the human body have drugs: Inokain . Novocaine angro . Menovazin . Alkain . Novocaine . Bupivacaine . Septanest . Anestezin . Mepivacaine . Emla . Alfakain . Naropin . Articaine hydrochloride . Dikain . Skandonest and others. However, all of these funds are used for certain indications, and self-medication should not be interchanged.
Kalgel or Kamistad - which is better?
When choosing a drug for local anesthesia, especially for children, parents are often difficult to make a choice and decide which drug to choose. Comparing means Kalgel and Kamistad, it should be noted that they are similar. Nevertheless, Kalgel comprises a minimal amount of lidocaine, however it is not as pronounced off mucosa. Action Kamistada more pronounced, so it should be used strictly according to the scheme.
Kamistad or Holisal - which is better?
The preparation Holisal is produced in the form of a gel, it is just as Kamistad is used in dentistry and has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antipyretic effects. But replacing one drug to others should be only after the approval of a physician.
The tool is not used for children up to the age of three months. Kamistad for children under one year is used strictly according to instructions specified in this dose should not be exceeded.
During pregnancy and lactation
At pregnancy And during breast breast milk Kamistada application possible in the case, if the physician decides on the need for such treatment.
Reviews Kamistade
Reviews Kamistade teething, as well as using the gel for the treatment of other diseases in the most positive. Parents say that gum gel reduces irritation and pain that helps calm the child. Typically, after lubricating gel oral mucosa baby safely asleep. However, in a review, it noted that it is desirable to use the gel after a doctor's appointment, since it is the expert can tell in detail how to use the tool. There is also easy to use the gel as it does not spread on the surface to which it is applied, therefore, it is easy to apply dot.
Also, in a review of the application in question Kamistada for adults. The drug is effective in relieving the symptoms of stomatitis, with injuries and other mucous membrane.
Price Kamistada where to buy
Price Kasmistad gel (10 g TUBE) on average from 140 to 170 rubles depending on the place of sale. Price Kamistada in Ukraine is an average of 40-50 hryvnia.
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