Monday, December 18, 2017


February 24, 2012

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 Thrombosis  Thrombosis   - A condition which is characterized by the formation of blood clots   in the vascular lumen of the circulatory system or in heart cavities. In the development of this disease is the emergence blood clots   - Blood clot - in veins . Such clots are composed of Platelet . erythrocyte . leukocytes . fibrin . They interfere with normal blood flow. Such clots may be attached to the wall of the vein, and to be movable. But in general, this disease is considered to be very dangerous and requires immediate treatment. However insidious disease consists in the fact that thrombosis, depending on the location, the nature of the thrombus, as well as whether and to what extent it overlaps the vessel lumen may develop completely imperceptible to humans. Especially the absence of symptoms characteristic of a blood clot that moves. Such a clot is of particular danger to life and health of the patient, because in the process of movement, he can move in pulmonary artery   and provoke it a complete blockage.

Reasons thrombosis

There are a number of states, which have resulted in the veins of the lower extremities of a person observed poor circulation. This is characteristic of varicose veins, pregnancy , Long-term stay in a sitting posture. Once the movement of the blood becomes slower, the body having conditions for occurrence of blood clots in the veins.

Also, thrombosis often occurs in those patients who suffer from very high blood clotting. In some cases, the abnormality is inherited. However, most often this phenomenon occurs due to the strong dehydration. In turn, dehydration may result from copious drinking, long retention time high body temperature, as well as the use of a number of hormonal contraceptives.

Thrombosis can occur in the presence of damage to the venous wall due to the pronounced effect of pathological microorganisms living in the soft tissues.

Decided to allocate a number of factors that can trigger the development of thrombosis. For those accepted to the age, the presence of a tendency to obesity, previous surgeries in the abdomen, limbs, joints, prolonged physical inactivity   due to prolonged bed rest after surgery. A higher risk of thrombosis observed in pregnant women: it is a consequence of increased blood clotting due to increased protein content in it. Also impair blood flow may increase in childbearing uterus. Blood vessels may be damaged during delivery, and also because of the different nature of injuries. Therefore, thrombosis often occurs in the postpartum period. The trigger mechanism, leading to the formation of blood clots, often the development of cancer.

Recently, and cases of thrombosis of the upper extremities. In this case by other causes of this pathology. Thus, the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis   in the upper extremities can result from the presence of the catheter in the vein of his hands. Due to the long stay in the vein catheter provokes irritation. As a consequence, it may form the wall of a blood clot. Also, sometimes manifested thrombosis due to the presence cardioverter defibrillator or pacemaker of the heart, as well as tumors in the malignant nature of the vein. Too intense physical stress on the hands can also be a predisposing factor. This type of thrombosis is usually a lot of well-built men who play sports. In this case, the deep veins are squeezed developed muscles of the shoulder girdle and, as a result, they violated patency.

The symptoms of thrombosis

A person with disability has pronounced symptoms of thrombosis. First of all, he feels very strong pain Expander nature, often painful sensations occur during walking. If we compare the color in the exposed area with the color of the healthy skin, in the first case there will be a marked change in color. Skin due to the stagnation of venous blood becomes cyanotic color. Symptoms thrombosis occur during development of the disease. Patients occur swelling, redness of the skin, may increase body temperature, there is a high sensitivity or symptoms of pain in the thighs, calves, when you touch to the place affected by the disease. Such feelings are enhanced when walking long distances.

However, in the process of diagnosis, it is important to distinguish between the symptoms of thrombosis with symptoms of other diseases. After all, the same symptoms may occur and Baker's cysts At cellulite . This significantly complicates the process of diagnosing thrombosis.

As a first sign of deep vein thrombosis may be a manifestation thromboembolism pulmonary embolism . For such a condition characterized by sudden blockage of the pulmonary artery. Very often the reason for such a clot, which appeared in the deep veins of the lower extremities, and advanced to the pulmonary artery. In this case, the patient will feel the sudden appearance shortness of breath , Increased heart rate, pain in the chest, which will be exacerbated if the person breathes deeply. The patient may suffer bouts of coughing, which will be allocated in the blood, it can lose consciousness as a result of this condition.

Complications Thrombosis

 Thrombosis  As complications of arterial thrombosis, and impaired blood flow in the patient can then develop quite serious ailments. In some cases, a complication of this disease are heart attacks perfused organs. This can be myocardial infarction . Coronary artery disease . thromboembolism .

