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Sex appeal and sexuality

December 30, 2012

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 Sex appeal and sexuality  The terms " sexuality "And" sex appeal "Is often heard in modern language. But while people are not always clearly understand the difference between one concept from another. In addition, the values ​​of both clear definitions also correctly perceived by no means all.

So, sex appeal, in a translation from English means "sex appeal." Consequently, this concept in relation to people of both sexes represents the ability to present themselves as a sexual person, and a willingness to respond to the sexual demands of the opposite sex. However, speaking about sexuality, we do not necessarily mean high demand sexuality . Sexuality - a concept that determines the sexual characteristics of man and his immediate sexual behavior.

Sex appeal

Talking about what is sex appeal, it should be noted that it appears the person is not only directly in the sexual relations, but also in his behavior, mentality, manner of speaking, the features of the body structure, habits, clothing, etc.

It is clear that in fact distinguish between the concept of sexuality and sexuality is difficult. After all, if a woman or a man observed bright, distinctive features, allowing members of the opposite sex to feel sexy or outgoing sex appeal, then we are talking about sexual attraction.

 Sex appeal and sexuality  In this case, the sex appeal is to be understood as an open sex appeal, both men and women, which is the ability to cause a desire in the opposite sex. But we should not assume that there are clearly defined criteria sexuality. In fact, they are specific to each individual. Therefore, very often it happens that a man with no visible signs of a bright beauty is attractive to many people because of the presence he had hidden a special charm. At the same time, the relatively beautiful in terms of the attractiveness of the canons of the person remains alone and nobody cares.

What is the sex appeal

This concept can not be determined precisely, without taking into account some aspects inherent in both women and men in each individual case. Thus sexuality and sex appeal often can be the same as the woman who knows how to please men and knows how to attract attention, and are usually able to get satisfaction in sex. However, it happens and so, that the sexy girl or woman is totally sexy. At the same time, if necessary, sexy woman can manifest itself extremely sexy.

Thus, a clear distinction between these concepts at least in order to understand how to cultivate such characteristics.

Women's sex appeal - it is the presence of the fair sex of the external characteristics that can cause a man libido . Typically, these characteristics and traits correspond to recognized standards of beauty in society. Accordingly, it is now considered to be sexy girls, similar to those which depict the covers of glossy magazines. In addition, women's sex appeal also includes honed ability to flirt and seduce men.

Sexy women dress and behave in a way to attract the attention of the opposite sex, and cause them some sexual thoughts and fantasies. By the way, now the concept of "sex appeal" actively apply to men, although earlier it was intended solely for the characteristics of the women.

Sex appeal can be subdivided into two different terms: internal   and foreign . In the first case it is the natural inclinations of man and how he was able to develop them. In the second case we are talking about clothes, make-up, perfume and other male and female accessories.

Experts say it is the inner meaning of the leading term, because it is more conducive to appeal. The man with sex appeal advanced is capable of not only non-verbally transmit positive sexual feelings elect, but also radiate unshakable confidence in their abilities. External data play in this case is not the most important role, so the above canons modern beauty in practice have lead value. Consequently, if we consider the concept of "sex appeal" to a certain extent synonymous with "attractive", it is possible to say that even the most beautiful woman or a man are not always attractive, and vice versa.

How to develop sexuality?

 Sex appeal and sexuality  Many women and men are not only interested in what is sexuality, but also eager to hear practical advice on how to develop sexuality.

However, some people for some reason are confident that do not possess this quality perfectly, and even try to pass a test on sexuality. Especially sharply this problem is bothering the ladies who are in search of a permanent partner.

However, experts argue that women's sexuality goes to every woman on the nature. What is important is to create conditions for the evolution of female sexuality have occurred naturally. Very often natural sexuality does not develop because of the variety of taboos and prohibitions that are instilled since childhood. As men's sexuality and the sexuality of women suffer during the course of life due to the acquired systems, failed relationships, social requirements, and others. Moreover, such an experience a person can get in a very young age. Psychology of adolescents is such that any failure can significantly displayed on the character, feelings, and later in life. As a result - there are unnecessary Complexes   and the belief in their own non-sexual.

