Friday, February 24, 2017

Changes in speech

December 4, 2013

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 Changes in speech  Speech unit a person consists of several levels. Initially formation occurs in speech the speech center, which is located in the temporal lobe of the brain of the dominant hemisphere. Further, the formation of speech define those brain centers that are responsible for voluntary movement. Then transmitted through nerve fibers to the muscles of excitement larynx . language . throat . lips . cheeks . There is muscle movement, which, together with the air flow in the upper respiratory tract determines the final formation of human speech.

As changes occur speech?

Due to various diseases speech changes can occur due to malfunction or any stages of the formation of speech. Depending on how serious the damage is manifested the intensity of speech disorders .

No matter how serious speech disorder observed in humans, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. Manifest violation depend on the characteristics and the level of destruction.

Changes in speech, which is due to abnormalities in functioning of the nervous system, called aphasia . This person demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of how grammatical And lexical structure of the language . Being in the mind, it can not properly build their phrases and does not understand what he is told. Typically, such a speech disorder associated with disturbances in cerebral cortex, which are associated with injuries . inflammations . tumors . vascular pathologies As well as atrophic process . Aphasia is sometimes observed in some psychiatric diseases.

With dysarthria   the articulation of a person is violated, it can not fully answer, as the lips and tongue " I do not listen ". As a consequence, there is no clarity in the speech, the certainty, the patient speaks as if he had something stuffed his mouth. Dysarthria is associated with impaired neuromuscular transmission, as in this case, can we talk about violations of the central and peripheral nervous system. Such a violation is typical for both adults and children.

Dysphonia   - The change of speech, which is characterized by the manifestation hoarseness and voice crackling. St. Zuchary's disease   determined by a person in the event that it had completely absent.

 Changes in speech  Diagnosis " alalia "Set the child if it had not entirely. This pathology is associated with damage to the speech areas of the cerebral cortex that occur during fetal development. Alalia about two times more common in boys. This disorder is associated with chronic diseases like mother and violations of pregnancy, injuries, poisoning, and others. In severe forms alalia it is completely absent, with light - occurs in part.

In all cases, to pinpoint particular speech disorders and to establish the correct diagnosis can only be a doctor.

Why change the speech appear?

All changes of speech, which are observed in humans are associated with a specific disease. Aphasia is a consequence of traumatic brain injury, stroke, serious infectious lesions, poisonings. Such a speech disorder is often observed in people with Alzheimer . Pick's .

Ataxophemia   - A consequence of damage zadnelobnyh and subcortical regions of the brain. Dysarthria is common in people who have suffered stroke . Change of this type of speech is typical for Chiari anomaly . vascular aneurysm . polymyositis . Guillain-Barre syndrome . myasthenia and others. When these diseases are sometimes observed and dysphonia. However, dysphonia is frequently observed in people suffering from diseases larynx . throat . oral . Such diseases defines otolaryngologist So when hoarseness and crackling in the first place you need to visit the specialist.

St. Zuchary's disease   - A symptom characteristic of mental illness. It may be completely absent in people with schizophrenia . hysteria , Severe depression . Sometimes accompanied by mutism epilepsy . In this case, the absence of speech is associated with dysfunction of the central nervous system. Such a change of speech is often the result of a serious nervous breakdown, mental health injuries. So, mutism can occur in humans as a result of major disasters, the loss of loved ones and other shocks.

Failures in speech development of a child depends on how serious these lesions, as well as age. Changes in speech may be associated with injuries sustained during childbirth, or injuries that the child has received later. Often, a child develops physically normal, but he appears alalia, that is, his speech remains undeveloped.

In addition to these reasons for changes in the speech of different types occur in patients Parkinson's disease . hyperkinetic dysarthria ( hoarseness . violation of articulation ) Tourette's syndrome . diabetes . alcoholism . Speech disorders occur as a result of the defeat motor neuron . damage to the trigeminal nerve . facial nerve . vagus nerve . hypoglossal nerve .

How to get rid of changes in speech?

 Changes in speech  Treatment changes manifested speech is carried out depending on the disease being triggered manifestation of the symptom. Therefore, initially, it is important to conduct a thorough diagnosis and determine the nature of such violations. In modern medicine practiced pharmacological . speech therapy . Surgical . Physiotherapy   treatment of such pathologies. In most cases, practiced complex therapy.

People who have been diagnosed St. Zuchary's disease , Requires very meticulous care. It is important to constantly strive to " get talking "Man, save him from muteness and deafness. For this purpose, you can try to use a variety of gestures, facial expressions, write words or draw. What to do in a particular case, tell the doctor. Your doctor may prescribe treatment mutism with medication in a specific pattern.

Treating children who have observed changes in speech, conduct relevant specialists, depending on the causes of speech problems. At a delay of speech development should be directed to child psychologist . Often, however, problems with speech allows correct treatment at specialist speech therapy . Prolonged treatment is necessary for those children who have speech marked changes associated with neurological problems. Sometimes disorders fade with age. But any disturbances of speech in the child's parents must pay attention to it and consult a specialist immediately.

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