In some cases, thrombosis is the first step towards the development of phlebitis - phlebitis . In this case, the affected veins are about three times more likely than an artery. This causes a slower blood flow in the veins, which contributes to the manifestation thrombophlebitis .

Also, this condition is often a prerequisite to the development of cerebral thrombosis.

We can not allow the blockage of the pulmonary artery thrombus. The consequence of edema in some cases becomes gangrene   followed by amputation of the limb.

Diagnosing Thrombosis

Before instrumental method for the diagnosis of thrombosis, specialists use BCF test. This is done by foot binding elastic bandage. An assessment of sensation of the patient, the nature of the filling of the veins and blood flow. As a general rule, to establish the level of deep venous patency applied march sample. For this leg from the groin to the toes bandage elastic bandage, and the patient goes for some time. If a person feels arching pain in the legs, and the decay of the saphenous veins happens, it can be assumed violation of patency of deep veins, which arose as a result of thrombosis.

Today successfully used several methods for diagnosis of diseases, thus used as invasive and non-invasive methods. The most accurate method for the detection of a thrombosis venography . For this purpose, one of the vein, which is located below the harness, a contrast agent is administered to direct contrast to the deep veins. This is followed by X-ray investigation of the lower limb. Blood clots can be identified on the radiograph as a filling defect contrast.

Sometimes, to identify blood clots appointed ultrasound vessels. With it you can define how the velocity of blood flow, the condition of the walls of veins and blood clots to see.

With the help of radionuclide scan can identify the level at which a blood clot is located. To do this, in the vein of the foot enter special radioactive drug, which then accumulates in the thrombus. Then scan the blood clot.

The treatment of thrombosis

Given that the effect of thrombosis are serious complications, the person who is diagnosed thrombosis, should be immediately hospitalized.

If there are no contraindications to this procedure, in the first five days of a person removed a blood clot. If there is a loose thrombus vein overtighten. As a rule, this procedure does not provoke side effects and patsinet quickly recovering.

If symptoms of thrombosis occur in the elderly, who suffer from many ailments and are predisposed to occlusion of the pulmonary artery, special traps, which prevent blood clots in the lungs of the patient.

If the patient is diagnosed with blood clots attached to the walls of blood vessels, it is often used for the treatment of thrombosis of different drugs.

In this case it is expedient to use anticoagulants Lowering blood coagulation, as well as preparations - thrombolytics . fibrinolitikov . antiplatelet .

Most often patients assigned heparin   intravenously and subcutaneously. Dosage and route of administration is determined on an individual basis. It is also possible to use in parallel with heparin anticoagulants ( bishydroxycoumarin ). This treatment lasts for at least several months to prevent recurrence of the disease. The therapy is often done to check the status of the blood likely change doses of drugs.

In some cases, appointed by the receiving antiplatelet - Aspirin . He destroys those cells that are responsible for blood clotting. Aspirin also considered a means which is effective as the prevention of thrombosis. This medicine may be used for the prevention of thrombosis.

Prevention of thrombosis

 Thrombosis  First of all, for the prevention of thrombosis should take all measures for the timely treatment of varicose veins and other venous diseases. It is important to know whether there is a family history of thrombosis. If these diseases were with relatives, a person should carry out blood tests for thrombophilia. Such a study is necessary to pass and people who have certain risk factors for thrombosis. This heavy smokers, people suffering obesity , Diseases of veins. Also, the risk factors considered constant sedentary work and a high level cholesterol .

It is important to conduct therapy h abolevany cardiovascular system . oncological diseases . Diabetes .

In the process of thrombosis prophylaxis one of the key steps is to ensure an adequate level of daily activity and regular moderate exercise. A healthy lifestyle should be maintained constantly, and in certain periods of life (during physical exertion, surgical procedures) you need to take special drugs.

People have a tendency to thrombosis, should take all measures to intensify the work of the venous heart. In the process of sedentary work it is important to take regular breaks, which are accompanied by the implementation of a number of exercises. Useful walks in the fresh air. As the prevention of thrombosis is important and drinking regime, because in order to maintain the water balance is necessary to use enough liquid.

As preventive measures need full cessation of smoking, healthy food. People who are prone to varicose veins, you need to wear compression stockings, taking drugs niacin, vitamin complexes (essential B vitamins, folic acid ).

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