Therefore it is important to know some of the secrets that can help sort out how to improve sexuality. You can, of course, examine their own sexual horoscope, try to identify the secrets of sexuality zodiac signs or their own behalf. But all of this - no more than an entertaining pastime. Both theory and practice shows that the development of sexuality should begin with a psychological change in the inner world.

Man, it is important to get rid of the causes that prevent the expression of sexuality. In some cases, it is appropriate to a psychologist. But everything changed for the better and you can yourself, the more that the virtual collection of tips for gaining sexuality is quite impressive.

Practical advice

 Sex appeal and sexuality  In order to radiate sexuality, first of all, you need to truly love yourself. If a person like his body, he has harmonious thoughts and calm the soul, he was sexy. Therefore, initially, it is important to try to achieve harmony with oneself. Do not try to change your body first, and then fall in love with him. It is better to accept the fact that the generally accepted canons of beauty is something can not answer, but it's your body, and it is worthy of love. Sexologists advise to gradually learn to enjoy every touch. This will help to feel and understand the desires and preferences of the body.

Learn bodily sensuality may be in the process of sexual games. But for those who are not yet confident, experts advise to try to study the preferences of the body by means of tapping the different materials. You can experiment, left alone and alternately touching the body of pieces of different fabrics and objects from various materials - metal, wood, glass, and others. This simple exercise will not only learn to listen to your own feelings, but also will provide an opportunity to see which ones you like most. If a person is to understand what brings him pleasure, even in direct contact with a partner get free it will be much easier.

Women help to become sexier belly dance classes. When learning to dance so the body becomes more flexible and lean, and thus awakens hidden deep inside sensuality. The woman after a while, gait changes: it becomes more smooth and easy. And the body, and smile through dance classes begin to emit light, attractive sexuality.

To the knowledge of his own body and his desires it is recommended to visit a professional sessions Massage . During the massage you need to relax as much as possible, to disengage from the outside world, but at the same time readability of their own feelings. It is important to "catch" the moment when you will no longer feel constrained and feel the relaxation of the body and pleasant sensations of touch. These feelings need to fix in the memory, knowing that pleasure - that's fine.

For disclosure of sexuality is recommended to use some   essential oils Allowing to release tension and relax. By the way, the classic works of love and erotic films recognized masters of the genre are also recommended for those who wish to understand their own sexuality.

By the way, an important role in the development of sexuality play and regular physical activity, through which you can gain and muscle tone, and take a step toward the harmony with the feelings of the body. After all, the best in the state will remain the body, so be confident and calm the soul. Practiced as a special set of exercises, positively affecting the sexy woman. This is a special Intimate gymnastics Positively affects the development of intimate muscles. So called Kegel exercises Consisting in the sequential contraction of the muscles of the vagina, allows gradually strengthen them.

Psychological subtlety

 Sex appeal and sexuality  Psychologists advise to those who yearn to reveal a sexy, begins with awareness of their own feelings. A person who wants to communicate with a partner and feel his desire, should initially learn to feel.

To the inner naturalness was with you all over the place, you must keep track of their own emotions in different situations, constantly thinking over how you react naturally. We must learn to always tell the truth. At least to yourself.

Another important point - the emancipation that allows you to find the inner and outer freedom. Achieving this will help special literature about overcoming complexes and gaining confidence.

Negative impact on human sexuality has stress   and mental stress. Fatigue and preoccupied with troubles people can not be attractive, because his thoughts are occupied only problems. Psychologists advise to look at the people who are staying at the height of love: their eyes sparkle, they radiate attractiveness, because their thoughts are wholly owned by the object of love. Therefore, every day in life you need to look beautiful moments and in any case did not focus on the problems and self-pity.

A look at the world also needs a special way, trying to find in it as much as possible of sexual beauty. Regardless of your gender, you need to seek and women and men are attractive, handsome features and sincerely admire them. Psychologists advise as much as possible to dream, imagining things and events related to the sensual pleasures. It does not have to be sex scenes - you can, for example, imagine a beautiful place, where would you like to be alone with your partner. You can dream and music.

In addition, human sexuality, and is composed of many other seemingly minor points. For example, sex can be a voice - his voice and manner of speaking. It should not be quick: sexy measured, clear phrases. Finally, said no less important: compliments, beautiful words and the treatment can emit attractive, sexy hidden if master this art.

Thus, the development of sexuality and sex appeal involves large internal work on yourself.

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